After hours of intense searching and uncovering various items within the chamber, the group gathered around a large table to review everything they had found.

The table was cluttered with ancient books, scrolls, maps, and various artifacts, each piece contributing to the complex puzzle they were trying to solve.

Lila looked around at her friends, each one tired but determined. "Alright, let's see what we have," she said, her voice steady.

Sophie placed a stack of handwritten notes on the table. "These notes detail the history of the academy and mention the Nexus energy."

Mia held up a small, intricately carved box. "I found this hidden behind a false wall. It contains symbols and runes I've never seen before. We might need to decode these to understand their significance."

Lila took a deep breath, feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement. "We've gathered a lot of information, but we need to make sense of it all.

Ezra, can you mark the key locations on the map? Sophie, start deciphering those notes. Mia, see what you can find out about those runes and symbols."

Everyone nodded and got to work. Lila moved around the table, checking on their progress and offering guidance where needed.

After a while, Ezra looked up from the map. "Lila, I've marked all the key locations. There's one passage that leads directly to the headmaster's office. It might be worth investigating."

Sophie glanced up from the notes. "I've found references to a hidden ritual that involves summoning a demon. It seems crucial to whoever is behind all this."

Mia carefully examined the runes. "These symbols seem to be part of an ancient protective spell. If we can activate it, it might shield us from the dark forces at play."

Lila nodded, a sense of clarity washing over her. "Good work, everyone. Let's divide our tasks and prepare for our next move. We need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

Their findings had gone beyond what they had initially sought, revealing deeper layers of the mystery.

Lila held up an old, weathered document. "I found a handwritten copy of a prophecy involving the Ember Child. This person knows about us."

Ezra added, "I discovered a document about summoning demons through mirrors. It details the process, but it says the mirrors broke during the rituals. Sounds familiar?"

"The mirrors...yes, during the headmaster's speech, so if they were doing their ritual during the speech, then it's not the headmaster," Lila replied.

Ezra nodded. "Exactly, he can't be in two places at one time."

Sophie spoke up next. "I found someone's diary or notes. It talks about how they started a fire during a forbidden ritual and lost their whole family.

Everyone suspected them since they were the only survivor, but no one was brave enough to confront them."

"Woah!" Lila exclaimed while Ezra whistled, gathering around the textbook in Sophie's hand.

"Now this is something we were not looking for, but it helps us a lot. We just need to find the person who lost their family in the fire. Does it date when that happened?" Lila asked, her eyes scanning the book, but there was no date. That didn't mean the fire didn't happen.

Mia revealed, "I found notes on secret meetings held in these chambers and the Shadow Garden. Separate training is going on, and there are bold written words: 'I need to investigate this further.'"

Toby added, "I found a book with different rituals, but the one that stands out is how to summon a demon."

"Holy Ghost! This is incredible and yet terrifying," Lila exclaimed.

Ezra looked grim. "One of the documents mentions needing three clueless individuals from the mundane realm. This must be part of the ritual."

Sophie pointed to another note. "And this one talks about getting the Nexus to prove to 'him.' But 'him' is not mentioned."

Mia turned the page. "There's another note about betrayal. It says they must find a way to summon 'him' again."

Lila nodded thoughtfully. "Why did they write everything down?" she thought out loud.

Ezra replied, "Maybe they were confident no one would find it, or perhaps it was a form of documentation for their own reference. Either way, we've stumbled upon something big."

The group exchanged glances. They had uncovered pieces of a dangerous puzzle, and now they had to put it together to thwart whatever dark forces were at play. The next steps would be crucial, and they needed to be ready for anything.

Lila looked around the table, her eyes scanning the faces of her friends, "We've gathered a lot of information, but the question remains: who could be behind all this?"

Ezra, leaning over the map, tapped a finger on the headmaster's office. "Well, we know it's not the headmaster. He was giving a speech during the ritual. But that doesn't rule out everyone in the administration."

Sophie nodded, flipping through the notes she had been deciphering. "Right. These notes suggest that whoever is behind this has a deep knowledge of the academy's history and the Nexus energy. It has to be someone with access to restricted information."

Mia added, "And they must be well-versed in ancient runes and symbols. This isn't common knowledge. They have resources and knowledge beyond what an average staff member would have."

Lila pondered this for a moment. "Someone with deep knowledge, access to restricted areas, and familiarity with ancient magic... it sounds like a high-ranking member of the academy or someone with significant influence."

Toby, who had been quiet up to this point, spoke up. "What about Professor Hartley? He's the head of the Arcane Studies department and has been here for decades. He would have access to all this knowledge and the means to carry out such rituals."

Ezra frowned. "Hartley does fit the profile, but he's always been so dedicated to the academy. It's hard to believe he'd be involved in something this dark."

Mia countered, "Dedication to the academy could also mean a desire to protect it at all costs, even if that means resorting to extreme measures. Maybe he believes these rituals are necessary for some greater good."

Lila nodded thoughtfully. "Hartley is a possibility, but we need more evidence. Who else?"

Sophie looked up, her expression troubled. "What about the librarian, Ms. Caldwell? She knows more about the academy's history and the ancient texts than anyone. Plus, she's always been a bit... mysterious."

Ezra's eyes widened. "I've noticed her going into restricted sections of the library at odd hours. She could easily access everything we've found here."

Sophie chimed in, "And she's the one who catalogs the ancient artifacts. She'd have access to the kind of runes and symbols Mia found."

Lila sighed, rubbing her temples. "So we have Professor Hartley and Ms. Caldwell as our prime suspects. Both have the knowledge, access, and means. We need to keep an eye on them and gather more information."

Ezra nodded. "We should split up to cover more ground. I'll keep an eye on Professor Hartley and monitor his activities. If he's involved, he'll slip up eventually."

Sophie agreed. "I'll watch Ms. Caldwell and see if I can catch her accessing any restricted sections. She's always been secretive, so it shouldn't be too hard to spot something out of the ordinary."

Toby said, "And I'll investigate the staff records. There might be others who fit the profile or have been acting suspiciously. We can't rule anyone out yet."

Lila took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. "Alright, let's move quickly but carefully. If they suspect we're onto them, they might accelerate their plans.

We need to be ready for anything. In the meantime, I'll look into the fire incident and see if anyone knows more about it. It could be the key to finding our culprit."

She turned to Mia. "Mia, you're with me. Let's gather everything we've found and find a secure place to store it, far from anyone's reach. We can't risk losing this information."

Mia nodded. "Got it, Lila. We'll make sure it's safe."

Lila looked around at the group, seeking any additional input. "Anyone else has a plan or suggestions?"

Ezra thought for a moment. "We should have a way to communicate quickly in case anyone discovers something urgent. Maybe we can use the old enchanted pendants that allow us to send brief messages to each other."

Sophie nodded. "Good idea, Ezra. I'll retrieve the pendants from the archive. They haven't been used in years, but they should still work."

Toby added, "We also need a backup meeting spot in case things go sideways. How about the old greenhouse? It's secluded and rarely used."

Lila smiled, appreciating their proactive thinking. "Perfect. We'll meet at the old greenhouse if we need to regroup. Stay alert and stay safe. Let's get to work and bring whoever's behind this to light."

With their plan in place, the group dispersed, and each member committed to their part of the mission.