Lila, still weak but feeling the burn of her powers coursing through her, struggled to sit up. "I had to do it," she said, her voice hoarse. "I couldn't feel my powers, and I needed to bring them back. I thought... I thought this was the only way."

Hartwood's face turned red with fury. "Lila, do you have any idea how reckless and dangerous that was? You could have been seriously injured or worse!"

Marlowe knelt beside her, her anger tempered by worry. "You put yourself in immense danger, and for what? There are safer ways to regain your abilities. You should have come to us."

Lila felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I was desperate. I didn't want to let everyone down. I thought if I pushed myself hard enough, my powers would come back."

Hartwood's expression softened slightly, but his voice remained stern. "Lila, we understand your fear and frustration, but risking your life is not the answer. You need to trust us to help you."

Marlowe sighed deeply, placing a hand on Lila's shoulder. "We are here to guide you, Lila. We can find ways to help you regain control without endangering yourself or others."

Jason looked at the professors, his face still pale. "I'm sorry, Professors. I didn't know what else to do. She was so determined."

Hartwood shook his head, his anger now directed at the situation rather than at Jason. "You should have come to us immediately, Jason. But for now, let's focus on getting Lila back to the academy and making sure she's okay."

Marlowe helped Lila to her feet, her expression a mixture of frustration and concern. "You're strong, Lila, but you need to be smart too. We can't afford to lose you."

As they made their way back to the academy, the professors continued to emphasize the importance of safety and trust. Lila listened, feeling a mix of guilt and relief.

Back at the academy, they settled Lila in the infirmary. Hartwood and Marlowe stood by her side, their expressions still serious.

"We'll find a way to help you control your powers," Marlowe said gently. "But you have to promise us that you won't take such risks again."

Lila nodded, her eyes filled with regret. "I promise. I just... I didn't know what else to do."

"Lila, this isn't just about you," Hartwood began, his voice stern but laden with worry. "Everyone's lives are at stake. Your actions have consequences that go beyond your own safety."

Marlowe nodded, her expression a mix of disappointment and fear. "We're all in this together, Lila. The prophecy, the Shadow King, affects all of us. You can't take these kinds of risks. What if something had happened to you? What would we do then?"

Lila, feeling a mix of guilt and frustration, bit her lip. "I know it was dangerous, but I was desperate. I felt like I had no other choice."

Hartwood stopped and turned to face her, his eyes intense. "There are always choices, Lila. But making reckless decisions can put everyone in danger. We can't afford to lose you, and we can't afford to let you act without considering the consequences."

Marlowe's voice hardened. "Do you understand what you risked? If you had been seriously hurt or worse, the Shadow King would have one less obstacle in his way. You're vital to this fight, Lila."

Lila's frustration finally bubbled over. "You think I don't know that? You think I don't understand what's at stake? I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask to be part of some prophecy or to have these powers!"

Hartwood's face reddened. "But you are part of this, Lila! Whether you asked for it or not, you have a responsibility. We all do!"

Marlowe added, her voice sharp, "And your friends, they trust you. They rely on you. How do you think they would feel if something happened to you because of a reckless decision?"

Lila's fists clenched, and she could feel the heat building inside her. "I'm just trying to do my best, but it's never enough! I didn't ask to be the one who has to save everyone! I don't want any of this!"

Hartwood took a step closer, his eyes blazing. "You need to grow up, Lila. This isn't about what you want. This is about survival, about protecting everyone you care about!"

Marlowe's tone was equally fierce. "Do you think any of us wanted this? Do you think we enjoy having our lives constantly under threat? We're all in this together, but we need you to act responsibly!"

That was the breaking point. Lila felt the flames burst from within her, enveloping her body in a furious blaze. "I didn't ask for this!" she screamed, the heat radiating off her in waves. "I didn't ask for this prophecy, these powers, this responsibility! I just wanted to find my parents and live happily ever after!"

The fire around her intensified, and Jason, still nearby, took a step back, eyes wide with shock. "Lila, calm down!"

But Lila was beyond calming down. "All I've been doing is trying to live up to expectations that I never wanted! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of feeling like a failure, like I just want to be free!"

Hartwood and Marlowe both took a step back, their faces a mix of shock and realization at the intensity of her emotions.

The flames flickered, dancing around her as if reflecting her inner turmoil.

Marlowe, her voice now softer but firm, tried to reach through the inferno. "Lila, we understand your anger. But you're not alone in this. We're here to help you."

Lila's eyes, burning with fury, met Marlowe's. "I don't need help! I need to not feel like I'm drowning under all this pressure! I need... I need a way out!"

Hartwood, seeing the danger of her uncontrolled powers, spoke more gently. "Lila, we're sorry. We should have realized how much pressure you're under. But please, let us help you find a way through this. Together."

The words began to break through Lila's anger. The flames around her started to die down, flickering and then slowly fading away. She stood there, breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know if I can do this," she whispered, her voice hoarse.

Marlowe stepped forward cautiously, placing a hand on Lila's shoulder. "You can, Lila. And you won't have to do it alone. We're all here for you. But you have to let us help."

Hartwood nodded, his expression softening. "We know this is a lot to bear. But we believe in you. We just need you to believe in yourself."

Lila looked at her friends, at Jason, at the professors, and finally let herself collapse into Marlowe's arms, sobbing. "I'm so scared," she admitted. "I don't want to let everyone down. I don't want to live in constant fear that someone out there wants to harm me"

Marlowe hugged her tightly. "You won't. We'll face this together, one step at a time."

Hartwood joined them, placing a reassuring hand on Lila's back. "We'll find a way to harness your powers safely. We'll get through this, Lila. All of us."

After the intense confrontation and the raw release of her emotions, Lila found herself alone in her room, the echoes of the conversation still ringing in her ears.

She sat by the window, staring out at the darkening sky, her thoughts a tumultuous storm within her mind.

The weight of her responsibility pressed down on her like a physical burden.

She thought about the prophecy, the powers she had never asked for, and the lives that now depended on her.

The lives of the people who had once looked down on her ignored her or underestimated her. Now, ironically, she was their hope, their potential savior.

"I didn't ask for this," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling. "Why me?"

Memories of her life before the prophecy surfaced in her mind, times when she had been overlooked, ridiculed for being different, for not fitting in.

She had always been on the fringes, never truly accepted. And now, those same people were looking to her to save them from the impending darkness.

A surge of anger mixed with bitterness welled up within her. "They never cared before. Why should I care now?" she muttered, though she knew deep down that wasn't who she was. She couldn't turn her back on them, not when the stakes were so high.

Her thoughts turned to Elara, the First Ember Child, a powerful phoenix descendant who had lived a life of legend.

Elara had defeated the powerful sorcerer Morgath at a young age, with no one to train her or guide her. She had been born with innate strength and power, a natural leader who had been loved and revered by all.

Lila felt a pang of inadequacy. Elara's legacy was a heavy burden to bear. Unlike Elara, Lila had struggled to control her powers. She wasn't born with the same innate ability or strength.

"How can I ever live up to Elara?" Lila muttered, her voice filled with frustration and doubt. "She was everything I'm not. She didn't need training or help. She just knew what to do."