First Fight in the Central Plains

Resting in his rented room, Bai Yu mulled over the information he'd gleaned throughout the day. The Black Fire City, while impressive, was apparently not even a first-class city within the Central Plains. Yet, it boasted three major clans vying for power, each led by a cultivator at the Late Law Domain Master Realm.

A wry smile touched his lips. The competition in the Southern Continent suddenly seemed like child's play compared to the powerhouses that resided here. Law Domain Masters, once considered the pinnacle in his homeland, were just the beginning here. A thrill of anticipation surged through him. This was the challenge he craved, a stage where he could truly test his mettle and refine his skills against the best.

"Three Late Law Domain Masters," he murmured, tracing patterns on the table with his finger. "A worthy first hurdle, perhaps." His golden eyes gleamed with determination. He had come a long way, but the path to greatness had just begun.

A sudden tremor shook the building, shattering Bai Yu's train of thought. Powerful auras, brimming with hostility, crackled in the air. He flung open the window, his gaze piercing through the distance. Two figures clashed in a furious duel – one a middle-aged man clad in azure robes, the other a wizened figure emanating an unsettling demonic aura.

Bai Yu's eyes narrowed. Demonic techniques. The practice was ostracized in the Southern Continent, and encountering it here, in the heart of the Central Plains, sent a jolt of surprise through him. He couldn't stand idly by.

With a silent whisper, he vanished from the room, reappearing behind the demonic cultivator in a blink. The old man roared, startled by the sudden intrusion. "Who dares interfere?!" he bellowed, his voice raspy and laced with dark power.

Before he could react, Bai Yu drew Snowflower with lightning speed, clashing blades with the demonic cultivator in a whirlwind of steel. Three hundred exchanges occurred in a single breath, a display of unparalleled swordsmanship that left the air crackling with energy.

The middle-aged man, recognizing an unexpected ally, seized the opportunity. A grin split his face as he joined the fray, his attacks complementing Bai Yu's perfectly. Together, they pushed the demonic cultivator back, forcing him onto the defensive.

Desperate, the old man unleashed his full power. With a ferocious roar, he ripped open his domain, a swirling vortex of demonic energy that distorted the surrounding space. Simultaneously, he unleashed a Heaven Grade Battle Technique, a powerful attack fueled by his dark cultivation.

A cold smile played on Bai Yu's lips. This was the challenge he craved. "Seven Star Soaring Dragon!" he roared, unleashing his technique. His blade danced with blinding speed, executing seven lightning-fast strikes that coalesced into a magnificent dragon formed entirely of pure sword qi.

The middle-aged man didn't hesitate. He too countered with his own Heaven Grade Technique, its radiant energy a stark contrast to the demonic aura unleashed by the old man.

The ensuing clash was a spectacle of epic proportions. Bai Yu's dragon of sword qi met the combined assault of the Heaven Grade Techniques, locked in a struggle for dominance. The very ground trembled under the strain of their combined power.