Treasure Pavilion

Forced to shrink his domain for the first time Yan Jin felt blind. Anything beyond a 5 meter radius was out of reach for him. He could only rely on his cane and ears " Xiao Xiao, since I can't read can you read the shop name so we can find your aunty's shop?". Suddenly tasked with serious business the little girl read out loud, "…Pavi..lion ; solitary pavilion , Herbs and Soup.. Perl and candles…"

This went on for the whole day until she finally said " Treasure Pavilion, brother Jin this is it" she said dragging him towards the entrance.

The exterior, crafted from polished white marble with intricate gold inlays, exuded a timeless grandeur. The building itself was adorned with towering columns and double doors made of dark, polished wood, hinting at the treasures within.

Upon entering, visitors were enveloped in an atmosphere of serene exclusivity. The interior featured high ceilings with delicately painted frescoes, crystal chandeliers casting a warm glow, and smooth dark stone floors covered with richly colored carpets. Display cases of fine mahogany lined the walls, showcasing an array of shimmering gemstones, ancient artifacts, and finely crafted weapons, all meticulously arranged to highlight their beauty and value, a quiet luxury that reflected its illustrious background.

 Attendants in immaculate uniforms moved discreetly, offering their expertise without being intrusive. The central hall featured a grand staircase leading to an upper gallery reserved for the most exclusive items. Private rooms for confidential transactions were available, elegantly furnished and soundproofed. The air was filled with a subtle, pleasant fragrance of rare herbs and incense, complemented by soft classical music that enhanced the tranquil atmosphere.

He could not help but marvel at the ingenuity of it all. Before long he was approached by an attendant "Hello, Young Master how can I help you today?" "I am looking for a lady called Xiao Lan"

"The manager " the girl replied with a shocked expression. "Yes! Let her know I have Information for her" . "This way let me take you to the waiting room while I inform her"

In the waiting room Yan Jin was served a cup of tea, and Xiao Xiao some cookies. He could not help but think about how the process was so smooth and nice, he had imagined that he would be judged by his appearance and would have had to make a scene, "I guess all this novels on earth needed something to create shock value and content."

An hour later, a fat lady entered the room, dressed in a black silk robe adorned with peony patterns sewn in gold. Her ensemble was extravagant, with heavy jewelry ranging from jade to diamonds, giving her a decidedly gaudy appearance. Yet, what was truly entrancing was her pale skin and meticulously applied makeup, which complemented her features with precision, creating an almost mesmerizing effect.

Her presence exuded a sense of authority and elegance despite the ostentatious display of wealth. The delicate balance between her lavish attire and the subtlety of her makeup spoke volumes about her attention to detail and the care she took in presenting herself. Every piece of jewelry, every brushstroke of makeup, was perfectly placed, enhancing her aura of both power and refined beauty.

"Young Master! I am Xiao Lan. How can I help you today?" Yan Jin took a sip of the tea as if examining the situation before saying " I am Jhin, everything you need to know is here" He said handing her the letter.

I took her 30 minutes to read through the content before she raised her head and look at Xiao Xiao.

" Don't worry child I will arrange for you." Follow Mei she will take care of your needs she said directing her maid to Xiao Xiao. A little apprehensive the little girl clutch onto Yan Jin. He patted her head and said "Its okay go, I am not living yet". Feeling a little reassured she left the room with the maid.

Xiao Lan was finally alone with Yan Jin " I would like to thank you young master for bringing my niece here alive. It must not have been easy thank you very much" " Don't mention it, Xiao Xiao is a good child, and I have received a favor from Old Ma it is only normal that I pay my debts"

After a pause he said your shop seemed to be doing very well. " Young Master, you must not know the treasure pavilion is the largest conglomerate on the pine continent, we have shops in every city, we trade everything, blood bags, supplement, blood tools weapon and information." As a manager she did not need to go into such details but having been doing this for year she could smell a money making opportunity from miles away.

"Oh! So you know about the birth of treasure event?" " Of course but all the resources have been monopolized by the Golden Warrior nothing for my Treasure Pavilion to partake in"

Making sure nobody was in the vicinity, he took out the ore he had stashed under in his case. "OMG this is celestial ore." She took out a pair of glasses to inspect closer, and she made hum sounds of satisfactions, she knew she had made big money today. This niece of hers was a god of wealth.

"How do you want to deal with this, Young Master? The pavilion can buy it from you for a million blood stones, maybe more after we measure it and weight the purity, or we can auction it and the pavilion gets 40 percent on the sale" she said after recovering from her shock.

"To be honest my pavilion's Bloodsmith had been looking for a rare ore to complete a set of order worth hundreds of millions this is simply perfect for us. We can offer 10 million for the ore so you don't auction it." she added after seeing the hesitation on his face.

"I can sell it to your, treasure pavilion but I have conditions: I want a blood purification grade bow or higher, An ice blood accumulation techniques, a discreet house with an attendant, information about the prominent families in Pine city and lastly I want to be present during the forging by the bloodsmith"

"All those are quite easy to fulfil but, for your presence in the forge the bloodsmith had the last word I can arrange a meeting but you would have to do the convincing"

"That's fine by me then" Let me arrange something I will be back.

Thirty minutes later, she returned with a shorter, older man. Dressed in protective gear that smelled of fire and steel, he approached the ore quietly, examining it for a while before looking at Yan Jin. His hair was a wild, white mane, and his face was weathered and marked with burn scars, giving him a rugged, experienced appearance. His eyes, though aged, were sharp and discerning, reflecting a lifetime of dedication to his craft.

"I can see you have cultivated some mental power. Are you trying to become a bloodsmith?" he questioned, his voice gravelly but steady.

"I don't have such grand wishes, merely broadening my horizons," Yan Jin replied, smiling.

"Fine. This piece of celestial ore is the finest I have seen. Forging will begin in a week; I need to prep some materials," he stammered, his eyes lingering on the ore with a mixture of respect and anticipation. With that, he carefully picked up the ore and stepped out of the room.

"This way, Young master," Xiao Lan said, introducing a young man named Lan Zhan. "He will be taking care of your needs." Lan Zhan bowed politely, ready to assist Yan Jin with anything he might require.