Chapter 69 - A Guest At Canterbury House

"I am not pregnant."

Maggie's response was a firm denial, yet Donna remained unshaken in her conviction about her lady's pregnancy.

"Your appetite hasn't been quite its usual self lately, Your Grace. Also, did you not complain about tender breasts the other day? What about your lady's course? Is it by chance delayed for several days already?"

Maggie pondered for a while before she came up with counterarguments.

"I was not feeling well because I was anxious about news from the Crown Office," she said. "My breasts are fine. It is normal for my course to be delayed for several days."

She was pretty sure about that.


Should she tell Percy?

As if on cue, Edgar chose that moment to announce Percy's return.

"Welcome back, Your Grace!"

Maggie's head snapped up, the official notice almost crumpling in her hand as she sprang to her feet. After setting the discarded parchment aside, she hurried toward the entrance hall.