
As Commander Luo took his leave, Madam Li turned around and made a gesture with her hand.

She immobilized Fang and pulled him closer, her eyes slightly glowing behind the veil.

Looking at him up close, she could tell he was no ordinary beast. 

Of all the beasts she owned, none of them looked like him―his serrated pupils and mesmerizing pinkish-red sclera were unlike anything she had ever seen, not to mention the lustrous black fur that would make all tailors drool at the prospect of turning him into a nice winter coat.

If Fang could sweat, there would already be a pool beneath him. 

He had an inkling that Madam Li's thoughts were not harmless at all. The way she was looking at him made him think that maybe it wasn't that bad being stuck in a dirty cage for the rest of his life. 

Madam Li had no idea what Fang was thinking, and maybe that was for the best. Who knows what her reaction would've been like if she knew that Fang was already conscious before reaching rank 3 and developing his intelligence and human body.

Thinking of Fang's features, Madam Li started pondering while caressing Fang's head―an action that helped him calm down. 

She wanted him to become her second contracted spirit beast if his talents and bloodline had the potential of reaching at least rank 5.

Thinking thus far, she stopped petting Fang and placed her index finger in the middle of his eyes.

Fang was puzzled by her actions, but rather than panicking, he trusted his intuition that assured him she wouldn't harm him.

She noticed the look Fang gave her, but she paid no mind and infused a bit of her qi into his third eye chakra.

After a few seconds, Madam Li suddenly retracted her finger and looked at Fang in confusion. 

The only thing she discovered was his grade 2 spirit root and no bloodline.

A beast without a bloodline was unheard of, as all beasts are descendants of the primordial beasts. 

The blood of primordial beasts was the most sought-after for beast companions due to its unparalleled potential and the fastest cultivation rate among all bloodlines.


To better understand the human and general bloodline system, one must note that bloodlines were divided in two subcategories known as "types" and were not bound to only one species. 

In ancient times, a mortal by the name of Wan Cui found out that his eyes were special after being inspected during a sect recruitment trial. 

Later on, after he started cultivating, he found out that he could zoom and inspect things from really up close.

Using his new ability, he inspected a drop of his blood and found out that it was actually made up of many paired white strands connected by smaller strands in a spinning fashion.

He named this natural construct as "blood helix". 

Intrigued, he requested the blood of another cultivator to see if anything was different, and discovered the blood helix had small colorful patches all over instead of being fully white.

Upon questioning, the cultivator explained the concept of cultivation bloodlines, leading the scholar to start experimenting with different bloodlines provided by multiple cultivators.

Eventually, he created the terms "inborn blood" and "ancestral blood" types to represent the two subcategories comprising one's bloodline.

The first subcategory, known as the inborn blood type, is unique to every living being. It constitutes 90 to 99 percent of a human's bloodline at birth and encompasses all their unique features, abilities, and talents. The second subcategory, known as ancestral blood type, is regarded as the most crucial aspect of one's bloodline because it contains remnants of a higher being's blood, constituting the final 1 to 10 percent.

Humans have the ability of possessing ancestral blood types at birth depending on their lineage, but their threshold is only set at 10 percent. The only known way of increasing this number is by tempering their bodies in boiling blood that has a high concentration of their respective ancestral bloodline type.

Unfortunately, humans cannot attain a beast form or the form of their ancestral blood type's original owner due to their predominant inborn bloodline, which is human. This inherent bloodline dominance prevents other bloodlines from surpassing it. As a result, a human's ancestral bloodline type capacity is capped at 49 percent, and they are unable to exceed this limit.

Those who attempted to surpass this limit and break the balance found themselves killed in a matter of seconds by the destruction of their own inborn bloodline.

On the other hand, beasts and other races are guaranteed to be born with an ancestral blood type. 

These races are not constrained like humans and can increase their ancestral blood type up to 99 percent. However, this comes with a challenge—the process of bloodline fusion.

After going trough this process, both blood subcategories will merge and create a singular bloodline, thus removing the ancestral blood type and only leaving behind the new and improved inborn blood type also known as the main bloodline.

Bloodline fusion is only possible once the ancestral type equals or surpasses the inborn blood type.

[A/N] As humans are unable to achieve the perfect balance between the ancestral and inborn blood types, they have no way of fusing their bloodline. 

Only a few have the ability to fuse their bloodline when both their subcategories reach 50 percent, not to mention the situations in which one surpasses their inborn blood type with their ancestral blood type.

The higher the percentage of ancestral blood compared to inborn blood, the more difficult it becomes to fuse them. However, successfully undergoing this process results in greater benefits.

One important thing to note is that bloodlines can reject or devour each other once you reach the 50 percent mark, so even if you go trough the unification, there is a chance of failing or succeeding but not obtaining any noteworthy benefits. This implies that once you unify multiple bloodlines, your inborn blood type or main bloodline won't be able to accept any other bloodline besides those at the same level. Anything weaker would get devoured or rejected. 


The technique she used was one of the best appraisal methods for examining a beast's soul and analyzing its talents and blood types. Therefore, it was a big surprise when she discovered that he lacked an ancestral bloodline and had nothing remarkable about his inborn bloodline.

Having no ancestral blood was unheard of and technically impossible for any living being besides humans. 


A/N: Sorry for the info dump, I tried my best to make it compact and understandable, though I'm not sure if I succeeded. I promise I'll try to reduce info dumps in the next 20 chapters or at least make them enjoyable...

enjoyable info dumps... smh