The Blood

While they're were immersed on their own, some voices caught their attention. Anwar approached with a worried face.

"Val, hurry to the roof, something happened to Ilyana"

"What's happened, war?" asks Jason.

"Come on, hurry!"

Val was still confused by Anwar who hurried to the door after a short explanation. He glanced at Jason and followed Anwar out.

On the building rooftop. Some staff can be seen gathering near the door. They all looked at someone standing on the other side of the rooftop outside the basketball field and the garden. Ilyana was standing near the unfinished under-construction area of the roof, which was still full of some building materials.

"Since when has she become like that?" asked Jay from HRD to Alex who found the girl standing still on the roof. She looked like she was about to jump down.

Soon Jason, Val, and Anwar come from the door.

"Mr Jay, what happened?" Jason asked. He was too late to hold onto Val's hand when he ran to approach Ilyana.

"Il, what are you doing?" Val shouted in worry.

"Don't come any closer!" exclaimed Ilyana.

Val stopped and gulped down his saliva. It was so dangerous. She might fall.

"What are you doing there? You could slip and fall," Val exclaimed.

Jason came closer and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He thought, sooner or later this would happen, this must be because of Val's persona.

"Look at what you did, the girls look so depressed."

Val took a deep breath, looking at Ilyana's face from where they were standing, her eyes looked a little red and puffy. She's crying.

"Is it me, boss? Who knows, it is because you give her too much job."

Jason patted Val's arm.

"Don't joke around, talk and persuade her to stay away from there, you have to take responsibility"

While scratching his head, Val somewhat unsteadily headed towards Ilyana.

"Boss, do we need to stay here? We still have a lot of work to do," said Anwar. 

Jason patted Anwar's shoulder.

"What are you talking about? Your friend is in trouble, and you're thinking about your job, just wait, this won't take long."

Alex secretly laughed at Anwar. 

"Feel that"

Anwar is still complaining.

"She's always been like that, it's nothing new, right? Last time she did that trick too"

Alex pokes Anwar's hand.

"Looks like this time is serious, she might have broken-hearted. Heh, that poor girl"

The wind was blowing quite hard mid-afternoon, Val was confused about how to persuade Ilyana, he didn't understand how the situation suddenly became like that.

"Hi Il, everyone is worried about you, let's get in, Boss is afraid you'll jump"

Ilyana did not turn her head, instead she bowed her head deeply.

"Val, am I ugly?"

Val frowned.

"Hah? You? He, how could you be ugly, who said that?"

Ilyana raised her head and looked at Val deeply. Val was speechless, he should have known because perhaps he had accidentally hurt the young girl's feelings and was the reason the girl looked depressed now. For a while, he kept sending her texts but Val answered simply. The girl called him several times but Val didn't pick up, as if he was avoiding her, even at the office. This was her first day back at work after Ilyana had been absent for the last few days due to illness. And Val didn't even ask how she was doing, at all.

"Uh, forgive me, Il, I.."

Ilyana smiled. Wiped her tears quickly. She turned around, but instead, she staggered because of the gust of wind and almost fell.


Everyone including Jason, Alex, and Anwar held their breath, Val pulled the girl's hand and hugged her tightly.

"Be careful!"

Long, the scene where Val hugged Ilyana tightly made everyone silent.

All eyes looked as if there was a romantic song played suddenly complete with the wind blowing Ilyana's short skirt in Val's arms.

"Wow" amazed Alex and Anwar.

But realizing quickly Ilyana pushed Val away.

"Let go of me!"

Val stumbled backward, stopping himself from falling with his hand which accidentally scratched the edge of the piece of metal on the building's material.

"Akh" that's hurt.

"Val" Jason came closer when Ilyana walked passed him to the door. 

"Val, are you alright?"

Val wave his hand, the scratch quite deep which cause his palm to bleed.

"I'm fine Boss, just, a little scratch"

"A little? Look at the blood." 


That night, at the Argent Heart Center hospital.

The bleeding was nonstop, Jason was so worried and took Val to the hospital. The kid looks so weak as if he lost all of his blood. He almost faints when they reach the ground floor which makes Jason have to carry him to the hospital.

The vibes in the treatment room on the first floor of the hospital were so calm. After examination, the Doctor decides to put Val on observation while waiting for his condition to get better. His blood pressure dropped so low. Jason was standing in front of the window answering an incoming call from his grandfather.

"One of my staff, Grams. He was hurt so I will stay with him at the hospital. After he gets better, we will go home."

At the end of the phone, Ian Garber was seen sitting and reading his newspaper, halting his hand movements 

"Oh yeah? Who?" 

"It's Valiant, it's not a big wound, it's just that the blood hasn't stopped since then."

"The new kid?" He straightened up from his seat and looked at the door. The old man waved his hand at his assistant who was standing not far from the door.

"Too bad, I just bought bird nest soup and have already prepared it for you to come home. Um, how about this, tell me where you are. I will send someone there, and give this soup to you and him, that poor kid."

For a moment, Jason pursed his mouth, pulling the phone from his ear seeing that he wasn't mistaken that he was talking to his grandfather now.

"No need Grandpa, I'll take him home after this. The soup will still be good until tomorrow morning, right?"

"It will be less fresh. Just tell me where you are. Just wait there, okay?"

Not long after the phone was turned off. Tyus stood in front of Ian Garber who thought for a long time. His face looked serious.

"Don't fail, and don't let Jason get suspicious, I have to confirm it myself," said the old man. Tyus, the middle-aged man nodded.

"Yes, sir"

Ian Garber clenched his fist, looked far, and then took a deep breath.

"Heh, he must be related"


Dusk. After waiting for a while, the nurse came into the room. The young woman pushes the long needle to Val's ven and draws quite a lot of blood out. Jason, who was almost asleep, raised from his chair.

"Miss" Jason frowned, if he wasn't mistaken, a while after Val entered they already pulled the blood from him. They said he lost lots of blood but why still keep taking it?

The young nurse smiled. Jason looked tired but was still faithfully waiting in the room.

"How much do you guys need his blood? Wasn't it just being done before this afternoon?" Jason asked. The cotton from the needle spot is still left on Val's arm. The nurse was not the same person who came before. 

The young nurse smiles. She nods.

"Yes sir, this is a normal procedure, we need the blood to carry out further examinations."

Jason looked at the nurse a little suspiciously. However, she looked like the other nurses there, they may have changed shifts with the nurse that afternoon.

"Hasn't the doctor come yet?" Jason asked.

The nurse smiled again.

"Yes, Sir, the doctor in charge just stays until this afternoon, there will be another doctor in charge come to check the patient. Please wait, sir."

Jason pulled his lips in annoyance. What are these doctors doing? How can they all act so calmly in treating patients like this? 

"Heh, how strange? I should have booked the VIP room earlier" If not because Val insisted on coming home with that condition, Jason might already have asked the doctor he knows to check on him. This might be nothing, but he worried, Val looks so weak and helpless.

The nurse smiled, took the tray with Val's blood tube, and excused herself.

"Excuse me, sir"

Jason grabs Val's hand and raises his other hand to stroke Val's hair on his forehead. 

"Heh, this brat" 

Outside the room, a man dressed in black was already standing beside the door. Saw the nurse and glanced into the room. The nurse nodded, passed the man who took the tube filled with blood put it straight into his pocket, and walked away in another direction.