Power of Mind

Gwendolyn's heartbeat quickened, her anxiety spiking. She looked at Malgarius, trying to gauge his reaction, but he was unreadable, his gaze fixed on the storm.

Suddenly, the snowstorm intensified, the wind becoming a gale. The ground beneath their feet trembled, the sound of cracking ice echoing all around them.

Gwendolyn stumbled, struggling to keep her footing. The storm raged, the snow growing thicker and heavier, making it nearly impossible to see.

She shielded her eyes with her arm, the frigid wind biting at her skin.

"I can't see!" she yelled, her voice nearly lost in the chaos.

Malgarius didn't respond, his gaze locked on something in the distance. Gwendolyn squinted through the blinding snow, her eyes finally adjusting enough to make out a towering shadow looming over them.

She gasped, her blood running cold. Standing before them was a massive ice demon, its eyes glowing red and its claws extended.