The dawn broke with a soft, golden light filtering through the dormitory windows, casting a warm glow on the room.

Lila stirred awake, the events of the previous day still fresh in her mind.

She glanced over at Ezra, who was already up and reading through his notes, his face a mask of determination.

"Morning, Ezra," Lila said, stretching and trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Ready for another day?"

Ezra gave her a small smile. "Yes, I'm ready. We have to make sure Headmaster King doesn't suspect anything.

Let's just get through today and later we will find another way into the Archives."

Lila nodded. They quickly dressed in their uniforms and made their way to the dining hall, the buzz of students filling the air. Breakfast was a hurried affair, with everyone eager to get to their classes.

"Did you hear that Professor Hawthorne is on leave? Professor Eldric is teaching the Elemental Magic class now. Do you know anything about him?" Lila asked.

"I heard Professor Alder is strict," Mia said, her eyes wide with concern as they sat down at their usual table.

"Yeah, but he's also supposed to be one of the best at teaching elemental control," Toby added, trying to sound reassuring.

Lila listened to the chatter, her mind already drifting to the plan she would need to get back into the Archives.

She forced herself to focus on the present, knowing they couldn't afford to draw any more attention to themselves.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of classes, they quickly made their way to the Elemental Magic classroom.

The large, open space was filled with various magical artifacts and elemental symbols, and the walls were adorned with murals depicting powerful mages wielding the elements in grand displays of magic.

Professor Alder, a tall, stern-looking man with white hair and piercing grey eyes, stood at the front of the room. His presence commanded attention, and the students quickly took their seats.

"Good morning, class," Professor Alder began, his voice resonating with authority. "Welcome to Elemental Magic. This class will teach you how to control and manipulate the basic elements: fire, water, air, and earth. Each of you has a unique affinity, and we will explore and develop those abilities throughout the year."

He paused, scanning the room with his intense gaze. "Let's start with a demonstration. Lila, step forward."

Lila's heart raced as she stood up and walked to the front of the room. Professor Alder handed her a small, unlit candle.

"Light this candle using your connection to fire," he instructed.

Lila took a deep breath, focusing on the candle. With a gentle flick, the candlewick caught fire, burning steadily.

"Well done," Professor Alder said with a nod. "Control is crucial. Remember, the elements are not just tools but extensions of your will."

The rest of the class passed in a blur of demonstrations and lectures, each student showing their elemental affinity.

Lila tried to focus on the lessons, but her mind kept drifting back to the missing page and the mystery they had yet to solve.

After a short break, they headed to the Healing Arts class.

The room was filled with the scent of herbs and potions, and shelves lined with various magical ingredients.

Professor Marigold, a kind-looking woman with flowing red hair and a calming presence, greeted them warmly.

"Good morning, everyone," she said. "In this class, we will learn the art of healing using magic. Today, we'll start with basic healing spells and the properties of some common herbs."

The class was split into pairs, each working on casting a simple healing spell on a small cut.

Lila partnered with Sophie, both focusing intently on the task. The spell required a delicate balance of energy, and they took turns practicing on each other.

"Remember, healing requires patience and precision," Professor Marigold advised as she walked around the room, observing their progress.

Lila felt a sense of accomplishment as she successfully healed Sophie's cut, the skin knitting back together seamlessly.

They exchanged a satisfied smile, knowing that mastering these skills could be crucial in their future endeavors.

After Healing Arts, they had a lunch break. The dining hall was abuzz with conversations about the morning's classes and the mysterious events of the previous day.

Lila and her friends found a quiet corner to eat and discuss their plans.

"We need to be careful," Ezra said, his voice low. "Headmaster King is probably watching us closely after what happened."

"Agreed," Lila replied. "But we can't just give up. There's something important in that library, and we need to find out what it is."

They headed to their next class, History of Magical Creatures.

The room was filled with illustrations and models of various magical beings, from dragons to phoenixes. Professor Thorn, an elderly man with a long white beard and twinkling eyes, welcomed them with a smile.

"Today, we will delve into the history of phoenixes," he announced. "Phoenixes are powerful creatures, known for their ability to be reborn from their ashes. Their magic is tied to fire and healing."

Lila listened intently.

As the class progressed, Professor Thorn shared stories of legendary phoenixes and their impact on the magical world.

Next was Defensive Magic, a class held in a large, open courtyard. The space was filled with training dummies and various magical barriers.

Lila paired with Ezra, both focusing on conjuring a shield.

The spell required a steady flow of energy, and they took turns casting and testing their barriers.

Professor Marlowe walked among them, offering pointers and corrections.

"Remember, a good defense is just as important as a strong offense," she said, demonstrating a powerful shield spell that shimmered with energy.

Lila felt a surge of confidence as she successfully blocked Ezra's spell, her barrier holding firm. She knew that these skills would be vital in their quest to uncover the academy's secrets.

Following another short break, they headed to Potion Making. The classroom was filled with cauldrons and shelves stocked with ingredients.

Professor Brewster, a tall man with a bushy mustache and a jovial demeanor, greeted them enthusiastically.

"Welcome to Potion Making!" he boomed. "Today, we'll start with a simple healing potion. Follow the instructions carefully, and remember, precision is key."

The students gathered their ingredients and set to work.

Lila measured and mixed the components, her attention focused on getting everything just right.

The potion required a delicate balance, and she followed the steps meticulously.

As the cauldrons bubbled and brewed, Professor Brewster walked around, offering advice and encouragement.

"Excellent work, everyone," Professor Brewster said.

"Potion-making is an art that requires patience and skill. Keep practicing, and you'll master it in no time."

The day continued with Advanced Spellwork, a class held in a room filled with intricate magical diagrams and ancient tomes.

Professor Lumen, a stern woman with sharp features and a keen intellect, began the lesson with a discussion on complex spellcasting techniques.

"Magic is not just about raw power," she explained.

"It requires control, precision, and understanding. Today, we will work on casting a spell to manipulate time. It's a difficult spell, but with practice, you will get it."

The students practiced under her watchful eye, each trying to grasp the nuances of the spell.

Lila focused intently, her mind sharp as she wove the intricate patterns of magic required. She could feel the strain, but also the exhilaration of mastering something so complex.

The final class of the day was Ethics of Magic, held in a quiet, contemplative room.

Professor Hartwood, a gentleman with a soothing voice, led the discussion on the moral implications of using magic.

"Magic is a powerful tool, but with great power comes great responsibility," he said.

"We must always consider the consequences of our actions and strive to use our abilities for the greater good."

The day's classes had been a welcome distraction, but the mystery of the Archives still weighed heavily on their minds.

As night fell, the group gathered near the entrance to the Archives door.

Lila took a deep breath, her phoenix fire flickering softly in her hand, ready to guide her through the dark corridors.

"Alright, remember the plan," Ezra whispered.

"Sophie, Mia, and Toby will create a distraction if needed. I'll keep watch near Headmaster King's office. Lila, you're going in. Be quick and careful."

Lila nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Got it. Let's do this."

They dispersed, each taking their positions. Lila slipped into the shadows, making her way toward the archives.

The halls were eerily quiet, the only sound being the soft echo of her footsteps.

As she reached the entrance to the archives, she glanced back, catching a glimpse of her friends in their designated spots.

She took another deep breath and pushed the door open, the familiar smell of old parchment and mildew hitting her immediately.

Inside, the room was just as dark and foreboding as before.

Lila's fire cast long, flickering shadows on the walls, giving the impression that the room was alive.

She moved quickly, her eyes scanning the shelves for the old, worn book she had found earlier.

Meanwhile, outside the archives, Sophie, Mia, and Toby were on high alert.

They knew that any sign of trouble would require them to act fast.

Ezra stood near Headmaster King's office, ready to warn Lila if he approached.

Minutes felt like hours as Lila searched through the shelves.

She finally spotted the book and carefully pulled it from its place, her hands trembling slightly.

She tucked it under her arm, ready to make her escape.

Suddenly, a noise echoed through the corridor. Lila froze, her heart racing.