Cheryl, "I don't think so. Come my beautiful Milotic."
Milotic appeared, -About time, I thought I would be stuck in the sidelines for good.-
Cheryl was just happy they had remembered to switch up some of their Pokemon before they left the circus. It would have been obvious who they were otherwise not to forget a complete pain to create a new story from ground up. She pushed her bright red hair unlike gathering previous disguise which was dark red to the side. Jason and Timothy were beside him order the rest of the Pokemon to battle as well when Butler called for back up. Two more people came out of the forest with an Arcanine and a Fearrow ready to fight them. Cheryl tsked annoyed at their presence, they knew Team Magma had the time to grow in numbers but this was getting annoying.
Cheryl, "Where's Butler?"
Jason, "There, he is going after Max and Jiraichi."
Timothy, -Go and make sure they are alright, we will deal with the grunts.-
Cheryl nodded, "Let's go Milotic, follow the water. Every temple has a water way."
Milotic, -That us water Pokemon can use to defend and fight back. No problem!-
Diance pointed, "Ance di."
Cheryl climbed up the stairs, "I know baby, we will save them."
Milotic manipulated the water to create a waterfall to climb faster, -Are you alright Max, Jiraichi, Molly?-
Max as Kevin, "Milotic, are we glad to see you."
Molly as Betty, "We are ok so far."
Breloom nodded, "Loom bre."
Mudkip, "Kip mud."
Butler, "You brats are starting to get really annoying. No matter how many Pokemon join you I will get Jiraichi. Go Rhydon and Onix."
Betty, "Mudkip water gun quick."
Milotic, -Let us combine our attacks.-
Cheryl, "Diance darling, get to Dillion, Betty and Jiraichi. Take them to the last room and shut the door tight. Do not open it no matter how many times someone knocks."
Diance stared at her Meema, "Di?"
Cheryl whispered, "Aura users can open any door in a Legendary Pokemon's temple. So I will open the door myself."
Diance nodded looking serious, "Ance."
Cheryl, "Milotic blow Rhydon away with whirlpool. Feraligatr deal with Onix. I will deal with that man."
Butler, "Stay out of my way little girl."
Cheryl took out a pink staff courtesy of Gary and Misty, "Try me old man. Like hell I will let you touch my juniors."
Butler, "Oh ho! A weapon user, how impressive but too bad for you I learned how to fight as well."
Cheryl deadpanned, "Yes, yes, Team Magma takes care of their own, bla bla bla."
Butler attacked using his own staff and Cheryl parried with a counter pushing him away before attacking as well. They two were stuck at an impasse with Butler cursin her out and Cheryl returning the vitrol in the same manner. Cheryl twitched when she noticed that Diance, Dillion, Betty and Jiraichi were nowhere to be seen and kicked the ground to jump back. Cheryl then attacked more aggressively making Butler curse as Milotic and Feraligatr cornered Rhydon and Onix knocking the two Pokemon out. Butler growled lunging for Cheryl pushing the red haired teen back though she kept standing.
Cheryl, 'Good thing I have aura. That could have ended with me knocked out and him going after the kids.'
Butler, "You are one stubborn little bitch."
Cheryl, "Takes a bitch to know a bitch."
Butler, "Not for long."
Cheryl heard a cry, "What?"
Butler, "Looks like they got them."
Cheryl snarled and head butted him, "I will kill you in cold blood and dance on top of your dead body."
Butler was stunned, "What in Mew's name?"
Cheryl turned and ran towards the temple cursing herself for being naive. She should have known they already pegged the temple down and would have planned for this. As she entered the temple using her aura to open the door, she saw a grunt running away with Jiraichi while Dillion and Betty were busy battling the three Beedrills that were released by the grunt. Cheryl called for Typholsion and ordered him to use flame wheel to help Dillion and Betty fight the Beedrills back. Both younger ones gave a sigh of relief when the Beedrills fell defeated and ran after Cheryl who was heading to the top of the hill where they saw the grunt hand Jiraichi to Butler.
Butler grinned as he looked at the night sky, "You are just in time."
Cheryl, "Stop, you better not be planning what I think you are planning."
Butler, "I summon Groudon to appear before me using the wish from Jiraichi."
Jiraichi, "Chiiiiiii!"
Dillon gasped, "Oh no!"
Betty looked worried, "We have to help Jiraichi."
Cheryl, "We will, come on. We need to deal with all of them together. No more holding back."
Dillon looked at her with sparkling eyes and a wide grin, "You mean I can use my taste?"
Cheryl thought he sounded a little too gleeful saying that, "Yes, just make sure you do not hurt yourself."
Betty nodded, "We will be okay. We should focus on helping Jiraichi."
Cheryl looked up, "Looks like we have help."
Dillon beamed, "Ruby!"
Betty looked relieved, "Everyone is here."
Timothy, -Shall we deal with these clowns once and for all?-
Diane, "Butler please stop. That is enough."
Butler, "No I am close to fulfilling my goals and dreams."
Ruby was pissed, "You are about to be thrown behind bars is what you are."
Butler, "No, I am not going without completing this."
Cheryl reached where he was and punched him hard, "I have heard enough. Which part of Jiraichi's wish has already been used do you not understand?"
Dillion hugged Jiraichi who whimpered, "I got you, I got you. It will be ok. You are ok."
Jiraichi murmured, -I am tired Max. I am too old for this.-
Betty, "Let's get him inside the temple. It might help and the other Jiraichis will be here too."
Butler was flabbergasted, "Other what? You, what are you insinuating?"
Cheryl, "None of your business."
Ruby, "Cheryl, can I leave these idiots with you? I have to deal with that."
Cheryl, "The half baked Groudon. Okay, just be careful."
Butler, "No! That's my greatest find."
Timothy, -It does not even look like Groudon you absolute moron.-
Jason, "Shut up already. Sweet Arceus give me patience to not punch people."
Diane, "Butler it did not work. Look, that Groudon is falling apart."
Cheryl watched as Orion blasted the Groudon to bits, "Not to forget you require a special key to summon Groudon and Kyogre."
Butler, " ... "
Jason smirked, "What? Didn't your higher ups not tell you about that?"
Cheryl, "Before you ask the keys are for the summoners safety. Groudon and Kyogre are Mother Nature in Pokemon form. They are pure power and the only one who can control them is Rayquaza."
Jason, "Who is another representative of Nature."
Cheryl, "Meaning you would have failed either way in this endeavor."
Dillion meanwhile placed Jiraichi inside the temple, on his podium, "There we go, Jiraichi. How do you feel?"
Jiraichi, -Exhausted.-
Betty, "Max, look over there."
Dillion's breath hitched, "Jiraichi your family is here."
Jiraichi opened his eyes and smiled at the other Jiraichis who appeared ready to start their traditional events only to pause on seeing the humans. They were curious about what was happening they saw the strange looking Groudon get destroyed earlier and wondered if another child wanted to be a hero again. Jiraichi huffed muttering that would have been so much better and then told them everything that happened to him. Starting from the time he was rudely awakened by an adult human to listening to his rants about Groudon and the thing that happened outside. The other Jiraichis blinked and blinked again then started to laugh loudly at the absurdity of it all.
Jiraichi, -You brats, stop laughing. I am so exhausted because of that foolish human.-
Female Jiraichi, -Sorry, sorry, it's just that well... -
Male younger Jiraichi, -Normally, it is a young human making a wish.-
Shiny Jiraichi nodded, -Yes, to think an adult was looking for a wish to come true.-
Shiny female Jiraichi, -Right? That's a new one.-
Jiraichi rolled his eyes, -Yes, yes, either way it is time. The comet is almost above us so we need to perform the ritual.-
Cheryl, "Is everyone ok?"
Betty, "Yes, we are all here. Safe and sound."
Cheryl kneeled down, "Hold on Jiraichi, let me heal you first."
Timothy, -Ruby is taking the rest away along with Jason. We are in charge of clean up.-
Cheryl nodded while using the healing potion on Jiraichi, "Alright that is fine by me."
Timothy, -I believe we can take off our disguises now.-
Max took off his wig, "Thank Arceus. That was something else."
Molly pulled off her own brown wig, "Yeah, I was getting nervous someone might have recognized us."
Ash, "Yeah, come on. Let's give Jiraichi some space. They look like they are ready to perform."
Molly and Max nodded as the Jiraichis gathered around their Alpha and started to chant in a rhythm. Ash, Max and Molly watched down at the edge of their temple to give the Jiraichis enough space to dance around and chant together. Moly and Max watched with bright eyes and Ash waved May over who sat next to Max as she took out her pendant. She closed the final piece and smiled leaning back against the temple wall as she watched the Wish Pokemon dance to a rhythm. The rhythm was a strange one but Ash felt it was very familiar, perhaps he heard it before in his past life but now it was a fleeting memory.
Ash, 'It does not matter. We are here now, enjoying this very rare dance by the Jiraichis.'
Diance who was on Ash's lap started to dance after a while as well, "Ance di."
Lucario, -The main dance is over.-
Shiny Jiraichi, -Dear guests, please join us in the merry making.-
Max, "We can?"
Molly, "Is that ok?"
May, "I thought this was a private thing."
Shiny Jiraichi giggled, -Of course not. We have welcomed trusted friends before.-
Ash, "One sec, Phanphy, Abra, Absol and Eevee, join us too."
Phanphy, "Phan phy."
Ever looked around, "Vui."
Abra yawned, -Oooh! A party. I am in.-
Absol looked around and saw the older one and few meters away, "Sol."
Ash, "Go ahead boy. Spend time together with them. We leave in the morning."
The Pokemon cheered as they joined in on the fun while Ash and May looked around the temple. So far the old building seemed to be stable and did not look like it would break on them anytime soon. However it was safer to be vigilant instead of suffering through an accident and Lucario joined them on the quick check. After a while the Jiraichis insisted they joined the fun too and the older teens shrugged and joined the Pokemon who were dancing under the open sky filled with stars now. Absol and the older Absol were enjoying the refreshments in a corner, Ash had added some Pokemon feed to it to ensure everyone had enough to eat.
May, "I am getting hungry too."
Ash paused, "After breakfast yesterday we were busy running for the temple. We skipped lunch, dinner, breakfast and lunch again."
Max, "Huh! No wonder I feel tired. I was not tired earlier."
Molly, "Guess that's what they call adrenaline. I can't believe we skipped so many meals. Talk about forced dieting."
Ash, "Well let's eat now. We will have a balanced meal. Or well try to have one. I bet Ruby and Gou are starving too."
May, "Let's make food for everyone then."
Max, "Yeah."
Molly, "I hope we don't have to skip food like this ever again. Once is more than enough."
Lucario, -Indeed, I will help Meema.-
Ash nodded, "Alright, I was thinking about making the pasta we had rolled out a few days ago."
May, "Yes please."
Max, "Hey Ruby and Gou are here."
Ruby, "Sorry we are late."
Gou, "Had to make sure they did not escape this time... That's a lot of Jiraichis."
Ash chuckled, "You get used to it."