With a deep breath, Mia began to chant in a hauntingly beautiful voice, the language of the ancient banshees echoing through the astral plane.

Her voice grew louder, resonating with the very fabric of this ethereal realm, and the air around her shimmered with an otherworldly light.

Lila released the phoenix ashes into the vortex, the particles igniting into tiny flames that danced around Mia.

The effort made Lila's hand tremble slightly, feeling the weight of the magic.

Ezra's solid presence provided strength, his focus unwavering as he grounded Mia with his touch.

Toby's song grew more intense, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he channeled his water magic into the spell.

Sophie, sensing the strain on Mia, readied her healing magic, her heart pounding with worry.

The astral plane began to shift and ripple, the swirling energies growing more chaotic.

Mia's voice reached a crescendo, and suddenly, they were transported to a vision of a long-forgotten, suspended within the astral realm.

Mia swayed, the vision draining her energy, but she pressed on.

They saw Corvus Black, once a half-demon scholar and alchemist at Thornwood Academy, delve too deeply into the forbidden dark arts.

His obsession led to his exile after a catastrophic event that nearly destroyed a wing of the academy with students inside.

A few years later, sensing a change in ownership, Corvus returned under the alias Corvus Ahriman Rex.

He seamlessly blended back into the academy. When he resurfaced, he revealed the immense power and dark knowledge he had amassed from the shadowy corners of the magical world.

His mastery of blending alchemy with dark magic created formidable new abilities that struck fear into everyone.

Fear rippled through the academy. Students and staff alike were petrified, and whispers of dread filled the halls.

Some outright hated him, but none more openly than Mrs. Thornwood.

She made no effort to hide her deep-seated loathing. As Magnus's wife, her anger intensified when Corvus used their daughter, Lyra, to uncover Thornwood's secrets.

He taught Lyra dark magic, deceiving her into believing it was a noble pursuit.

Corvus's primary goal was immortality. His alchemical research initially aimed at this, but after his exile, he turned to darker methods.

He believed the secret to eternal life lay within the ancient energies guarded by Thornwood Academy.

Professor Hartwood's eyes widened. "Incredible. We're witnessing history."

To gain more knowledge, Corvus had to get close to Lyra. A carefree spirit like her father, Lyra was always ready for new adventures beyond Thornwood Academy.

Corvus promised her the world, using her to access her family's artifacts, which were brimming with energy.

Lila, Sophie, Ezra and Toby watched in awe and fear as they saw Corvus descending to the basement where the artifacts were hidden.

Day after day, Corvus performed the ritual. Despite repeated attempts, the results were unclear. It wasn't until he died and rose from the dead that he proved his success.

Mrs. Thornwood caught him emerging from the basement. He lied about finding Lyra, claiming they had unfinished business.

Skeptical but cautious, Mrs. Thornwood informed her husband, Magnus. Rushing to the basement, Magnus found the artifacts intact but drained of energy.

He searched for Corvus and discovered him with Lyra and a newborn, performing necromancy.

For the first time, Magnus's anger erupted. He had always dismissed the rumors about Corvus, but this act crossed a line. Magnus yelled at them to stop but took no further action.

Mrs. Thornwood, however, took matters into her own hands. That night, while the academy slept, she used her teleportation abilities to take Corvus to the mountains.

The confrontation was inevitable. Mrs. Thornwood's hatred burned as she faced Corvus. "You've corrupted my daughter and stolen from us," she spat, her voice filled with venom.

Corvus stood defiant, his eyes glowing with dark power. "Your daughter came willingly. She sees the truth of my power."

Their battle was fierce. Mrs. Thornwood, a powerful witch, unleashed her fury with spells that crackled through the air.

Corvus countered with dark magic, his determination unyielding. He had absorbed the artifacts' energy, making him nearly unstoppable.

"Do you think you can defeat me?" Corvus taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"I will protect my family and this academy, no matter the cost," Mrs. Thornwood replied, her resolve unshakable.

The mountainside lit up with their clash, spells, and counterspells colliding in a blaze of light and dark.

Mrs. Thornwood's magic was powerful, but Corvus's dark arts were formidable. Yet, her love for her family and her hatred for Corvus fueled her strength. She fought with everything she had, pushing Corvus to his limits.

Finally, Mrs. Thornwood managed to bind Corvus with ancient incantations.

His defiant screams echoed through the mountains as she buried him deep beneath the earth.

Exhausted but resolute, she returned to the academy, determined to protect her daughter and the school.

The next day, Lyra frantically searched for Corvus, her eyes wild with desperation. But the rest of the academy was relieved.

They didn't care that he was gone; they were just happy to be rid of his dark presence.

Lyra was frantic. She couldn't find Corvus anywhere. She refused to believe he had simply vanished.

Desperate and convinced that he might be dead, she decided to perform a necromancy ritual, using every detail Corvus had taught her.

Under the cover of the night, Lyra gathered the necessary ingredients: black candles, ancient runes, and a bowl of dark herbs.

Her hands trembled as she arranged everything meticulously, just as Corvus had shown her. She lit the candles, their flames flickering ominously in the darkness.

Her heart pounded as she began chanting the incantation, her voice wavering but determined. "Spirits of the underworld, hear my plea. Bring forth the one who has been taken from me."

As she continued, the air around her grew colder. Shadows danced wildly on the walls, and an unnatural stillness settled over the room. Lyra's eyes were fixed on the circle of candles, willing the ritual to work.

But something went wrong. Instead of summoning Corvus, the ground beneath her began to tremble.

A low, menacing growl emanated from the center of the circle. Suddenly, a blaze of hellfire erupted, its flames roaring to life with a malevolent energy. The fire moved as if it were alive, snaking across the floor and devouring everything in its path.

Lyra stumbled back, horrified. "No, this isn't what I wanted!" she screamed, but it was too late.

The hellfire spread rapidly, consuming the room and everything within it. It moved with a sinister intelligence, targeting anything that dared to obstruct its path. The flames leaped from room to room, engulfing furniture, walls, and soon, the entire building.

Panic ensued as the fire alarms blared. Students and staff scrambled to escape the inferno, but the fire was relentless.

It surged through the corridors, its heat scorching and its hunger insatiable.

Those who couldn't get out in time were swallowed by the flames, their screams echoing through the halls.

Lila, Sophie, Ezra, and Toby witnessing the chaos, were frozen in terror even though it happened 200 years ago.

The inferno reached Lyra's family quarters. Her mother, father, and two younger siblings were trapped inside.

Despite their desperate attempts to escape, the flames consumed them, leaving no chance for survival.

Their screams echoed through the academy, a haunting reminder of the dark magic that had been unleashed.

Lyra, in her guilt and horror, tried to reverse the ritual. She fell to her knees, sobbing and chanting frantically. "Please, spirits, I take it back! Stop this fire!"

But the fire, a product of dark magic beyond her control, continued its rampage. It seemed to feed off her desperation, growing stronger and more ferocious.

Lila gasped, feeling the strain on Mia. "We need to stop now. This is taking too much from her."

Ezra's grip on Mia's shoulder tightened, lending her his strength. "Hold on, Mia. We're almost there."

Toby's song faltered for a moment, his concern for Mia breaking his concentration. He redoubled his efforts, pouring more of his magic into the spell.

Sophie moved closer, her healing light enveloping Mia. "You can do this, Mia. Just a little longer."

The vision began to fade, and the group found themselves back in the swirling vortex of the astral plane, the light dimming around them. Mia collapsed to her knees, utterly drained. Sophie rushed forward, her healing magic soothing Mia's exhausted body.

"You did it, Mia," Lila said, her voice filled with pride and relief.

Ezra's usually stoic face showed a hint of a smile. "Now we know what we're up against."

Toby flicked his tail, his eyes filled with determination. "And how to defeat it again, if necessary."

Professor Hartwood placed a hand on Mia's shoulder, his eyes shining with admiration and concern. "You have a gift, Mia. Thank you for sharing it with us."

Mia managed a weak smile, her voice barely above a whisper. "We still have much to do, but now we have the knowledge we need to fight."

The group exchanged determined looks, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with newfound resolve and unity, bolstered by the knowledge they had gained and the bond they had strengthened through their shared effort.

With a final surge of energy, the astral plane dissolved around them, and they found themselves back in the Shadow Garden.

The dark, twisted trees and eerie silence of the garden contrasted sharply with the vibrant chaos of the astral plane. But they had returned with everything they needed.

The knowledge of Corvus and the daughter of Magnus was now theirs, etched in their minds and hearts.

The garden, once a place of foreboding, now felt like a sanctuary where they could regroup and prepare for the battles ahead.

"We did it," Mia whispered, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. "We have what we need."

The Shadow Garden seemed to welcome them, its dark beauty offering a sense of peace amidst the looming threat.