Rabbit King

The remaining 800 free exp is added to [Intermediate Swordsmanship] to level 4 and [Mana Bullet] to level 2.

[Intermediate Swordsmanship]

Skill type: Passive

Rank: C

Level 4(0/400)

Desc:Increase physical damage by 400% when using swords. Chances of blocking an attack is 20% when using a sword.

[Mana Bullet]

Skill type: Active

Rank: C

Level 2(0/200)

Desc: Shot out Mana Bullet that deals 300% magic damage. Increase Mana Bullet speed by 200%

Looking at his upgraded skills he is much more confident in fighting the next waves of rabbit.

Looking at the timer that is about to run out, Adam goes to the other rooms and ready himself for a fight.

Just as the number turn 0, a red colored rabbit spawns.

[ Red Rabbit]



Adam stand near the door and aim towards the rabbit.

[Mana Bullet]

A small blue colored ball of light form from Adam's finger and shoot straight towards the Red Rabbit at impressive speed.

Before the Red Rabbit can react it was hit with the ball of light that directly penetrates it's head. Adam is shocked at the bullet's power because he doesn't expect that the penetrating power is so high.

[Congratulations on killing monster three level higher than yours.]

[8x multiplier applied]

[ Free exp +240]

Before Adam can finish reading the text,another Red Rabbit spawns not long after and Adam quickly cast another mana bullet.

[Mana Bullet]

Then another bullet speedily shot towards the just spawned Red Rabbit and kills it.

[Congratulations on killing monster three level higher than yours.]

[8x multiplier applied]

[ Free exp +240]

This time Adam read it and he isn't too shocked by the Free exp amount as he had already roughly calculated it.

Since the strategy works, Adam repeat the same thing again and again until the tenth Red Rabbit.

With that the routine continues. Kill, rest, level up. Adam repeat the same process again and again until the Gold Rabbit that is level 9 is killed.

[Detected that the player still hasn't reach the required level to leave the novice room.]

[Spawning level 10 boss monster in 10 minutes.]

Seeing the changes in text Adam is both shock and excited. After all this is going to be his first boss.

Looking at both of his skill that have evolve 2 more times he finishes leveling up the skills before facing the boss.

[Sword Aura]

Skill type: Active

Rank: S

Level 6(0/60000)

Desc:Increase physical damage by 600x when using swords. Chances of blocking an attack is 50% when using a sword. When blocking an attack chances of successful counter attack is 100%. Ignore 60% of enemy's defense.

[Mana Manipulation]

Skill type: Active

Rank: S

Level 6(0/60000)

Desc: Deals 600x magic Damage towards the enemy. Any effect such as piercing or splash will depends on the shape of the attack.

The evolution of both skills goes as follows.

[Basic Swordsmanship]>[Intermediate Swordsmanship]>[Advance Swordsmanship]>[Sword Aura]

[Mana Ball]>[Mana Bullet]>[Mana Arrow]>[Mana Manipulation]

Although both of them are high level skills the amount of mana consume are relatively low although still a lot for a level 1 player.

For instance with [Mana Ball] Adam can shoot up to 50 of them before he starts to feel tired and 100 until he can no more. As for [Mana Bullet] Adam can shoot up to 25 of them until he feels sluggish and 50 until he can't shoot anymore. [Mana Arrow] follows the same trend with 12 until sluggish and 25 max.

But when he try to activate [Mana Manipulation] he realizes that the amount of mana depends more on what he makes. If he chooses to make an arrow then the cost is the same. But if chooses to make something like a blade then although the cost is higher the blade also remains until he decides to disperse it or it is shattered by violent impact.

As for [Sword Aura] , it consumes much less mana than creating a blade with [Mana Manipulation] but it also consumes mana to maintain it. [Sword Aura] can also be used in two different way. One, is to wrap the aura around the sword enhancing the sword's durability in the process. Another one is to shoo out slashes formed by Aura. The latter consume significantly more Mana than the first.

While Adam is busy familiarizing himself with his skills, he sees that the timer is down. Adam immediately goes to check on the so called boss.

Opening the door slightly and peeking inside, Adam sees a ginormous rabbit the size of ten people. It's height is easily two and half people tall and it's teeth is Soo big that once the rabbit bites him he is surely done for.

[Rabbit King]



Looking at the Rabbit King, Adam is slightly nervous. Sneaking into the room, Adam does what he does best.

[Sword Aura]

Silently chanting, Adam stab towards the Rabbit King rear end.


The sound of the Rabbit King scream immediately made Adam back off to the walls. Fortunately, as Adam backs away the Rabbit King shot out wind blades towards the place Adam just at.

The floor gets decimates by the wind blades and even Adam briefly feels the horror from his place. Suddenly, the Rabbit King turns around and stares directly at Adam. Seeing no other choice, Adam sends a barrages of mana balls as that is the only thing he could produce swiftly and in high quantity.

The Rabbit King screech again in pain as some of them hit it's weak spot like it's eyes.

Adam takes advantage of the Rabbit King that is distracted by the mana balls and runs towards it back again.

This time Adam climbs the back of the Rabbit King to hit it on the head. Suddenly the Rabbit King jumps intending to crush him to the ceiling. Adam slides down from the Rabbit King as he has no plan to bocome mashed potatoes today.

As the Rabbit King is falling down, Adam forms 5 mana arrows around him and just as the Rabbit King hit the ground making the ground slightly shaking, Adam releases the arrows targeting it's eyes.

3 out of 5 arrows hit as intended and blinding the Rabbit King. The Rabbit King is super angry by now and it sends out 30 fireballs in all directions. Adam narrowly dodges this one as the blast radius of the fireballs is a little big.

Adam then rushes towards it from the front and just as he is below the Rabbit King's neck, Adam releases [Sword Aura], thus slicing the head of the Rabbit King away from it's body.