Unseen bonds

For a moment, these words seemed like mere whispers from a figment of imagination, but that didn't stop Amelia from lifting Sophy's spirits and bringing her out of her previous shell. Sophy drifted into thought, "Conquering the sky, huh! ... That's a predator for you ."

Amelia laughed at Sophy's remark. Her response sounded like a mix of praise and sarcasm, making it difficult to pinpoint which one it was. Sophy then added, "His name is Nosil... I mean the kid you want to recruit."

"Nosil... I've never heard a name like that before... It sounds a bit strange to our family," Amelia replied, raising her eyebrows. "After the celebration, I'll start looking for him."

Sophy hesitated to say more, especially to describe his wounded figure and terrifying features. The name was the most she could offer, and the image of him piercing the ground near her face lingered in her mind.

While she was still lost in overthinking, Amelia called to her, "I've finished styling your hair... Now, put on a dress worthy of the Ruler's daughter and cheer up a bit until the party passes… got it?".

Amelia stood up and continued, "I have to leave now... I've been given a lot to do... that lunatic Philip never spares me from his orders."

As she walked away, Sophy looked at her with a thanking face, "Thank you, Amelia... I appreciate what you did for me."

Amelia turned to her, noticing a bit of reassurance in Sophy's features, a small smile forming on her face before continuing out of the room.

Sophy then stood up and pulled out the blue dress her mother had brought her from the closet. Even though she wasn't fond of dresses, the sky-blue color excited her to try it on.

She removed her light nightgown and put on the dress carefully and gently. She approached the mirror to see how it looked on her, arranging her hair and adding some jewelry that she already had.

Sophy's face didn't show surprise, as she knew she was beautiful despite everything, but the blue dress left a broad smile on her face, revealing a bit of the femininity within her.

Far behind the mountains, Nosil and Aya finally prepared to leave the wornout hut they stayed on for the past three days and begin their mission.

Aya had spent the past two days planning, not trusting Nosil with any plan, but she ingrained every detail into his mind to prevent his usual recklessness.

Besides the plan, Nosil, Aya, Bogod, Vano, and Lerna set some rules that could not be broken once their mission began.

The most important rule was not to engage any of the Dominators unless three of them were together. These rules were set by Vano, the smartest among the five, who devised the mission plan entrusted to them by Maya. He ensured that everyone adhered to it without exceptions.

Aya's sudden plan put the most important of these rules to the test, as she had little information about the attendees of the party. The only confirmed detail she had was the absence of Kylian's Dominator, the formidable Kinzar, in Lenine. With such scant information, Aya insisted that Nosil avoid any reckless actions that could endanger their lives and their primary mission.

"I hope you'll follow the plan to the letter," Aya reminded Nosil seriously. But he barely cared, his focus solely on the horse, which he would leave behind indefinitely.

In the Eclipse's eyes, Nosil saw the difference he was looking for. He had never seen such clear eyes directed at him before. Everyone he met, human eyes would scrutinize his disfigured face or look away slightly. It didn't take thought or extra concentration for Nosil to notice that. Everyone expressed what they saw in his face in their own way—fear, disgust, pretense, or sympathy.

Whatever stirred in their conscience, their eyes betrayed them before Nosil. Only the stallion continued to look carefully into his eyes without blinking, making it the most delightful exchange of looks for him.

"Ugh... I get it, stop nagging, how many times do I have to answer you?" Nosil responded to Aya's continuous reminders. As the time approached, worries and possibilities overwhelmed her. Doubts crept into her mind, but determination banished them.

"Alright then... Let's go now to arrive on time," Nosil bid farewell to the stallion and answered, "Okay, I'm coming."

Moments later, Nosil moved towards Aya.

Aya checked her pack one last time, a satisfied smile creeping across her face. "I'm so glad I kept our Irisian arms uniform... Who'd have thought it would come in handy?"

Nosil glanced at the pack with a raised eyebrow. "I thought Vika tossed them away when she gave us these clothes."

"She wanted to," Aya replied with a knowing look. "But I kept them." She slung the pack over her shoulder and set off down the path, next to nosil, and added, "We'll walk the whole way... I'll conserve as much energy as possible," Aya suggested to Nosil and then asked, "What about you! Have you stored enough blood?"

"Why all this worry... It's not like you… The Aya I know moves forward... faces everything in her path directly and doesn't care about anything that might hinder her… Just like a tyrant," Nosil joked, trying to lighten her burden and ease her anxiety.

Raising her eyebrow and with a sharp look, Aya replied, "A tyrant? I'm not like that, maybe Lerna."

Nosil agreed with a laugh, "Without a doubt, Lerna is more than a tyrant." After a moment, he added, "I stored enough blood in the past two days... trust me."

Nosil's confident words calmed Aya's worries a bit, and they continued walking under the shadows of the giant trees, crossing the mountains towards the city of Lenine. Each step brought them closer to a direct confrontation with the Killian family.

As twilight descended, the final touches were being applied to the palace courtyard, readying it for the grandest event of the celebration. Dozens of servants dashed about, racing against time to perfect every detail, for only a few hours remained before the elite guests began to arrive.

Every manner of attendee was expected: merchants and nobles, military leaders and influential figures, and representatives from the three other families, invited as a gesture of diplomatic goodwill.

Along the courtyard's periphery, numerous tables groaned under the weight of the finest delicacies for which the Killian family was renowned. In the center, hundreds of chairs were arranged in a grand semicircle, offering guests a perfect view of the stage where Leader Victor would deliver his speech. A magnificent throne had been set for him atop the dais, facing the crowd, with seats for his close family beside him, where they would stand to greet the guests.

Dozens of oil lamps and countless of candles illuminated the courtyard, casting a golden glow that transformed the space into an ethereal paradise as the sun dipped below the horizon.

One by one, the guests began to arrive at the palace gate. The guards meticulously checked their invitations before granting entry.

Adhering to Philip's orders, Maxim the Dominator took charge of the event's security, flanked by several esteemed warrior leaders, most notably was Amelia.