Is this Earth?

When Adam opens his eyes, all his sees is a huge wasteland. No living being in sight nor are there any structures. Only desserts and the blazing sun in the sky that can be seen.

[Transfer complete]

[Generating quest]




[Quest generation complete]


Difficulty: EX

Time period: 6 - 12 months (6-12 hours)

Details: It's been 3000 years since the apocalypse. The last bastion of humanity, Lark, is the only place where humans can live safely. Survive in this world for a minimum of 6 months.

Completion rate: 0%

Adam frowns as he reads the details of his quest. What is happening on Earth? Why is it like this just 3000 years in the future? Is this real or merely generated world?

Adam flies in the sky as he searches for any sign of human. Following the quest, there is supposed to be a bastion on Earth. He doesn't know how big it is or where it is but he is going to find out.

Occasionally, he finds a few monsters which is surprising but after making rough estimate, there are barely a few hundreds of them. Even if the monsters are strong, they can't push humanity to the brink of extinction like this.

Some areas also have a very high concentration of radiation in it. Adam spends some time using light magic to purify the area so that creatures can continue to thrive there.

And like that, Adam spends the first month searching and exploring the future Earth, for any possible human. A few days into the second month, Adam's eyes catch a very interesting sight. A group of humans are sneaking up on a herd of Steel Buffalo. They are all wearing a set of armor with either bow, sword or spear.

The one Adam assumes as the leader, gives out a hand signal to his teammates and they start to spread out, slowly encircling the herd. When they successfully encircle the herd, the sword welders jump in to kill the Buffalos while the spearsmean block them from running away. The bowmen meanwhile shoots and supports the swordsmen in case they are in a disadvantage.

Overall, Adam gives them an 8/10 for teamwork. When they kill all the buffalos, they quickly harvest them and retreat somewhere. The whole time, they never notice Adam in sky watching their every move.

Suddenly, a loud roar appears from the distance. A big yellow buffalo that is at least 10 times bigger than the Steel Buffalo charges towards them, clearly angry for hunting his herd.

The Captain of the team shouts out some orders and the flustered team immediately round up together with the swordsmen changing to their shields.

"Brace for impact!!"

As the captain shouts, the Golden Buffalo hit the now shieldmen. The impact sends some of them flying but they successfully stop Golden Buffalo. The spearsmen and bowmen attack the buffalo as the remaining shieldsmen blocks any attack from the buffalo.

Just as they are about to succeed, the body of the buffalo starts to swell and its eyes turn red. The dying buffalo stands up and charges towards one of the spearsmen, fully intending to kill him.

Pthe shieldsmen try to block the buffalo but all of them are too late. The buffalo's horn pierces through the armor of the spearsmean just before it falls and dies.

His teammates screams as they watch their friends falls to the ground, heavily bleeding. Adam decides that it is time for him to come down and saves him.

Seeing a slowly descending man, the team become cautious and grip their weapons, ready for battle.

Adam ignores them and with a wave of his hand, white light falls onto the man as he heals and his pale face becomes rosy again.

"Hello, I am Adam. May I know where is the nearest base here?"

The team, although still wary, lower their weapon when they see Adam doesn't have any hostile intent towards them. They look at their captain for orders, just in case.

"Hello, Adam. I am Wang Lin. Before I tell you, let me check your identity first."

Wang Lin's word confuses Adam but he still cooperate and watches as the captain pulls out a ball of glass that he sees from when he wants to enter Quizo. Though this one seems a little different as it is purple in color

Adam touches the ball and he can feel a little of his mana enters the ball. It glows purple for a while and a panel appears.

Adam can see Wang Lin's shoulder relaxes as the panel appears. However, the relax state suddenly turns into shock as he continues to read.

"Thank you for cooperating Mr. Adam. Please comes with us to return to our base."

Wang Lin sudden change in behavior shock even his team. Adam raises his eyebrow at the sudden change but ignores it for now.

Adam follows them for a while and soon, they reach a lone tree in the middle of an empty land. The tree alone occupies 10 meter radius of the land, and if not because of occasional tree like this that Adam encounters when he was traveling, it would have look weird.

Wang Lin knocks on the tree 7 times on a weird pattern and suddenly, a part of the tree raises as it turns into a door. Wang Lin leads them inside and goes down the stairway as he lights up the torches one by one.

When they reach the bottom, what Adam sees is a metal door that if not for Adam having his in-game strength right now, he isn't sure he could move the door.

Wang Lin pulls out a key and slots it inside a key hole in the door. Metal gears start to turn as Wang Lin twists the key and soon, the metal door opens up to reveal a whole city, full of buildings and even a fake sky. If Adam doesn't know that he just comes from the surface, he would have thought that this is the surface.

"Welcome to Lark, the last bastion of humanity."