Chapter 30 - The Secret Of The Wedding Night

From a young age, Maggie's governess had drilled societal expectations into her with unwavering sternness.

A noblewoman's body was not hers to explore, it was a sacred vessel to be delivered, untouched, to her husband on their wedding night.

Frivolous dalliances were strictly forbidden, for a single misstep could stain her reputation and ruin her marriage prospects.

Yet, here she was, the weight of her governess' words heavy on her conscience. Her most daring act of affection with Nicholas, her boyfriend of two years, had never transcended shy hand-holding.

But now, Percy, a man she had interacted with a mere handful of times, had explored territories uncharted by any other man before.

He had breached boundaries, ignited a confusing fire within her, and now, with a boldness that both terrified and intrigued her, he sought to claim her first kiss.