Hoenn - Petalburg City

Norman, "Before you go I would like to battle you Max."

Max perked up, "Really Dad?"

Norman, "I already had a battle with your sister and her team before she headed out to Professor Birch's lab. Now, I would like to battle you. You have been traveling for almost a year."

Max beamed, "You are on Dad."

Caroline pat Ash's shoulders, "I would like to battle you as well."

Ash, "Of course, I would never turn down a challenge."

Caroline, "Wonderful, it has been a while since I battled another Coordinator Specialist."

Gou, "Right! Trainers who win the Grand Festival in a row are called Specialist."

Caroline, "Yes, you would need two more to become a Master."

Ash, "And write thesis on Pokemon based on coordinating. I have not even started on those yet. I just completed the ones on Lucario, Milotic, Fearrow, Pidgeot, Charizard, Blastoise and Venasaur lines. I am still waiting for feedback on them."

Norman gave a whistle, "Very impressive Ash. I look forward to you becoming a line Specialist and then a Master."

Ash, "I would have to defeat a Master for that in a one on one battle. Oh! Did you know Max here has also started his thesis on Breloom and Beedrill lines?"

Norman's eyes twinkled, "Is he now?"

Max fidgeted, "Only those two so far. I want to do it for every Pokemon I have though."

Norman chuckled, "If you are writing a thesis already then that means you are very confident about them. We are having a double battle. Your Beedrill and Breloom against my Furret and Swellow."

Max, "I do trust them Dad and you are on. I will give you a run for your money."

Ash grinned feeling pumped up, "Shall we have our battle after tthir battle is done?"

Caroline, "Yes, I am very curious to see how far Max has come. And Norman's Swellow is no slouch. It will be a tough battle."

Ruby, "Orion, do you want to stay and watch or go stretch your limbs a bit?"

Orion, -I wish to watch.-

Ruby nodded, "Okay make yourself comfortable."

Orion murmured, -I am curious how well a fellow dormant does under an active.-

Lucario jumped on Orion and asked in a low voice, -Excuse me? What did you just say?-

Orion looked at him, -You did not notice? I see, a dormant is no different from a normal human.-

Lucario hissed, -You cannot be serious, he is a child.-

Orion looked at Lucario, -I understand your protectiveness over the young one and I assure you no Legendary is as foolish to burden someone who is not awakened.-

Lucario growled, -They better not.-

Ash, "Lucario, what are you doing up there?"

Lucario, -I just had a few questions for Orion, Meema. I will join you in a bit.-

Ash, "Okay, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to battle Caroline. I know it has been a while since you battled a high level trainer."

Lucario, -Yes Meema, I would love to.-

Ash, "Great, we will battle after Max and Norman are done."

Caroline smiled, "You two are pretty close, aren't you?"

Ash, "In more ways than I can count. I trust him with my life."

Caroline had a wistful look, "I know what you mean."

Lucario, -Meema, did not say anything about Max being dormant but he did mention May being a possible Aura user.-

Orion, -She is on the verge of going active, yes.-

Lucario, -Should we help her become active?-

Orion, -If Giratina of all people has come to Hoenn to help then it will be better for everyone involved she knows.-

Lucario took a deep breath then exhaled, -I shall talk to Meema about it.-

Orion, -Good! Better to be prepared and not need it instead of being unprepared and dead.-

Lucario, -Isn't that the truth?-

Gou, "This is a double battle between Norman and Max. Choose your Pokemon."

Norman, "Let's go Furret and Swellow."

Max, "Time to fight Breloom and Beedrill."

Gou, "Begin!"

Max, "Beedrill agility, Breloom take down."

Norman grinned, "Furret quick attack, Swellow brave bird."

Ash, "Hey Taillow, come join us."

Taillow looked around curiously noticing the older evolution of his line, "Taillll."

Lucario, -You have not seen a Gym Leader battle before right? That human over there is Norman, he is a Gym Leader.-

Beedrill and Breloom worked together to fight Furret and Swellow to corner them and win the fight. Furret and Swellow however gave them a run for their money, they did not become strong just for show. Beedrill and Swellow we're moving almost at the same speed as they attacked and flew around each other. Norman called for another attack half way through making Max change tactics as well and order Beedrill and Breloom to change opponents. Norman smirked on seeing that happen but he did not make it easier for his son and ordered his Pokemon to use combo attacks.

Taillow flew up to Ash's shoulder half way through the battle, "Low."

Ash smiled, "Make yourself comfortable, after this we are having a coordinator based battle. You will be learning two ways to battle though I may not be taking part in Contest this time."

May frowned, "That sucks but I understand why though. You want a peaceful journey."

Ash, "As peaceful as possible but I am not sure how long that will last with the two teams creating trouble."

Caroline, "Shame! I would have loved to watch you perform."

Ash, "Well, I am tutoring May here. One of the requirements is to tutor a couple of coordinators in order to become a Master."

May, "And I appreciate it. You will not be disappointed."

Ash, "I have watched your previous performance before. You have a good base."

May had a sheepish face, "Yeah, but only Honchkrow can battle and he is not interested in Contest. He only wants to keep me safe and focus on battling."

Ash, "I understand, Lucario was the same before. Do not worry he will relax soon. He is no longer hovering over you right?"

May laughed, "He has cooled down a bit yes."

Molly, "I am just happy you are safe. You were on a news a year ago, that attack was something."

May, "Yeah."

Ash, "Max is really doing well."

May, "Yeah."

Ruby was watching intently, "You know the League here will most likely observe Max's growth and improvement as he travels with you. He is Norman's only son just like May is his only daughter."

May, "That is true."

Molly, "Oh! Max went strong with that attack."

Ash grinned, "Nice one, Breloom usually has trouble with solar beam."

Ruby, "Yeah, the League will definitely observe him."

Norman, "Very impressive son now time to end this."

Max, "Oh most definitely!"

Norman, "Aerial Ace Swellow, Furret Sucker Punch."

Max, "Beedrill venoshock and Breloom use seed bomb. Make it your strongest."

The four Pokemon gave a cry of agreement and started to move in order to attack their opponent. Swellow flew high while Beedrill concentrated on gathering power for the attack, Furret rushed forward and Breloom prepared the bomb. The four Pokemon clashed in a big loud explosion which made the dust fly creating a dust screen that covered the view. Gou was being covered by Cinderace who grumbled under his breath about uncontrolled attacks. Gou pat Cinderace's back to let him see and three Pokemon were down and only one Pokemon was standing.

Gou, "Breloom, Beedrill and Furret are unable to battle. Swellow is the winner."

Max, "So close. Great job Breloom and Beedrill. I am very proud of you."

Breloom waved, "Loom loom."

Beedrill, "Bzzz."

Caroline, "Our turn."

Ash, "Shall we Lucario?"

Lucario, -Of course. There is something I have been practicing lately that I think you will really like, Meema.-

Ash, "Oh! Those are some big words. I look forward to it."

Caroline, "Ooh! Are we in for a treat?"

Gou, "This match is between Caroline and Ash. This will be a coordinator style match and we will use an improvised battle where the opponent has to use moves to show off and defeat the other. Choose your Pokemon."

Ash, "Let's go Lucario."

Caroline, "Let's do this Beautifly."

Ash, "Bone rush and shadow ball."

Caroline, "Morning sun and stun spore."

Lucario grinned as he took out his staff made from aura and moved towards Beautifly while creating shadow ball that he hit at the bug Pokemon. Beautifly was using stun spore to create a distance while using morning sun to blind Lucario. Lucario however was not even getting close to the bug Pokemon and kept his distance using shadow ball and bone rush as a bat and ball to attack. Then Lucario stopped and opened the aura staff in the form of a hand fan making Ash blow a whistle. The Aura Pokemon waved the fan in specific pattern creating needles of Aura to attack Beautifly who shrieked as he ran.

Caroline gaped, "I did not know Lucario could do that."

Ash, "I did not either. Did your Aura pool grow bigger?"

Lucario nodded, -Yes, that is why this move is possible. I call it Aura fan strike.-

Ash, "Nice. Oh! Beautifly, are you alright?"

Beautifly was shaking as he hid behind Caroline, "Eeee."

Caroline, "Guess you have won. I must say it is a real pity you are not taking part in the Contest ring."

Ash grinned, "Do not worry too much, Caroline. I will be involved as a mentor."

Lucario grinned as well, -Yes, May will be showing everyone exactly how hard we have worked.-

May had a string desire to run but stood her ground, "Bring it on! I am not scared of a little training. I will show the world I who I am."

Max, "Awesome, we can train together May."

Norman, "This will be quiet the journey for you kids, won't it?"

Ruby, "The Contest circuit will be facing quiet the bang in May. I will help you out too."

May, "Thank you."

Molly, "Me too. I am just a beginner but I will help too."

Gou stood next to Ash, "A new apprentice has joined the party. How do you feel?"

Ash, "Excited and worried. I only hope we will survive whatever Team Aqua and Magma are planning."

Gou, "I will be there to help you with them and so will Ruby, May, Max and Molly."

Ash, "I can only pray none of us are hurt."

Gou, "so now you worry too much."

Ash  ̄へ ̄, "I can only stay nonchalant for so long."

Gou chuckled, "True. I am glad you are not taking this lightly. I really hate it when you do not take care of yourself the way you take care of others. You are important too you know?"

Ash, "I know, Lucario has lectured me on this a lot. Speaking of lectures. I have to talk to Norman about May and Max."

Gou, "Right! I will distract them while you talk."

Ash thanked Gou and requested to talk to Norman about May and Max. Norman nodded in understanding, he would be in charge of his kids safety and training so he obviously wanted his daughters health profile too. What Norman did not expect was for Ash to ask him about his and Caroline's family and ancestry. Norman assured him they were a normal family as far as he could remember of his parents and grandparents, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Ash sighed and wondered if Legendaries just blessed humans with Aura whenever they felt they needed a human intervention.

Norman noticed the irritated look, "Hey, did you find out about something?"

Ash, "What do you know about Aura Guardians?"

Norman, "The tale of Sir Aaron. That is the extent of my knowledge."

Ash, "I see. Well then I will be the first to tell you. Your son and daughter both are dormant Aura users."

Norman was quiet then, "Could you repeat that?"

Ash stared at him, "According to Orion, your kids they have been blessed by the two Legendaries of Hoenn. They have Aura, that is what Lucario informed me."

Norman, "You got to be fucking me! Why my kids?"

Ash, "Probably because they were impressed by your work so they thought your kids will be just as good."

Norman gave a strained laugh, "I guess Lord Giratina foresaw trouble too."

Ash, "It seems to be that way. I am sorry Norman but it looks like we will end up dealing with Team Aqua and Magma not in the best way too. It will most likely be a war."