Corvus had reveled in his dark realm, torturing souls and devouring those foolish enough to challenge him.

His existence was a relentless cycle of fear and dominance, the anguished screams of the damned a soothing symphony to his malevolent soul. Yet, all of that changed on a fateful night.

The summoning began subtly, a faint tug on the edges of his consciousness. He tried to ignore it, but the pull grew stronger, more insistent.

The ritual's power was too potent to dismiss, and the promise of devouring fresh, innocent souls was too enticing to resist. Curiosity and hunger gnawed at him until he finally succumbed to the call.

He found himself in a darkened chamber, lit only by the flickering flames of ritual candles.

The air was thick with the smell of fresh blood and incense. At the center of the room, a cloaked figure knelt before an altar, three sacrificed virgins laid out in a grotesque offering.

The cloaked figure, sensing Corvus's presence, looked up and spoke, their voice trembling with a mix of fear and reverence.

"Mighty Corvus, I have summoned you to deliver a message and ask for your help."

Corvus's eyes glowed with a cold, malevolent light.

"Speak quickly, mortal, and choose your words wisely. You have disturbed me, and my patience is thin."

The figure bowed its head lower. "Forgive me, Lord Corvus. I come with news of Thornwood Academy. You may not remember, but you were once a student there.

The people of Thornwood celebrated your disappearance. They rejoiced when you vanished, believing they were rid of you forever."

Corvus's interest piqued, and he leaned in closer. "Thornwood Academy, you say? Tell me more."

The figure revealed everything Lila and her group had discovered about Corvus's past, his heritage, the prophecy, and his disappearance from Thornwood Academy.

Corvus pieced together the missing fragments of his life, recalling the day he woke up in a tomb.

Someone from Thornwood Academy had tried to kill him and bind him there.

This was the first time someone from Earth had ever summoned him, and with gifts, no less. He decided to listen further.

"Yes, my lord. Thornwood Academy holds a secret, a powerful source of magical energy known as the Nexus.

It is said to be the heart of the academy's power, the very same power that could have aided you in the past.

They hid it from you, my lord, fearing what you could become with such power."

Corvus narrowed his eyes, his mind racing. He sensed the truth interwoven with the figure's words.

"You claim they celebrated my disappearance and hid this Nexus from me. How do I know you are not lying to save your own wretched life?"

The cloaked figure trembled but remained resolute.

"My lord, I swear upon my soul. I speak the truth. I am but a humble servant, seeking to restore you to your rightful place of power. The Nexus can be yours, but only if you desire it."

Corvus considered this, the allure of the Nexus's power tantalizing. "And what do you seek in return, mortal?"

The figure bowed even lower, their voice barely above a whisper. "Power... unlimited power.

Among my people, I am invisible, a mere shadow. They don't see me or acknowledge my existence unless they need something. They never helped me get to where I am today.

Years ago, I was the target of cruel taunts and relentless bullying. No one intervened or even noticed the bruises. I endured in silence, my cries for help falling on deaf ears.

But the worst part was they took the only person who could save me from that misery, the one who could make me strong and let me be myself without hiding. They took my beloved, hiding him away... or maybe even killing him," she said, her voice trembling with grief.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I want them to feel the pain I felt when they took my beloved, the agony when I lost my parents and siblings, the despair when they kicked me out of the academy. I had to fight wolves, bears, and other wild animals, training myself and wandering the world just to survive.

When my family perished in the fire, no one noticed my grief or offered a word of comfort. I mourned alone, my pain unseen and unheard. They turned their backs on me, throwing me out to the wolves...literally. But I survived, and now I want each and every one of them to feel my terror.

My loyalty lies with you because you give me what they never could: recognition, power, and a sense of belonging. They cast me aside, but you welcomed me. For that, I will serve you faithfully. To prove my loyalty, I offer to bring you the Nexus. Please, allow me this chance to show my devotion."

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice a mixture of sorrow and determination. The weight of her past hung heavy in the air, making her plea both heartbreaking and powerful.

Corvus's lips curled into a dark smile. "Very well. If you succeed in bringing me the Nexus, I shall reward you. But know this, if you fail, your fate will be worse than any torment you can imagine."

The figure's voice was filled with determination. "I will not fail you, my lord."

Corvus extended a hand, dark energy crackling around it. "Then go. Bring me the Nexus, and prove your worth."

The figure rose, their resolve evident in their eyes. "I will return with the Nexus, my lord. You have my word."

With a final nod, Corvus dismissed the figure, who quickly walked out, leaving the dark chamber silent once more.

As Corvus returned to his realm, his mind was consumed with thoughts of Thornwood Academy and the power that awaited him.

The Nexus would soon be his, and with it, he would reclaim his rightful place, exacting vengeance on those who had wronged him.


Back at the academy, the night was unusually silent, the air thick with an almost tangible sense of anticipation.

The cloaked figure moved with purpose through the labyrinth in the corridors of Thornwood Academy, their footsteps barely a whisper against the ancient stone floor.

Moonlight streamed through high, arched windows, casting long shadows that danced around the figure, cloaking their presence in mystery.

The figure's cloak was the color of midnight, absorbing the light and rendering them nearly invisible in the dimly lit hallways.

Their hood was pulled low, concealing their face, though a faint glow emanated from within, hinting at the power they held.

Each step was deliberate, each movement graceful and precise, as if they were intimately familiar with the academy's secrets.

Their destination was a closely guarded one, hidden deep within the bowels of the academy, the Nexus, the heart of Thornwood's magical power.

The Nexus was protected by a series of powerful barriers and wards, each one designed to deter intruders and alert the academy's guardians to any unauthorized presence.

The cloaked figure approached the first barrier, a shimmering veil of energy that pulsed with a rhythmic light.

They extended a gloved hand, fingers splayed as they felt the contours of the barrier.

With a soft incantation, their voice barely more than a whisper, they manipulated the energy, finding the seams in the magical weave.

The barrier shimmered and then dissolved, its energy dissipating harmlessly into the air.

The figure moved forward, encountering a second barrier, this one a glowing lattice of arcane symbols that hovered in the air.

The symbols twisted and writhed as if alive, each one a potent spell in its own right. The figure traced the symbols with their fingertips, their touch gentle but firm.

They muttered another incantation, their voice resonating with the symbols' own magical frequency.

The lattice vibrated, then unraveled, the symbols fading into nothingness.

Undeterred, the figure pressed on, reaching a third barrier, a wall of crackling energy that arced and sizzled with raw power.

This barrier was a formidable one, designed to repel even the most skilled of intruders. The figure produced a small, ornate talisman from within their cloak, holding it aloft.

The talisman glowed with an inner light, matching the barrier's energy. With a focused effort, they directed the talisman's power at the barrier, creating a narrow passage through which they could pass.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance to the Nexus chamber, an ornate door inscribed with ancient runes and symbols.

The door pulsed with a soft, blue light, the last and most potent of the protective wards.

The cloaked figure placed both hands on the door, feeling the magical energy that flowed through it.

With a deep breath, they began to chant, their voice low and melodic, weaving a counter-spell that resonated with the door's enchantments.

The runes on the door glowed brighter, resisting the figure's efforts.

But the figure's determination did not waver. They intensified their chant, their words gaining strength and power. The door shuddered, the light flickering, and then, with a final surge of energy, the runes dimmed and the door swung open silently.

Beyond the door lay the Nexus chamber, a vast room with walls lined with shelves filled with ancient tomes and magical artifacts.

At the center of the room, a large, circular platform rose from the floor, inscribed with glowing runes that pulsed with a rhythmic energy. This was the Nexus, the heart of Thornwood Academy's magical power.

The cloaked figure stepped onto the platform, their presence causing the runes to flare brighter.

They stood at the center, arms raised, and began to chant in a low, resonant voice.

The language was ancient, the words imbued with a power that resonated through the chamber, causing the very air to vibrate.

As the chant grew louder, the runes on the platform began to shift and rearrange themselves, forming new patterns. The glow intensified, filling the room with a brilliant, otherworldly light.

The figure's movements were fluid and precise, their hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as they directed the energy of the Nexus.