Chapter 9 : The Marquess and the Lord

Maggie's scream pierced through the serene morning air, alerting all the staff in the manor at once.

The butler rushed to the second floor.

The unoccupied maids rushed to the second floor.

They all gathered before the Lady's bed chamber, and the butler urgently inquired, "Lady Blanchard, is everything alright?"

A cacophony of crashing sounds erupted, followed by the frantic scrape of fabric against the carpet. The door then flung open with a bang, revealing Lady Blanchard standing in the doorway. She was pale, her face slick with sweat, with a tremor running through her body.

"There's a... a... a..."

Unable to effectively describe her situation, she ended up pointing in the direction of the bed. 

Still curled up under layers of blanket, the man in question was completely oblivious to Maggie's distress.

A cloud of understanding settled on the manor staff as soon as they caught sight of the man.

An "Oh" escaped the butler before he hastily cleared his throat and explained, "My Lady, please rest assured. This gentleman is neither a thief nor a murderer. He is His Grace Marquess of Canterbury's younger brother by a different mother, Lord Adrian Locksworth."

Maggie's jaw fell to the ground.

"I thought that this manor was supposed to be vacant?" was the first question she had upon discovering the identity of the man who intruded into her bedroom.

"Y-yes, technically. Lord Locksworth rarely spent his days in the Locksworth Manor, as he was used to traveling the world from a young age."


In other words, Maggie was unfortunate enough to meet Lord Adrian Locksworth during her short stay in the Locksworth Manor!

The butler looked miserable, and the maids behind him appeared very uncomfortable.

"Lady Blanchard, we were unable to foresee this event. Please accept our most humble apologies. Will you be open to moving to another bedroom? It is equally charming, with a small balcony outside the window..."

"Yes, yes, anything," Maggie quickly interrupted the butler. Anything so that she did not have to share a bed with Lord Locksworth any longer!

The unwelcome morning surprise had left Maggie fuming, momentarily banishing the dull throb in her feet. It wasn't until she stood in the unfamiliar vastness of her new bedroom, surrounded by bustling maids, that the pain roared back to life. A wave of dizziness washed over her, forcing her to clutch a nearby chair before her knees buckled, and she crumpled to the ground.

"My Lady, are you alright?" a concerned maid asked, concern etched into her face. "Should I bring the breakfast upstairs?"

"N-no, no need."

The memory of yesterday's second disastrous meeting with the Marquess of Canterbury still burned fresh in her mind. After that horrendous setback, she desperately needed to present a picture of impeccable ladylike behavior within the walls of the Locksworth Manor.

Downstairs, a banquet worthy of royalty awaited Maggie at the breakfast table. The sheer opulence of the spread hinted at the kitchen staff's herculean effort to please her. A wave of guilt washed over Maggie.

The manor staff had done nothing wrong to make amends for.

"Please extend my utmost gratitude to the kitchen staff for the exquisite breakfast," Maggie told the butler. "I have never enjoyed a more fulfilling meal. Thank you."

The butler bowed respectfully.

"Lady Blanchard's words are too kind. I shall relay your message to the kitchen staff."

A while later, the man who was responsible for the entire chaos sauntered down the grand staircase and headed to the dining room.

"Ah," he said, a boyish grin pulled at his lips when he caught sight of Maggie. "We have a guest."

By chance, Maggie had just speared into a particularly robust roast potato. She was overcome with the urge to hurl it at Lord Lockworth's face, in the hope of wiping the smug grin off his face.

But then a flicker of reason and a dash of self-preservation intervened.

This gentleman was, after all, the Marquess's younger brother. Initiating a vegetable-based assault on the host's kin wouldn't exactly brand her as an impeccably mannered guest. 

Maggie thus summoned every bit of patience coursing her veins and transformed it into a gracious smile.

"Good morning, Lord Locksworth. I trust that you had a restful night."

Lord Adrian Locksworth broke into a huge yawn.

"Restful night maybe, not necessarily a peaceful morning."


Impeccable guest.

Impeccable guest!

Though he shared the Marquess's striking raven hair, Lord Adrian Locksworth's mane flowed longer, a hint of lingering childhood. Unlike his elder brother, who commanded the room with an air of icy authority, Adrian was a playful rogue – a man perpetually on the cusp of adulthood, a mischievous twinkle dancing endlessly in his eyes.

"So," he said while spreading a napkin across his lap. "What's your name and what are you doing here?"

Maggie squeezed out a sweet, winning smile.

"My name is Marguerite Blanchard. Marquess of Canterbury has been kind enough to allow me to stay in this grand manor."

"Ah, no need to praise it to the moon and back," Lord Locksworth said before stabbing into a piece of bacon. "This Locksworth Manor is the ancestral home of the Locksworth family, far inferior to the many other estates that fall under the Dukedom of Winchester."

"Is that how you speak about your ancestral home, Adrian?" a sharp voice pierced through the air, followed by Marquess of Canterbury's entry into the dining room.

"B-brother!" Lord Locksworth sputtered, almost choking on his bacon. "I didn't know that you would be here!"

The Marquess shot his younger brother a look heavy with disapproval. "I had to rush here as soon as I found out that you chose to return to this manor of all places late last night. Have you been bothering Lady Blanchard?"

"No, not at all!"

Lord Lockworth sneaked a furtive glance at Maggie, begging her silently for her cooperation.

Maggie was more than ready to display her best side to the Marquess.

"Of course not," she said graciously.

"I see."

"Your Grace, have you had your breakfast?" the butler asked.

"Yes. I only drop by to have a short dialogue with my younger brother. Adrian, kindly finish your breakfast soon and meet me in the drawing room."

"Yes, Brother."

Lord Locksworth did not bother chewing his food at all. Swallowing had proven to be the fastest method of finishing a meal.