Sophie glanced over her schedule, matching some of their class times with Lila's, then looked up with a grin. "We've got Elemental Magic together first thing. It's just down the hall and to the left. We can walk together."

They joined the stream of students filling the corridors of Thornwood Academy, the air buzzing with the chatter of classmates catching up and freshmen, like them, marveling at the ancient, ivy-covered walls that seemed to whisper secrets.

The stone archways and stained glass windows added to the mystical feel of the school.

As they walked, Lila's gaze wandered to the portraits of famous alumni that lined the walls, their eyes seeming to follow her. "This place feels alive," she whispered, half to herself.

Sophie chuckled. "It's got a character. Wait till you see the Elemental Magic classroom. The walls are embedded with natural elements—rocks, branches, water streams, and even small flames dancing behind protective glass. It's like nature tucked inside a room."

As they turned the corner, they saw a door with a brass plaque reading 'Elemental Magic'. Students were filing in, their faces eager and a little anxious.

"Here we are," Sophie said, pushing the door open. The room was as spectacular as she had described, with the four elements represented in different corners of the spacious room, each element gently glowing in its unique way.

"Wow," Lila breathed out, her eyes lighting up. "This is going to be amazing."

"Yep," Sophie replied, finding them seats near the front where they could get a good view of everything. "And it's just the beginning. Imagine what the rest of the day holds!"

They settled down, notebooks ready, as the teacher, a tall woman with hair the color of midnight and eyes sparkling like sapphires, stepped forward.

She carried an air of command and mystery as she scanned the room, her gaze settling on each student briefly as if taking their measure.

"Welcome, students," she began, her voice resonant and clear, echoing slightly in the room filled with natural elements. "I am Professor Hawthorne, and I will be your guide through the enchanting world of Elemental Magic."

She gestured to the corners of the room where the elements were displayed. "Here, you will learn not just to understand but to resonate with the fundamental forces of nature—fire, water, air, and earth. Each element has its language and its spirit. Our journey together will uncover these voices and learn how to harmonize with them."

Sophie leaned over to Lila, whispering excitedly, "This sounds incredible, doesn't it?"

Lila nodded, completely captivated. "It's like stepping into another world," she whispered back.

Professor Hawthorne continued, "This course is not just about power; it's about connection. You will learn to extend your senses, to feel the pulse of the earth, the breath of the wind, the flow of water, and the warmth of fire. If you open your minds and hearts, this journey will change you, enrich you in ways you never imagined."

She paused, letting her words sink in. "Are you ready to begin this adventure?"

The room filled with nods and murmurs of agreement, a shared anticipation buzzing through the air.

"Good," Professor Hawthorne smiled warmly. "Let's start by understanding each element's basic properties and how they interact with each other."

As the lecture started, Lila scribbled notes furiously, eager to capture every word. Beside her, Sophie's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement.

A few minutes into the lecture, Professor Hawthorne transitioned from theory to practical application. She moved gracefully to the center of the room, where a large circular area was cleared, giving everyone a good view. The room's energy shifted to anticipation as everyone leaned forward to watch.

"Understanding the elements through books and words is one thing, but true comprehension comes through practice," Professor Hawthorne announced. She raised her hands, and a gentle breeze began to circulate in the room, picking up speed and swirling around her. With a flick of her wrist, the wind calmed, and a small flame appeared in her palm, dancing lightly as if it were alive.

"As we go on, you'll learn to harness these elements. But for now, I want to see where you stand. This is a safe space for all of you to try and express your elemental affinity. Those who are ready can step forward and show what they can do. And remember, it's perfectly fine if you're not ready to demonstrate—observing and learning is just as important."

One by one, students started stepping into the circle. Some managed to conjure small gusts of wind or flickers of flame, while others struggled to produce even a wisp. The professor watched each attempt with an encouraging nod, offering gentle corrections or praise as needed.

Sophie gently nudged Lila, lowering her voice to a whisper. "You should try too. Show them what you're capable of."

Lila shook her head, her eyes wide with worry. "No way, I could end up setting the whole room on fire. I still can't control it properly," she muttered, her gaze fixed on the floor, dreading the thought of losing control in front of everyone.

Just then, a brash voice cut through the tension. "Get out of the way," said a boy as he nudged Lila aside more roughly than necessary. She stumbled a bit, turning to face him with a mix of shock and annoyance.

The boy who had pushed her aside had a striking appearance. He was tall, with a swimmer's lean build and broad shoulders that made him stand out in the crowd. His hair was an unusual shade of seafoam green, swept back as if he had just emerged from the water, and slightly damp. His skin carried a subtle blue tint, becoming more pronounced under the sunlight streaming through the classroom windows. His eyes were a clear, deep blue, like the ocean on a calm day.

"Who does he think he is?" Lila grumbled under her breath, glaring at the back of the boy as he moved confidently to the center of the circle.

With a graceful flair, the boy began manipulating water right in the palm of his hand. He crafted a miniature ocean, complete with tiny, cresting waves and the shimmering surface of a sea under sunlight. The water moved so realistically it was like watching a small piece of the ocean brought to life.

The entire class, including Professor Hawthorne, watched in awe. Even Lila, still irked by his rudeness, couldn't help but admire the skill and beauty of his demonstration.

"That's water manipulation at a very advanced level," Professor Hawthorne explained to the class, her voice filled with a mix of pride and surprise. "Very impressive control and creativity."

The boy finished his display, the water gently evaporating from his hands as he turned to face the class, his sunny smile broadening as he soaked in their amazed expressions.

Despite her annoyance, Lila felt a twinge of admiration. She whispered to Sophie, "That was pretty incredible, wasn't it?"

Sophie nodded, squeezing Lila's shoulder. "It was. But don't worry, you'll get there with your fire skills too. We just need to find you the right help to control it."

"Do we have anyone else who wants to try?" the teacher asked, looking around the classroom. "Remember, it's your first day, and for some of you, this is the very first time trying to use your abilities..."

Lila hesitated for a moment, aware of the ocean boy staring at her. He wasn't saying anything, but his confident smirk was like a silent dare.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Lila stepped forward into the center of the circle. Inside her, a familiar warmth began to stir.

She closed her eyes and raised her hands, focusing on the internal heat. Slowly, a small flame flickered to life in her palms, gradually growing steadier and brighter under her careful control.

The room filled with soft murmurs of amazement as Lila opened her eyes and smiled, proud of the stable flame she had managed to create.

Professor Hawthorne applauded, her eyes shining with pride. "Very well done, Lila! That's an outstanding demonstration of your ability to control and connect with your element."

"Wait, that was it?" the ocean boy said loudly, interrupting the quiet admiration of the class. "I could do that with a gas lighter," he mocked, prompting laughter from some of the other students.

Lila's heart thumped painfully in her chest, and the flame in her hands began to grow larger and more erratic, driven by her rising emotions.

The playful fire now mirrored the turmoil inside her, becoming more difficult to control with each passing second.

"Next time, just sit down if you've got nothing to show," he whispered loudly enough for Lila to hear, just as the teacher turned away to help another student.

The ocean boy's mocking words stoked the flames of Lila's anger. Losing her grip on her calm, she let the fire burst towards him in a brilliant arc of light.

He reacted swiftly, calling forth a stream of water that snuffed out the flame, but not before some of it splashed onto the teacher.

Drenched and shocked, Professor Hawthorne quickly turned around. "What happened here?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the sudden chaos in the classroom.

"It was her!" the ocean boy exclaimed immediately, pointing at Lila. "She lost control and almost set the room on fire!"

Lila's cheeks flushed with anger. "That's not true! He provoked me with his arrogance and insults. He practically asked for it," she shot back, her voice rising.