Whispersea Bandits

Fang woke up with a massive headache, his shoulder and ribs feeling numb.

'What happened?' he asked, letting out a small grunt.

Corbin casually responded, 'Oh, you're awake. You got kicked pretty hard by some bandit.'

Fang wanted to ask about the bandit, but as his mind cleared up, he finally took in his surroundings.

He found himself in a rusty metal cage that smelled of animal urine and iron. He guessed the latter came from the dried blood mixed in with the rust. Beyond the large, crooked bars of the cage, he spotted a large wooden platform barely supported by enormous bamboo stems. Many other cages and containers stood arranged neatly, while a couple of rough-looking men dressed in dirty, torn robes patrolled and checked each one.

As luck would have it, the men were just about to reach his cage, so he lay back down and pretended to be knocked out.

"What a fine beast!" said one of the bandits.

"Yeah, Boss Cheng was really lucky to capture this one!" replied the other.

One of the bandits sighed, then turned to the other and said, "It's a shame this beast was our only catch on the last run! Not to mention the empty temple we found right after capturing it!"

"You're right, it's truly a shame we did not discover any ancient artifacts or the whole crew could have enjoyed a blissful night back in Shenhong city."

The second bandit let out a strange laugh, saying, "Yeah, right!"

Hearing their discussion, Fang debated whether dying was really that bad.

Thankfully, their conversation resumed and pulled Fang out of his dark thoughts.

"What does the leader want to do with this furry guy?" asked the first bandit.

"Hmm, I recall overhearing one of the vice leaders saying he will be transported and sold to a shop specialized in raising demonic beasts back in the City of Oros."

"It's a shame we can't keep some of the beasts we hunt to make some nice coats for ourselves," lamented the second bandit.

The first bandit slapped the back of his companion's head and hurriedly said, "Do you have a death wish?! What if someone heard you and reported us to one of the vice leaders for insubordination?"

"Oh, shut up! No one's gonna hear us!"

"Okay, tough guy, move your ass, and let's continue checking out these containers."

While the bandits walked away, Fang engaged in a conversation with Corbin.

'What do you think their leaders are planning?' Fang asked, trying to keep his voice steady in his mind.

'I can't say for sure, but it's clear they don't see you as just another animal. They must have noticed something unusual about you,' Corbin replied, his tone thoughtful.

'Great, more trouble,' Fang muttered internally. 'Any ideas on how to get out of this?'

'We need to be patient and gather more information. For now, just observe and conserve your strength,' Corbin advised. 'There might be an opportunity to escape, but we need to be ready for it.'

Fang silently agreed, focusing on the sounds and movements around him, determined to find a way out.


Hours passed, and the wooden platform started getting busy. Men and women alike, all looking like 17th-century pirates, began loading crates and cages onto a large ship.

Fang watched intently as the bandits moved his cage with surprising efficiency, their rough appearances not impacting their coordination. The ship itself was an imposing sight, its weathered hull and torn sails hinting at countless trips and voyages the ship endured.

'Corbin, do you think they're planning to take us somewhere far?' Fang asked, his mind racing with possible escape plans.

'It's likely. That ship looks equipped for long journeys. And we have no idea how far the City of Oros is,' Corbin responded.

'Wait, earlier at the temple, you said we're in the Bai Prefecture, so how come you don't know the location of the City of Oros?' asked Fang, puzzled.

'I never said I know the whole world. I only replied to your question based on the location you found me in,' Corbin explained. 'I was stuck in that temple for eons, and all my previous knowledge of the world's demographics means nothing in the present day.'

Fang mumbled a few words that naturally came out as grunts then went back to watching the bandits.

As the bandits worked, Fang noticed a figure who stood out from the rest. A tall, imposing man with long black hair tied messily, and a scar running down his left cheek, barked orders, his presence commanding immediate obedience.

'That must be one of the leaders,' Fang thought, watching the man's every move. 'If we can learn more about their travel plans from him, we might have a chance.'

'Agreed. But be cautious. He looks like someone who eats your kind as a delicacy,' Corbin warned.

The bandits continued their work, the sun setting on the horizon casting long shadows across the deck. As darkness fell, lamps were lit, their flickering light adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Fang's keen senses picked up bits of conversation as bandits passed by his cage.

'The Black Isles,' Fang repeated mentally. 'Do you know anything about that place, Corbin?'

'Yes, it's a notorious archipelago known for its treacherous waters and lawless inhabitants. If they're taking us there, it can't be good,' Corbin explained. 'I'm surprised the sects left them alone for such a long time.'

'Let's hope we don't remain for too long in that place,' replied Fang.

As the night wore on, the bandits' activity slowed, and the ship settled into a tense quiet. Fang's mind raced with thoughts of escape, but he knew he needed more information before making any moves.

Suddenly, the ship started shaking while slowly inclining backward.

'What the hell?!' exclaimed Fang, then a sudden realization hit him.

There was no sea around them, so how were they supposed to travel?!

'No! How was there a ship in the middle of a forest in the first place?' Fang thought, his mind reeling with confusion.

'Corbin!' called Fang in his mind. 'Why is there a ship―IN THE MIDDLE OF A DAMN FOREST?'

'Of course it's a flying treasure. How else do you think people travel over long distances?' calmly replied Corbin.

'Great, just great!' commented Fang, getting rid of any escape plans.
