Chapter 19 - Whispers From A Leaflet

"Lady Blanchard's Scandalous Origin.

No child dreams of a life defined by scarcity. They don't yearn for threadbare clothes, empty plates, or the constant ache of uncertainty. Yet, the cruel hand of fate can deal a harsh blow, placing some children in circumstances that stifle their potential. But for a lucky few, a twist of destiny intervenes.

Whispers of a secret birth, a hidden lineage, or a twist of circumstance lead to an unimaginable transformation. Suddenly, the child of a struggling farmer finds themself embraced by a noble family. The coarse wool cloak is replaced with silks spun from moonlight, the meager meals transform into feasts fit for royalty.

Tutors replace toiling in the fields, and whispers of courtly manners replace the calloused lessons of survival.

Most of you might be thinking that this author is spinning a tale fit for a children storybook, but that is not the case at all.

This author is referring to Lady Blanchard. To be exact, Lady Marguerite Delaney Antoine Blanchard, the only daughter of late Earl of Huntington, the heiress to the ancient Earldom of Huntington.

After days of delving into thorough investigation, this author found out that the Lady's origins lay with a humble couple of farmers who lived at the French border. This revelation, once leaked, sent shockwaves through the Crown Office.

The Earldom of Huntington, just like other inheritable peerages, was destined to return to the Crown upon the extinction of the Blanchard lineage.

With Lady Blanchard's true lineage exposed, her claim to the Countess title became untenable. Swift action followed, and the Countess title was revoked.

Right now, an important question arises to the surface -- what will become of Lady Blanchard?

Can she still retain her noble lifestyle after she loses the earldom?

Once a new Earl of Huntington is appointed, will he look favorably upon Lady Blanchard or will he ignore her presence?

This author is as curious as all of the readers."

Maggie devoured the content, her eyes racing across the lines. With each reread, the words etched themselves deeper into her mind. A physical ache started blooming in her throat, one that tightened with every horrified gasp.

Suddenly, Nicholas' words the other day made sense. He and his father were determined to ruin Maggie's reputation. Ink was known to stick longer than whispers of the wind.

"My Lady? My Lady!"

Maggie's legs buckled, threatening to send her sprawling. Isla's frantic words washed over her, barely registering. Only the maid's firm grip on her arms made her regain her composure.

"I am fine," Maggie choked out, not entirely sure that she was.

Isla was definitely not convinced.

"My Lady, let me help you to your bed chamber. You need to lie down. I will bring you some lavender water at once."

Maggie's eyes glazed over, the steps a monotonous climb as Isla pulled her up the stairs.

She did not think that there would be enough lavender water to make her feel better about the pamphlet.

Desperate to shield the pamphlet's contents from Isla's eyes, Maggie gave it a cursory wave. "Do Londoners get these sorts of pamphlets regularly?" she inquired.

Isla nodded. "Indeed, my Lady. Some struggling authors peddle gossip about London's elite. The information in these pamphlets is usually suspect. Best to disregard it entirely."

Maggie could never disregard it, as it told about her origins. But how wonderful it would be if everyone else ignored it!

The next two days were a whirlwind for Maggie. She bustled about, finalizing preparations for Lady Kensington's garden party. Finally, the third day dawned, and Maggie arrived at Lady Kensington's luxurious dwelling, anticipation thrumming through her veins. Even from a distance, the estate was a vision of grandeur.

Sprawling before it lay an English garden that stole her breath away.

Beneath a canopy of fragrant blooms and amidst the verdant embrace of Lady Kensington's prize-winning shrubs, the garden party unfolded as a casual, yet important affair. Here, bathed in the dappled sunlight filtering through leaves, gentlemen and ladies mingled with a gentle ease. Laughter danced on the summer breeze, carried aloft by the sweet perfume of roses and lavender.

It was a scene painted in the soft hues of social graces, a canvas upon which connections were meant to be cultivated.

These gatherings, imbued with the charm of the setting, became fertile ground for friendships and partnerships to take root.

Conversations, like climbing vines, reached for common ground, entwining lives in unexpected ways.

Existing relationships, tended with care like prized roses, flourished under the warm glow of shared experiences.

And sometimes, amidst the vibrant tapestry of the garden, whispers of possibility blossomed into the beginnings of romantic relationships, resulting in promises whispered beneath a sky painted with the colors of hope.

Maggie's gaze swept the garden, searching for the faces of the benefactors she'd met at the Debutante Ball. Disappointment settled upon her as she failed to discover even one of them. Well, save for the charming hostess, of course.

In their place, a sea of relatively young gentlemen flitted about, their attentions focused on the various ladies present. Some were fresh debutantes, just launched into society this year, while others were charming, unwed ladies who had already enjoyed several dazzling seasons in London.

If encountering Lady Bloomsbury at the Ball had been a stroke of luck, this garden party felt decidedly less fortuitous.

Lady Kensington was too busy with her own circle of friends and acquaintances to pay her any more attention beyond the formal greeting.

Approaching these young men for introductions was simply out of the question!

Running out of ideas, Maggie decided to search for some inspiration among the flowers.

The inspiration came in form of George Bentley, who was seen in the middle of a conversation with an elder lady.

When he caught sight of Maggie, he quickly beamed at her. But then the elder lady next to him furrowed her brows at him and spoke several stern words in his direction.

A complicated expression spread on George Bentley's face. He stared at Maggie for a while before he averted his gaze and started walking away with the elder lady.

Judging from her bearing and their interaction with each other, Maggie was pretty sure that the lady was none other than his mother, Viscountess of Claymoore.