Teryfing Tribulation

The effortless display of power left Bai Yu speechless. "This… is only a fraction of the potential," he thought, a wide grin splitting his face. "Imagine this combined with the Law Domain Master Realm!"

Fueled by this newfound strength and a burning ambition, he declared, "Time to break through!

He settled himself onto the rocky summit, channeling his energy inward. As he delved deeper into his core, a resounding crack echoed through his body, a tangible sign of the barrier fracturing. The very air crackled with raw power as the heavens reacted to his audacious attempt.

Terrifying dark clouds materialized above, blotting out the sun and plunging the world into an ominous twilight. The pressure emanating from these storm clouds was immense, enough to force even Late Xiantian Realm experts to their knees. Bai Yu, bathed in this oppressive aura, looked up at the churning sky with a steely glint in his eyes."A wise choice," he muttered, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction.

"Breaking through on a deserted island was indeed the right call. Otherwise, even Blue Tempest Island wouldn't have withstood the fury of this tribulation."Above him, the storm raged, condensing into a mesmerizing spectacle of multicolored lightning. Each bolt crackled with an energy that could obliterate mountains, a testament to the immense power required to ascend to the Law Domain Master Realm. Bai Yu, undeterred by the spectacle, closed his eyes, a determined smile playing on his lips.

The first bolts of lightning ripped through the sky with a deafening boom that shook the very foundation of the mountain. Bai Yu, his body coursing with newfound power, met them head-on. The energy crackled harmlessly against his skin, a mere tickle compared to the grueling battles he'd endured.

Five minutes passed in a blur of relentless assault, yet Bai Yu stood firm, his golden eyes blazing with an unwavering resolve.But the true test was yet to come. A terrifying aura crackled in the heavens, coalescing into a magnificent yet horrifying spectacle – a dragon, entirely formed from condensed lightning. Its scales shimmered with a deadly brilliance, its eyes glowing with raw power. It roared, a sound that echoed through the very fabric of reality, shaking Bai Yu to his core.

Uncertainty flickered across his face for a brief moment. "Is this the final tribulation?" he wondered aloud, his voice barely a whisper amidst the thundering chaos. Yet, the doubt quickly evaporated, replaced by a steely determination."The initial strikes were child's play," he thought, a hint of grim humor twisting his lips. "Comprehending the Sword Law has granted me immense offensive power, but true strength requires resilience as well."He raised his head, meeting the gaze of the lightning dragon with unwavering defiance. The beast lunged, its electrified maw aimed to devour him whole. But Bai Yu was ready. With a roar that rivaled the dragon's own, he channeled his Sword Intent, his very being transforming into a weapon.