The next day, Lila, Ezra, and Sophie entered what was supposed to be Thornwood Academy's library, but the scene before them was anything but ordinary.

The vast room was silent, typical of a library, yet it was in utter disarray. Books floated through the air as if possessed, gracefully soaring and swooping like birds in flight.

They paused just inside the entrance, taking in the chaotic spectacle. Books of all sizes and colors moved in mysterious patterns, occasionally bumping against each other before continuing on their unpredictable paths.

"Is this normal here?" Lila whispered, her eyes wide with a mix of amazement and confusion.

Ezra shook his head, equally bewildered. "Not at all. This looks like some kind of spell gone wrong, or maybe it's another manifestation of magical disturbance like with the mirrors."

Sophie scanned the room, trying to discern any pattern or logic in the movement of the books. "If we're going to find anything about shadows and ghosts, it's going to be a challenge with the books like this. We don't even know where to start looking."

"Let's split up and try to catch some of these books," Ezra suggested. "Maybe if we can get hold of a few, they might just be the ones we need. Look for anything that seems to gravitate towards the supernatural or magical disturbances sections."

They nodded in agreement and cautiously ventured further into the library. Lila reached out and managed to grasp a thick, leather-bound volume that zoomed past her. Upon opening it, she found it was a compendium of magical creatures and phenomena. "I got something!" she called out to the others, holding the book up triumphantly.

Sophie managed to snag a book that twirled elegantly before her, its pages filled with historical accounts of magical mishaps and their resolutions.

Ezra, on the other hand, chased down a particularly evasive tome that, when he finally caught it, turned out to detail theories of portal magic and dimensional instabilities.

As Lila, Ezra, and Sophie gathered in a quieter corner of the library with their selected books, they quickly realized that their initial optimism was misplaced. Each book they had managed to capture was intriguing in its own right but, unfortunately, none were relevant to their current needs.

Ezra flipped through a dusty tome about the history of magical transportation. "This is fascinating, but it's not what we're looking for. It's more about the development of broom travel than anything about shadows or ghosts."

Sophie's book, which had appeared promising with its silver-embossed cover, turned out to be a detailed study of alchemical practices in the 16th century. "Nothing about disturbances or mysterious phenomena here," she said, disappointment tinting her voice as she scanned the pages.

Lila's catch, a compendium of magical creatures, was the closest to being useful, but still missed the mark. "It's mostly about mythical beasts and where to find them, not about uncontrolled magical manifestations or shadow entities," she explained, her brows furrowed in frustration.

Realizing they needed a different approach, Ezra suggested, "We need to find the library's catalog or speak with the librarian. There has to be a systematic way to find what we're looking for."

Nodding in agreement, the trio decided to search for the librarian. As they approached the main desk, they noticed a small, bespectacled woman meticulously reordering a cart of books, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around her.

"Excuse me," Lila began, "we're looking for information on magical disturbances, specifically shadows and spectral manifestations. Could you help us find the right materials?"

The librarian looked up, her eyes twinkling behind her glasses as she pushed them up her nose. "Ah, a challenging query during chaotic times," she said with a slight smile. "Follow me."

She led them through the maze of flying books to a section that seemed less affected by the aerial turmoil. Pulling out several volumes from a shelf marked 'Arcane Disturbances and Spectral Studies,' she handed them to the students.

"Try these," she suggested. "They should contain more of what you're searching for regarding unexplained magical behaviors and shadow phenomena."

Grateful for the guidance, Lila, Ezra, and Sophie thanked her and settled down with the new stack of books, hopeful that this time they would find the answers they needed amidst the pages.

As the hours ticked by in the now quiet corner of the library, Lila, Ezra, and Sophie poured over the texts provided by the librarian. The flickering light from the overhead lamps cast long shadows across the table, a reminder of the mysterious entity they were researching. Finally, they began to uncover pieces of information that seemed to connect the dots.

"The shadow I encountered is not just random disturbance. It is a spirits," Lila read aloud from a heavy, leather-bound book titled "Spectral Manifestations and Dark Conjurations."

"It says here that they are created by practitioners of dark magic, used to carry out tasks or to guard certain places. The exact nature of these tasks can vary widely."

Ezra, who was skimming through a book on magical ethics and the misuse of power, chimed in, "That aligns with what I've found. There's a section here about the consequences of using dark magic on sacred sites or objects, like the portals. It mentions that corrupting such holy places with dark magic can lead to instability and even destruction."

Sophie, who had been quietly absorbing a dense tome on portal theories and their practical applications, added, "These portals are considered holy because they facilitate not just physical travel but spiritual connections across the magical realms.

When someone tainted with dark magic attempts to use them, it doesn't just break the portal, it could potentially unleash a cascade of negative energy across all connected points."

The trio sat back, the weight of the information sinking in. "So, it seems like whoever is using these shadow spirits might be trying to disrupt or exploit the portals for some darker purpose," Ezra concluded, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Yeah, but what could that purpose be?" Lila wondered aloud. "We know how and possibly who, but not why. And why use dark magic? The risks are enormous."

Sophie nodded in agreement, her expression grave. "We need to find out who is behind this and stop them before they cause more damage or manage to harness even more dangerous powers through these portals."

"How are we going to find someone using dark energy, and how will we even know if it's dark energy?" Lila asked, her voice filled with both curiosity and concern.

Ezra responded thoughtfully, focusing on a deeper aspect of their dilemma. "The real question is, what does this person want? Understanding their motives could help us predict their next move."

Sophie leaned forward, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Identifying someone using dark magic isn't easy, but there are signs.

For one, the area around them might feel colder, or you might notice plants and natural materials wilting or decaying faster than usual.

Also, dark magic users often exhibit physical signs of corruption, like unusually pale or darkened skin, depending on the type and extent of magic used."

Ezra nodded, absorbing Sophie's insights. "As for knowing what they want, that's trickier. We need to understand the bigger picture. If they're targeting portals, it suggests they're trying to manipulate or gain access to places that are normally out of reach. This could be for power, revenge, or something else entirely."

Lila frowned, considering their options. "We should start monitoring areas around the portals more closely, then. Maybe set up some kind of surveillance or ask the faculty to do so. If we can catch the person in the act, we might be able to stop them and ask some of these questions directly."

"And we should also keep an eye out for any unusual activities or behaviors among the students and staff," Ezra added. "Anyone acting out of the ordinary could be a lead."

Sophie pulled out a notebook and started to jot down their plan. "Let's also dive deeper into historical records of dark magic incidents at Thornwood. There might be a pattern or previous case that can give us more clues."

Their discussion turned into a strategic session, with each contributing ideas on how to detect and intercept the use of dark magic at the academy.

They agreed to split their tasks; Lila would talk to the faculty about increased surveillance, Ezra would start observing behavioral changes among the students, and Sophie would research historical precedents of similar events.

As they packed up their books and prepared to leave the library, they felt a sense of urgency but also determination.

The challenge was daunting, yet it was clear they were all committed to protecting their school and uncovering the truth behind the mysterious use of dark magic.

On her way to the faculty office, Lila unexpectedly bumped into Mia.

She froze, remembering Sophie's words about dark magic users often showing signs like unusually pale skin.

Lila couldn't help but stare at Mia's strikingly pale complexion.