The next day Wendy wakes up early because she has the night shift, without even taking a shower she leaves the motel and heads for the bus station so as to go as early as possible. On getting there the sun is just rising, she checks the bus schedule, the earliest bus is around 8:30 so she has to wait. She sits down and scrolls through her phone. After about thirty minutes her stomach starts to rumble as she did not eat anything that day so she goes over to the convenience store just a few feet away. She gets there, takes something to eat, pays and sits somewhere. She is seated by the window so she can see the people that pass by. She picks up her phone after a while to check the time and its almost time to leave so she starts packing her things into her bag, once she looks up she sees Andrew going in the direction of the bus station. She stands up quickly and leaves the store in a hurry as she's rushing to catch up with him. Once she does, he looks at her and she says "Hi" "yeah hey, you're the girl from last night right" he says "yes it is me" she answers "going somewhere?" he asks "I'm going back home, you?" she answers him and he replies "home" she's a little surprised as she thought he was a local "oh you don't live here?" she asks "no I was just here for work" he says. They get to the station just as the bus is arriving they both get on it "where's your stop?" he asks "Northcampton" she says "me too" he says "really, that makes it easier for us then" she says he smiles at her. The rest of the trip was mostly quiet as Wendy had fallen asleep


 Around ten o'clock Kate wakes up and realizes she has a possible thirty minutes to get ready for the date with Chris. She scurried around looking for what to wear since she couldn't choose an outfit yesterday. She looked through all the clothes laid out on the floor of her room and sat down on the bed. After almost an hour of indecision she finally chooses to wear a blue cotton cropped top and white jeans with white canvas.

 After getting ready she goes downstairs to prepare breakfast but decides against it because she is already running late and just eats an apple instead and about three to five minutes after Chris arrives to pick her up. He had planned for them to see a movie since she has to prepare for work later. When they got to the cinema they debated on what to watch and later decided to watch a romance movie because it was either that or horror and Chris was not letting them choose horror.

 The bus had already arrived, Wendy and Andrew had parted ways and Wendy had taken a taxi home. The feeling of being somewhere familiar made her feel better about yesterday. After taking a shower and having an actual meal she goes to rest and texts Kate to see if would be down to go together, but after she doesn't get a reply for a while she sets an alarm and goes to sleep.

 Meanwhile after the movie Kate and Chris are walking awkwardly to the car. She flinches when he speaks, she had hoped they would both keep quiet. While sitting in the car her mind wanders to what had happened "it was just our hormones out of control because the movie evoked our emotions, yeah that was it" she convinces herself in her head. Close to the end of the movie they had Chris had been looking at her and their faces seemed to have gotten closer that usual in a second he was just leaning in for a kiss when she put her hand on his chest and he stopped, he quickly sat down back in his chair. " let's go" he said and now he was taking her home.