Back at the Bai Clan

For the next two days, Bai Yu secluded himself, diligently consolidating his newfound power as a Law Domain Master. The potent aura that emanated from him was a constant reminder of his transformation. Finally, feeling in complete control, he soared back towards the Bai Clan, his heart brimming with anticipation.

Upon arrival, he wasted no time summoning the clan's leadership. The Elders, sensing an immense power shift, hurried to the meeting hall, their faces etched with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

As Bai Yu entered, the air crackled with raw energy, silencing the room."Lord," one Elder finally ventured, his voice trembling slightly, "have you… achieved a breakthrough?"

A hearty laugh boomed through the hall. "Indeed," Bai Yu declared, a glint of pride in his golden eyes. "Two days ago, I ascended to the Law Domain Master Realm!"The news sent a wave of exhilaration through the Elders. Though they had never personally encountered a Law Domain Master, legends spoke of their awe-inspiring power. This realization settled upon them like a heavy cloak – their once-struggling clan now boasted a leader among the elite.

"Furthermore," Bai Yu continued, his voice brimming with purpose, "my trials have yielded another benefit. I have grasped the essence of the Sword Law. With this knowledge, I can guide our disciples who walk the path of the blade."A collective gasp rippled through the room. The comprehension of a Law was a monumental feat, and the Sword Law, particularly renowned for its offensive prowess, was a coveted prize. The Elders exchanged excited glances, a newfound hope blossoming in their hearts."To share this knowledge," Bai Yu proclaimed, his voice ringing with authority, "I will hold an exposition on the Sword Dao tomorrow. All who seek to hone their swordsmanship are welcome."With that, he vanished in a blur, leaving the Elders buzzing with anticipation.

Returning to his residence, Bai Yu settled into meditation, preparing himself for the momentous occasion.The next day dawned bright and clear, a palpable excitement coursing through the Bai Clan. Disciples young and old, their eyes gleaming with eagerness, gathered in the designated training grounds. The arrival of Bai Yu, his aura radiating an aura of power and control, sent a hush over the crowd.His exposition on the Sword Dao was a revelation. Complex concepts were broken down with clarity, his insights illuminating years of confusion for many disciples. Questions that had plagued them for years were answered, doubts dispelled.

As the day wore on, Bai Yu personally offered guidance, correcting techniques and offering personalized advice. The disciples, fueled by his wisdom and the sheer power he embodied, absorbed his teachings like sponges.By the time the moon cast its silvery light upon the training grounds, exhaustion had set in.