Ishtar very clearly did not want to be with me. The only thing keeping her at my side was my apocalyptic threat.
In her eyes I would most likely die trying to keep a threat like that, but there was that 1% off chance of success that I would destroy our race, in the same way there had been the 1% chance of earning the title Sirekiller.
Evidently, it was just enough that she didn't want to bet on the odds.
Even so, she only barely feared it more than she feared the place she took me to, and I could immediately see why.
It was a compound so far north on the Nasferatican country that for an entire month out of the year, the sun set and didn't rise, and that month was nearing.
It was close enough that the days were very short, heavenly so for a vampire. The Aurora Borealis shined above us, a strange symbol of beauty in a place that made even me pause to draw a breath.