Chapter 22 – Quest Reward

Upon arriving at the Hub, they noticed many players were still there and the Quest Board was crowded as ever.

They also saw the first guy who cursed earlier was standing in front of the Quest Board with a bright smile on his face and talking excitedly with his friends.

"Hey, I got a good thing for you guys. Can you believe that we can earn 500 Nar in a day? I also got 1 [Uncommon] equipment!" He laughed loudly and nudged his friend beside him, "Go and do the quest, dude. You won't regret it."

From being a hater and now an enthusiast. It was amusing.

"Man, you should check this Weekly Quest! We can do it together!" Another guy spoke up with a wide smile on his face at the sight of his friend's enthusiasm.

"That sounds good!" A third one agreed wholeheartedly while nodding his head like an excited child. "Let's get the reward!"

And the rest of them also began to discuss which quest was best for their party and wanted to finish them fast.

Atlas felt nostalgia while witnessing this scene. He had seen something similar to this in his previous life. The start was always slow, but people eventually came to realize the potential of Horizon Online.

After that, it was a total domination as every gaming community was making Horizon their main game.

Unfortunately, though, after 5 years, the scene became common and no one was that excited about getting daily quests anymore. Their end-game content was more exciting.

But this kind of sight was his favorite.

'The start is always like this.' He thought quietly as he stood behind them and stared at the Quest Board while smiling happily at the sight.

"What are you thinking, At?"

Ferin tilted her head slightly with a curious look on her face upon seeing his happy expression.

"Nothing much." Atlas shook his head and continued staring at the Quest Board, "Let's find another quest that is easy enough for us. After that, I want to try to have a date. What do you think? Is that a good idea?"

"Hmmm, date~" Ferin hummed under her breath and leaned onto his shoulder with her head. "It sounds fun! Let's do it!"

They went to the quest board and completed their mission. The reward of the weekly mission was immediately credited into their wallet, granting them 3000 Nar. On top of that, they got random rewards too.

[Quest completed!]

[Reputation +10]

[3000 Nar has been received.]

[1x [Uncommon] Priest Robe has been received.]

Atlas sighed. He was unlucky.

"What do you get, At?" Ferin asked him curiously.

"Just a robe." Atlas answered with an indifferent tone in his voice, "A priest robe, too. I can't wear it as it's for support. What about you?"

"Hehe~" Ferin giggled sweetly and showed him what she got. "I got gloves! They're [Uncommon] and gave me +3 VIT bonus."

"Oh, that's pretty nice." Atlas nodded in approval as he admired her gloves with a slight smile on his face, "We're lucky getting that. And while disappointed, I'm not really sad about getting a priest's robe. I can sell it for more money later."

"Well, that's At for you." Ferin snickered softly and made fun of him while touching his shoulder, "You also have Level 20 robe from that annoying Wizard Lizard, right? And for me, the [Uncommon] Broadsword. Though I won't need it as I would change to gauntlets at Level 20."

"True." Atlas admitted easily. It wasn't something he could control and needed urgently anyway.

So why bother to cry over it?

"Let's keep doing quests, Fer."


They took another weekly quest and set out to complete them. Atlas wasn't bothered by the lack of EXP gained from completing quests. The Daily, Weekly, and Monthly quests in the Hub was mainly to get money, reputation, and equipment, after all.

The fastest way to earn EXP was to hunt or finish the quests in Guild Hall. They gave a lot of EXP but low monetary rewards.

Nevertheless, Atlas preferred to take the quest in the Hub right now. He wasn't in a hurry to level up and chose to get money first.

It was a smart choice because their goal was to live comfortably without working. Ferin's modeling work would only become another hobby once Horizon Online took off.

The second weekly quest they took was to kill 3 Armored Boars. This monster only lived in the plains not far from Rudina City. It was easy to get there. Which means, this was a popular hunting spot.

"So crowded... It's not fun at all." Ferin complained loudly when they arrived at their destination and saw other players already hunting the boars.

The monster was at Level 15. So, many players created a 6 men party and hunted it slowly. It gave them a lot of EXP compared to hunting monsters at the same Levels despite the difficulty.

"I made a mistake choosing that quest. Sorry, Fer. I forgot that it'll be crowded here." Atlas apologized to her and patted her head gently.

Ferin pouted in dissatisfaction at her boyfriend and lowered her head, "It's okay. As long as we can get the reward." She sighed sadly and looked around. "Maybe we should find a less crowded place and hunt by ourselves. We just need to kill 3 of them, right? It's faster than hunting as a group."

Atlas considered it for a second before shaking his head.

"No need for that. It's better if we fight as a group right now." He explained with a serious tone in his voice. "There might be PKers waiting for an opportunity to kill us for no reason, but there's a possibility of strong monsters ambushing us, too. Being together is the best."

PKers weren't always a bad thing in games. Sometimes, they were the best source to get EXP and money. It was also good training to learn how to fight against an unknown player without breaking formation or panicking when ambushed.

Ferin didn't like being surrounded by players because she couldn't hunt them freely and acted freely. However, she understood what Atlas said was the best choice for their situation and safety.

"Alright~" She nodded her head with a bright smile, "Which area is suitable? I don't really remember low level areas like this one."

"How about that small hill? There's not many people there, and it's secluded too." Atlas pointed at a small hill nearby that could be seen from their location. It was deserted and would be perfect to fight the boars in private.

The bad side about that spot was the boar's appearance and respawn time wasn't as fast as the plane. But that was just perfect for them.

"Sounds good." Ferin agreed to his suggestion easily, "Let's go!"