Chapter 35 - The Marchioness's First Dinner At Canterbury House

It was the first time they dined together, just the two of them.

A long dinner table stood at the center of the vast dining hall, enough to accommodate at least twenty guests. Right now, it served to separate the master and mistress of the house from each other as they dined.

A feast worthy of kings was laid between them, and the maids were lined up along the table. Whenever someone held up a hand to request a dish, one of the maids quickly approached with said dish and served it.

Other than the soft clinking of utensils against fine china, the dining hall was steeped in utter silence.

Maggie watched Percy from afar. The man did not seem to pay attention to anything else but the food on his plate. Gingerly, she rose to her feet. Edgar quickly approached her and asked, "Your Grace, is something wrong?"