Goblin Village, Bringing back hostages

Village center

"Hey, have you seen the ranking yet?"

"No, why?"

"Apparently, the strongest person in the whole game is someone from our village."

"Oh yeah, I've heard of that. But that is old news. Why do you bring it up?"

"That's the thing. Although he is the strongest person now, he still is apparently level 5. He is not even in the level ranking now. But he is still first in the combat power rankings. People suspect that either he gains super powerful weapon or his talent is incredibly powerful."

"Damn! He is still level 5 but is already the strongest in the game. I wonder how he gets to be so strong?"

Deep wilderness

A man could be seen running along a group of hobgoblins that is surrounding him with weapons ranging from sword to bow.

The man with a calm look holds his sword a swing at the incoming hordes of hobgoblins. All the arrows shot at him are block by a magic shield that manifest right in front of the arrows.

A hobgoblin with a sword try to sneak attack the man while he is focusing on the arrows. Unfortunately, before he could do anything his head fall to the ground as the last thing he sees is his friends getting slaughtered by that man.

Soon calmness return to the area as 15 corpses of hobgoblins lay on the ground. The man touch the corpses and each of them disappears.

The man is naturally Adam that finally found his way to group of level 10 monsters. He has been walking around this area for a few hours now but he has yet to see an end to all this monsters.

Adam has been hunting for awhile now. In this area of the area of the forest, there are less lone monster but more monster nests. Adam doesn't know why the monsters create their nest relatively close to each other(around 20 minutes of walking).

But Adam aren't gonna complain. After collecting the last hobgoblin corpse, Adam continue walking inside the forest. The time is already close to sunset and he decides to log out first. That is until he sees smoke coming out of the distance.

Adam rush towards the smoke and when comes close to the smoke, he sees a whole village full of goblins, hobgoblins and even a few ogre. Adam watches as they goes around their day lifting logs, cooking and some of them are even building houses.

Adam continues watching and for a moment he felt bad for killing all those monsters. Suddenly, he heard a scream from the village. He squint his eyes and sees a few woman with barely any clothing walks towards the village center. They are chained and are led by an ogre while a few hobgoblins guard from the side and backs.

A few of the woman are crying and Adam is pretty sure they are begging for help. Seeing those women condition, any guilts Adam felt before immediately get erased. Although this is all a game, Adam still felt anger at the condition of those women.

It might be because of the fact that goblins and it's lineage cannot reproduce on its own but is that Adam's problem. Let them die for all he cares about. He doesn't care if it racist or anything but he will not let this stands.

Adam activates [Stealth] any quietly sprint towards the village entrance. There are 4 hobgoblins archers stationed at the top of the wall. Adam climb the wall quietly and stab both of the hobgoblins that are on his side of the tower. Before the other side could react, Adam shot 2 mana arrow straight to their skull ending them.

Peeking into the village, Adam sees that the village still hasn't reacted to Adam's attack yet. Taking this opportunity, Adam sprint towards the women in the center of the village and before any of them could react, stab the lead ogre in the head slicing the ogre into two.

Adam shot mana arrows to the remaining hobgoblins and quickly gather the scared women. Summoning a mana shield around the women, Adam finally assess the environment around him. A dozen goblins and a few hobgoblins are coming towards him ready to kill him with their weapon on hand.

Adam uses [Sword Aura] and slashes at the incoming goblins directly killing them. Using the daggers on the ground from the dead goblins corpses, Adam throws them onto the incoming hobgoblins. Some of the daggers hit the targets successfully killing some of them.

The rest of the hobgoblins that didn't get hit is slain by Adam's [Sword Aura]. Suddenly a loud roar sounded from the hut at the highest ground point. From the hut an 8ft tall monster come out along with his giant battle axe.

[Ogre Chief]

Rank C

Level 15

Looking at the Ogre Chief, Adam for the first time felt the fear of facing monster.

[Effected by the Ogre Chief skill. Fear has been inflicted. Decreased strength and agility by 10%]

Seeing the status, Adam finally figure out where this sudden fear comes from. Holding the sword tightly, Adam readies himself for probably the toughest battle his going to have so far.

Suddenly, the Ogre Chief jumps high into the sky and Adam sees that he is trying to land on him. Adam dodge to the side but at the same time shot out 20 of his Mana spears as he called it. 15 of them successfully hit the Ogre Chief cancelling the skill that it is about to use or so Adam thought.

The Ogre Chief lands on the ground with quite a heavy injuries and look at Adam with bloodshot eyes. At that moment, his body suddenly grows bigger at an alarming rate and giving him a bigger pressure.

Adam of course are not stupid. He uses the [Sword Aura] and spam as much of it towards the Ogre Chief as possible. The Ogre Chief tries to block it but his battle axe get destroyed easily by the first [Sword Aura]. The remaining [Sword Aura] easily tore through the Ogre Chief's armor since it also has true damage.

With that the Ogre Chief's body lay there on the ground chopped up into may pieces.

"Well that's anticlimactic."

Adam then retrieves the all the corpses around him and continues to hunt all the stray goblins and hobgoblins along with a few Ogre in the area.

When Adam finally done with the monsters, Adam gets an achievement.

[Congratulations on being the first person to participate in a raid]

[Congratulations on successfully clearing a raid]

[Congratulations on successfully clearing a raid alone]

[Rewards: 2 Gold Chest, 2 gold coins and 1000 exp]

Looking at the rewards, Adam is stunned again. After all the coin exchange function is not on yet so he is probably the richest person thus far.

Adam ignore the rewards for a moment because a more important affair is at hand. Looking at the women that is standing quitely inside his Mana shield, Adam wonders what to do with them.

Adam knock his head when he remembers that he could just asks them what they wanted to do now.

Dispelling the shields, Adam approaches the women slowly as to not startled them. Some of them shakes as Adam close in of them but Adam ignores it and still steps closer. Finally Adam holds his sword and breaks the chains easily.

He doesn't know if there are keys to this chains but he doesn't really feels like finding them so he just breaks it as it is easier.

"Hey, umm so what's your name?" Adam asks to one of the relatively calm women.

"My name is Clara, sir." Says the woman.

"So Clara, I don't know where each of you comes from but if you all want, I could bring you all to the nearest village. Over there you can decide what you want to do."

Clara looks at all the remaining women and saw all of them have hopeful eyes when they heard Adam's words.

"We thank you for your help sir."

Hearing that, Adam just assumes that they want to follow him so he just nods to Clara's words.