Alliance with the Fire King Sect

Bai Yu chuckled, a hint of self-deprecation in his voice. "Thank you, Sect Master. It was indeed a difficult fight, especially since it was the first time I utilized my domain."

Elder Zhu chimed in, his voice laced with admiration. "And what a domain it was! A formidable Sword Domain, no less. It truly is a testament to your exceptional talent, Patriarch Bai Yu, to achieve such mastery at such a young age."They arrived at the main hall and settled into plush seats. The topic of an alliance quickly dominated the conversation. After three hours of fervent discussion, the Fireking Sect Master and Elder Zhu took their leave, their expressions hinting at a successful negotiation.

Two days later, astonishing news reverberated across the continent. The Fireking Sect, one of the three pillars of power alongside the Azure Sword Sect and Bloodsword Sect, had forged an alliance with… the Bai Clan?A wave of confusion rippled through the cultivator world. "The Bai Clan?" many scoffed. "What backwater sect is that?" "Never heard of them!" Whispers and murmurs filled marketplaces and training grounds.This lack of recognition was unsurprising.

The Bai Clan resided not on the bustling Southern Continent, but on a remote island known as Blue Tempest Island, a mere speck near the mainland. Until recently, the Bai Clan hadn't held enough sway to garner widespread recognition.

News of the Fireking Sect alliance reached Bai Yu even as he secluded himself within his training chamber, diligently practicing the newly acquired Heaven-grade sword technique – the Seven Star Soaring Dragon Technique. A hint of a smile played on his lips as he absorbed the news. This was a masterstroke, a strategic maneuver that would elevate the Bai Clan's standing in the blink of an eye.Without delay, Bai Yu announced his intention to enter closed-door cultivation.

Time became a flowing river, five months passing in a blink for a Law Domain Master blessed with a lifespan stretching towards five thousand years. Finally, on a day bathed in warm sunlight, the doors of Bai Yu's chamber creaked open. He emerged, a confident smile gracing his features. With a booming voice that echoed through the halls, he summoned the higher echelons of the Bai Clan.

Upon a Throne fashioned from polished obsidian, Bai Yu sat, his regal purple robes pooling around him. Below, the assembled elders of the Bai Clan bowed their heads in respect. Five months of seclusion had done little to diminish his youthful aura, but there was a newfound depth in his golden eyes that spoke of power and focused determination."Rise," Bai Yu commanded, his voice resonating with a subtle tremor of power. "Now, tell me, what has transpired during my isolation?"

Elder Xiu, his wizened face etched with respect, stepped forward. His aura, once at the Mid Xiantian Realm, now hummed with the power of the late Xiantian Realm – a testament to the progress the clan had made.

"Patriarch," he began, "we are fortunate to report significant growth. Our ranks now boast fifty formidable Xiantian Realm experts, a considerable increase since your seclusion."A hearty laugh boomed from Bai Yu, echoing through the chamber. "Excellent news indeed, Elder Xiu! It seems my absence has spurred you all on!"Elder Xiu inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Indeed, Patriarch. However, our growth extends beyond mere numbers. We have identified two exceptional young talents within the clan. Both, at the tender age of seventeen, have already achieved the Late Bone Forging Stage, displaying a potential that rivals the most gifted cultivators."

Acknowledging Elder Xiu with a curt nod, Bai Yu exuded an aura of quiet authority. "Very well, Elder Xiu. Let these young prodigies be presented tomorrow morning. I am eager to witness their potential firsthand."

The following day dawned bright, and with it came a palpable tension in the air. Two figures, a young woman and a young man, stood trembling before Bai Yu's residence. The girl, Bai Ying, clutched the hem of her robes, her nerves betraying themselves in the slight tremor of her hands. Beside her stood Bai Feng, Elder Xiu's son. Although he attempted to project an image of composure, a faint sweat sheen betrayed his own anxieties. The prospect of receiving guidance from the illustrious Clan Leader himself was both daunting and exhilarating.