Main Treasure

Thirty minutes later, they emerged into the main cavern of the Lost Star Cave. Its sheer size was staggering; it could easily accommodate the entire Bai Clan. However, the sight that greeted them was far from welcoming. Roughly 150 cultivators had already claimed their stake in the chamber, their gazes fixated on a single point – a gleaming golden spatial ring suspended high above the ground.

The air crackled with a thick tension. Bai Yu instantly understood the situation. The three Law Domain Masters, each representing one of the dominant sects – Bloodsword, Azure Sword, and Fire King – were locked in a heated debate, their voices echoing through the vast chamber.

The topic of their disagreement was obvious – ownership of the coveted spatial ring.This development sent a jolt of recognition through Bai Yu. Standing beside the Azure Sword Sect's Law Domain Master was a figure he knew all too well – Li Feng, the very man who had orchestrated his expulsion from the sect years ago.

A cold sneer twisted Bai Yu's lips. The past had a funny way of catching up.He quickly assessed the situation. The three Law Domain Masters were locked in a tense standoff, their auras radiating a potent energy that suppressed the surrounding cultivators.

This presented a unique opportunity."Elder Xiu, Elder Long," Bai Yu spoke in a low, urgent voice, careful to remain undetected by those around him. "I need you to leave the cave immediately. When I claim the spatial ring, a major fight is certain to erupt. You'll be safer outside the cave."

The Elders, sensing the gravity of the situation and the unspoken danger lurking in Bai Yu's voice, didn't hesitate. With a swift nod of acknowledgment, they melted into the shadows, their movements masked by Bai Yu's residual invisibility.