
The incident in Tanzaku Town from the original narrative served as the catalyst for Tsunade's return to the village and her acceptance of her responsibilities as a leader, bringing her past struggles and fears directly into conflict with her present situation and the hopes of the next generation, particularly represented by Naruto.

But because these events hadn't happened, Arthur knew something the others didn't—Tsunade still had hemophobia. It wasn't a problem while she was performing her medical duties, but too much of it would surely leave her paralyzed.

"I'll have to thank Alex again for bringing me back," she said to Shizune.

"Yeah, you said it," her assistant agreed.

Tsunade took a moment to truly consider whether this was a good idea. Her duties always came first as opposed to taking time off. And with Hiruzen's recent recovery also going public, things had become even more hectic in the village.

Shizune, sensing she was second-guessing herself, leaned closer and said, "Lady Tsunade, it's a well-deserved break. You haven't had a vacation in ages. You deserve this!"

"I know, but three days?" Tsunade argued. "That's such short notice."

Not many understood the monotonous cadence of responsibility for the Hokage.

"But Lady Tsunade!" Shizune urged, hardly ready to relent. "You need this! You haven't breathed fresh air outside the village in so long. Please consider it! We could use some fun."

Observing Shizune's earnest enthusiasm, Tsunade let out a long sigh. Maybe the time had come for her to relax for a moment, even if just for a single night.

Especially considering the fact that she chose not to attend the last big event—the tournament held in the Land of Waves. She had heard that both the Raikage and Mizukage had attended, thus causing her to miss out.

"Alright," she hesitantly conceded, "I'll attend. But only because you're pressuring me to."

A delighted smile broke across Shizune's face as she yelled, "Oh, thank you, Lady Tsunade! You won't regret it!"

It was strange that she was the one getting the most excited since she wasn't even invited.

As Tsunade returned her attention to the invitation, she couldn't shake the sense that this seemingly casual affair had a greater purpose.

### Three days later.

The townsfolk buzzed with exhilaration. While the area had been decorated nicely for this event, it was truly inside the Lion's Den that they were awed.

Fine linens adorned tables, lanterns hung from the ceiling, and savoury, fragrant dishes could be heard simmering in the kitchens.

Arthur had been attentive to everything every day since, overseeing and ensuring that every detail met the expectations of the guests and that Tsunade would feel honored as the center of attention.

He even took it upon himself to personally approve each dish served, maintaining a focus on quality that would reflect in the celebration.

Doing so had also made him seem upright and truly invigorated by how the Fire Country was prospering under the Hokage's leadership.

Gambling was allowed yet reserved, and dancing filled the rooms with liveliness that drew locals and visitors alike. The outside of the casino became a hub of festival activities, an amalgamation of merriment, just begging for Tsunade to step inside and enjoy an escape from her responsibilities.

But the question remained unanswered: just what did Arthur hope to achieve by drawing the Hokage into the fold of his carefully laid plans?

From what he knew about her, Tsunade was a prominent figure in the Naruto series, known as the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju.

She inherited the nickname "Princess" due to her lineage and was particularly close to her grandfather, who doted on her during her childhood. Her early years were marked by her training alongside teammates Orochimaru and Jiraiya under the guidance of Hiruzen. Their bond was complicated, marked by teasing and Jiraiya's unrequited crush on her, which only became more complex as Tsunade matured.

Tragedy mainly defined her past, especially the deaths of her younger brother Nawaki, who aspired to become Hokage, and her lover, Dan Katō.

These losses deeply affected her worldview and led her to advocate for the inclusion of medical-nin in combat formations to prevent more casualties.

Despite her impressive contributions during the Second World War, which earned her the title of Legendary Sannin, she was haunted by grief, particularly after failing to save Dan, which resulted in her developing an abnormal phobia of blood.

After accepting the position of the fifth Hokage, she channeled her experiences to protect her village and cultivate the next generation's potential, particularly that of Naruto and Sakura.

While she might have impressive leadership feats, she was known for her impulsive nature, bluntness, and gambling vice, which added only a little depth to her character.

Her signature abilities included the "Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration" technique, which allowed her to heal herself instantly, albeit at the cost of her lifespan.

Her renowned combat prowess made her a significant asset during conflicts, particularly in the Fourth World War, where she faced off against Madara Uchiha alongside the other Kage, only to be greatly humbled.

In the aftermath of the war, she continued to play an important role in guiding and supporting the village, even as she stepped back from direct leadership, allowing Kakashi Hatake to take the mantle.

Content to see the new generation take charge, she remained a mentor to those like Sakura and was committed to preserving the legacy of her loved ones by demonstrating resilience and strength.

Yet the question still had to be asked: what did she have to do with what Arthur was after?

Not long after, Tsunade strode through the gates of Tanzaku Town, accompanied by Shizune.

There was so much excitement from the festival around them. Colorful decorations adorned every building, while the tantalizing scents of food made Tsunade's stomach rumble.

Within moments, they were greeted by a line of hosts bowing in respect, their heads lowered as Tsunade and Shizune walked past.

The fifth Hokage had never experienced anything quite like this, even after her ascension to the well-respected position.

The nearly reverent treatment felt foreign yet strangely warming.

Shizune observed with a bright smile, clearly too excited as she took in the sights. Each sign raised for the occasion and every storefront festooned with decorations were prepared in Tsunade's honor.

"Seriously," Tsunade mused to Shizune, "just what is this all really for?"

"I have no idea!" her assistant replied, practically bouncing on her feet. "But it's so awesome! Just look at everything!"

As they neared the trail leading to the Lion's Den, Tsunade couldn't shake off her curiosity.

"Who in their right mind would orchestrate all of this for me?" she wondered aloud.

They stepped inside the casino and were immediately captivated by the seductive atmosphere within.

There was jubilant laughter, cards shuffling, slot machines winning big, and the sounds of chips clattering on tables. As soon as she entered, the manager, Steve, approached them with a broad smile.

"Honored Lady Tsunade!" he greeted, bowing slightly. "We are thrilled to have you here and glad you could make it!"

"Well," Tsunade said, feeling only a little intrigued. "I'm happy to be here, but what's this all for exactly, and why did you set this up for me? If I hadn't come after seeing how hard you worked on this, it would have made me look bad, you know."

Steve's expression brightened even further as he replied, "I'll start off by saying that it wasn't me who set up this extravagant event. To tell the truth, it came out much livelier than I expected. Haha!"

"Really?!" the two females wondered.

"Yes, really! Someone else invested heavily in this event, wishing to ensure that you are recognized not just as the first female Hokage but as a wonder and beautiful sight across the nation!"

After hearing this, Tsunade frowned slightly in suspicion. She then stated, "It sounds a tad excessive, doesn't it? To go so far without even telling me?"

Steve had honestly not known that fact. But he was in front of the Hokage, and there was no way he'd wish to lose face with the investor who funded this project.

"It is quite over the top," Steve admitted, hoping his sweat wouldn't show, "but the investor insisted. He really wanted you to know how much the citizens appreciate your valiant efforts."

"Then I'd like to meet him," Tsunade firmly stated, no longer impressed by the event.

Steve's expression turned curious this time. He looked like someone who was more shocked than nervous now.

"That's… surprising," he noted, somewhat taken aback. "The investor said you would say that."

"Huh?" Shizune wondered. "What do you mean?"

Steve hesitated for a moment, then gestured for them to follow him.

"The investor is actually already here and frankly told me that when Lady Tsunade says, 'I'd like to meet him,' to bring you two directly to his table."

"He said that for real?!" Shizune questioned; curiosity now piqued.

As they made their way through the casino, Tsunade couldn't help but wonder who this mysterious benefactor was. Intrigue clouded her thoughts, but she pushed it aside, ready to confront whatever awaited them.

They ascended to a private area on the highest floor of the casino. There, a single blackjack table had only one man seated at it, his back turned to them.

Arthur, casually dressed, sensed their presence and turned, meeting their gaze with a confident smile.

"Greetings, Lady Tsunade and Shizune," he said, standing upright in respectful acknowledgment. "I'm truly ecstatic that you two made it. After all, I do admire your work, both as Hokage and as a superb medical ninja."

This was both expected and unexpected. The two had already figured Arthur to be rich but to think he was sophisticated as well.

Steve eventually left as Tsunade narrowed her eyes at Arthur, asking, "And who exactly are you, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Please, call me Dan," he smoothly responded.

There was a brief stillness in Tsunade's heart when she heard that name—Dan had been her former lover, one that brought sad memories that had yet to be healed.

And how could they be healed? Tsunade had never gone through her character development!

She felt a strange knot form in her chest as she took in Arthur's resemblance—though not identical, a resemblance by name was enough.

"I need to know something," she pressed, pushing past her momentary fluster. "You went through a lot of trouble to bring this event together, so why do it without confronting me directly?"

Arthur, with casual nonchalance, answered, "I've honestly been meaning to talk to you for some time, but your duties as Hokage supersede a lowly man such as myself. As such, I spared no expense to create an evening dedicated to celebrating you in hopes that you would come."

"Celebrate me?" Tsunade incredulously replied. Based on his entire introduction and answer, she had a nagging feeling. "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not looking for a relationship, nor am I someone who can be bought with money."

Arthur softly laughed and said, "No, no, Lady Tsunade. That's the last thing I had in mind. I simply needed the town and the country to see that they appreciate your efforts. You deserve to enjoy a night free from worries. If I've done you wrong, I will gladly admit and cancel the event at your word."

Those sincere words were almost enough to make her blush. Almost.

There was no way she could just have this event canceled, especially after the entire town knew she was there. If she did, it would make her look like the bad guy, and she'd lose reputation.

Plus, she was here anyway. Might as well enjoy herself since Arthur wasn't being a creep.

That momentary pause, however, didn't get past her assistant. Shizune playfully nudged her, barely containing her burgeoning grin.

"Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment," Tsunade said, forcing herself back into a more businesslike demeanor, "but why did it have to be so grand? Did you just know how I'd feel about this?"

She was asking because Steven had stated that Arthur knew what she would say after arriving. Arthur merely relaxed his posture and gestured toward the table invitingly, asking, "Let's just say I admire your work enough to know what a beautiful leader finds attractive. Would you care to join me for a game?"

There it was again. The way he maneuvered around questions while simultaneously preventing a woman, regardless of her status, from saying no to him.