A peaceful life for once!


It had been a month.

Mira had gained stability, she had become like we are. I remember telling her a few times — Come on baby, don't fear the reaper.

But now, one couldn't tell her different from a vampire without being a demon or a knowledgeable vampire at least.

With my life finally quiet and free, I could do whatever I wanted. It was delightful to be so safe and left alone.

Well, I was mostly left alone. With Sebastian getting a taste of Violation's punishment every so often, it turned out he had been telling me the truth.

Ruling vampires bored him. He had relinquished his title to...

Well, go on and take a guess. I'll give you a clue. He had relisquished his title to the last fucking vampire who wanted it.

Which was me, of course.

But he had made sure I would get it when he called me to the Court and then bowed at my feet like my pet dog, his face calm with serene respect. "I swear myself to your clan."