Chapter 6 - Training Days

"Did you have to wake me up this early?" Raiden mumbled in annoyance.

Rock had instructed Raiden to meet him at the beach. That was where they were supposed to start their training. Raiden had to be very careful while sneaking out of Mary's house. He didn't want to wake her up.

Rock was already waiting for him when he arrived at the designated spot. The old man had a serious expression on his face, staring at Raiden sternly.

"Good. You're on time." He nodded in approval.

"Now then, let's not waste anymore time. First, we need to see what you can do," Rock said, his voice gruff but not unkind. "Show me what you've got, Raiden."

Raiden nodded with a grin, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel Rock's demeanor change completely. Raiden had a decent amount of experience fighting wild animals, but this feeling was different. He took a deep breath and settled into a stance that felt natural to him.

Rock watched him closely, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. "Come at me," he instructed, his tone firm.

Raiden didn't hesitate at all. He charged forward at his top speed, aiming a punch at Rock's midsection. The old man sidestepped effortlessly, his movements smooth and precise. Before Raiden could react, Rock's hand shot out, catching him by the wrist and redirecting his momentum. Raiden stumbled, but quickly regained his balance.

"Again," Rock commanded.

Raiden launched another attack, this time a series of quick jabs aimed at Rock's upper body, something he easily blocked and parried each strike with minimal effort, his expression remaining impassive.

'This won't work.' Raiden thought to himself. He quickly took a step back making a distance between them.

'Observe.' He mentally activated the skill.


[Observe level too low to view the status of the individual named Rock.]

Raiden's eyes widened slightly, 'Tch. Just how high are his stats.' he thought, clicking his tongue.

Raiden closed the distance between them once again. As soon as he reached the old man, who was staring at him sternly, Raiden quickly bent down, picked up a handful of sand and quickly threw it at Rock's face.

"What the...!" Rock was caught off guard. He quickly closed his eyes and shielded his face with his arms.

Raiden grinned and quickly capitalised on the opportunity, delivering a strong kick, that connected with the old man's shin, but it felt like kicking a steel beam. Rock didn't flinch, his eyes narrowing as he wiped the sand from his face.

"Good thinking," Rock said, his voice calm and steady, "but you need more than tricks to beat me."

Before Raiden could react, Rock swept his leg under Raiden's feet, knocking him off balance. Raiden hit the sand with a thud.

"Ouch!" Raiden groaned as he tried to catch his breath.

Rock extended a hand to help him up. "Don't rely on underhanded tactics. They're a sign of desperation. You can do better than that."

Raiden took Rock's hand and got to his feet, brushing the sand off his clothes. He nodded with an embarrassed smile. "Understood."

"Again," Rock ordered.

Raiden squared his shoulders, focusing on Rock's movements. He lunged forward, aiming a punch at Rock's midsection again. This time, Rock didn't sidestep. Instead, he blocked the punch with his forearm, the impact reverberating through Raiden's arm.

"Not bad," Rock said, "but you need to put more power behind your strikes. Use your whole body, not just your arm."

Raiden stepped back, taking a deep breath. He adjusted his stance, planting his feet more firmly in the sand. He tried doing what the old man told him to do. After a moment, he attacked again, this time with more force.

Rock blocked the punch, but he nodded in approval. "Better. Now, let's see how you handle defense."

Rock came at Raiden with a series of quick strikes, testing his reflexes. Raiden managed to block the first few, but Rock's speed and precision soon overwhelmed him. He stumbled back, struggling to keep up.

"Don't just block," Rock instructed. "Deflect. Redirect my attacks and use my momentum against me."

Raiden nodded, his mind racing as he tried to absorb the advice. He focused on Rock's movements, watching for patterns. When Rock aimed a punch at his shoulder, Raiden twisted his body, guiding Rock's arm past him. It was a small victory, but it gave him a surge of confidence.

"Good," Rock said. "Now, let's take it up a notch."

Rock's attacks came faster, more unpredictable. Raiden found himself on the defensive, his mind and body working in overdrive. He managed to deflect some strikes, but Rock's experience and skill were evident. Every time Raiden thought he had an opening, Rock would switch tactics, keeping him off balance.

Finally, Rock called for a halt, raising his hand. Raiden dropped to his knees, gasping for air, his body drenched in sweat.

"That's enough for today," Rock said, his voice returning to its usual gruffness. "You have potential, Raiden. But you need to work on your strength and endurance. You have no fighting style, but that is something we can fix overtime. We'll start with the basics and build from there."

Raiden looked up at him, a mix of exhaustion and determination in his eyes. "Thank you...grandpa."

Rock nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Rest up. We'll spar again tomorrow at dawn. And remember, no more sneaking into the forest alone."

Raiden nodded, knowing full well that he will, in fact sneak into the forest again. There was no way he would not sneak in to get those juicy achievement points.

The old man and the boy, both slumped down and stared at the sea in silence. Raiden didn't have a proper rest last night, so was pretty tired. He leaned against Rock and fell asleep.

Rock remained still, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the sea met the sky. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore was calming, providing a moment of peace amidst the chaos of training and the boy's constant curiosity.

Rock glanced down at Raiden, who was now peacefully dozing against his shoulder. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he gently adjusted Raiden to make him more comfortable.

"You remind me so much of myself, boy," Rock murmured softly, barely louder than the waves. "So much fire and determination."

Rock's mind drifted back to his own youth, filled with battles, losses, and hard-won victories. The world had been a different place then. Ever since Roger's execution, the sea has become so much more chaotic.

"Every other brat wants to be a damn pirate these days. Being a marine is so much harder." He murmured quietly.

Teaching Raiden wasn't just about passing on fighting skills; it was about preparing him for the harsh realities of life. He will not be there for Raiden his whole life. He cannot protect him all the time.

'That is why I trained him too...' Rock thought with a melancholic smile.

The sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the water. Rock's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to see Mary walking towards them, a worried expression on her face.

'Damnit! What is Mary doing here?' he thought, panicked. He can't tell Mary that he was training Raiden. The woman would skin him alive.

"So he was with you huh?" she said quietly, trying not to disturb the sleeping boy. "I was worried."

Rock nodded hurriedly. "Y..yeah. He said he couldn't sleep. Came to my house this morning. I brought him here."

"Is that so?" Mary nodded in understanding. Her eyes softened as she looked at Raiden. "He's been through a lot. I thought he had become comfortable at my place. I guess he still needs some time."

She sat down next to Rock, not really in the mood to show the same hostility she generally had. The three sat there, bathed in the warmth of the rising sun.

Eventually, Mary gently touched Raiden's shoulder, waking him from his sleep. "Time to head back home, Raiden. You need proper rest."

Raiden groggily opened his eyes, blinking up at Mary and then at Rock with a panicked look. The old silently gestured to him that everything was alright.

Raiden mentally sighed in relief. "W..when did you come here grandma." He laughed awkwardly.

"Just now. And why didn't you tell me that you were having trouble sleeping?" She flicked his forehead with a frown.

"A..ah. You see, I didn't want to bother you." Raiden stuttered, something Mary just chalked up to him being embarrassed.

" If you have any problems in the future, you come to me, understand?" She said stroking his head.

"Uh, yeah. I understand." Raiden nodded.

She stood up and dusted the sand off of her clothes. "Now then, let's get you back home. You shouldn't mess up your sleep." She said, picking the boy up and dusting his clothes off too.

Raiden shot a quick glance at Rock, who gave him a reassuring nod. As they started walking away, Raiden couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anticipation. Training with Rock was intense, but it was exactly what he needed to grow. The old man winked back at him and turned back to look at the sea.

Mary held Raiden's hand tightly, her worry evident in her gentle grip. "Next time, just let me know if something's bothering you, alright? You don't need to run to that old man." She said, with what looked like a pout?

Raiden nodded earnestly. "I will, grandma. I promise."

"Good." Mary nodded with a satisfied smile.


Raiden continued training with Rock since that day.  They had to become a little sneaky to evade getting caught by Mary. Raiden would sneak into the forest from time to time, although those visits were very rare.

Luckily the training he did with Rock, increased his stat growth rate by a massive margin. In a single week, he had crossed the threshold of E rank in all his physical stats.

Rock stood in front of Raiden, his hands demonstrating fluid movements in the air. "This technique is called 'Force Palm,'" he explained, his voice steady and commanding. "This is something I created back when I was in the Navy. I copied one of the Rokushiki to make this. It is pretty simple, a strong open palm attack. Just follow my movements and try to hit as hard as you can."

Raiden obviously knew what the Rokushiki were and he was very excited to learn one of them, even if it was the technique that was just a derived one. He watched intently, trying to mimic Rock's movements. The old man's hands moved with a grace that belied his age, striking the air with sharp, controlled force. Raiden attempted to follow suit, his own movements clumsy by comparison.

"Your stance is off," Rock corrected, stepping forward to adjust Raiden's posture. "Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Your center of gravity needs to be stable."

Raiden nodded, shifting his weight to mimic Rock's stance. He extended his hand, trying to recall the exact motion Rock had shown him. His first few attempts were uncoordinated, the strikes lacking the focus and power Rock had demonstrated.

"Focus, Raiden," Rock urged. "Visualize the energy flowing from your core to your palm. It's not just a strike; it's a transfer of power."

Raiden took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment to center himself. He 'visualized' the energy as Rock had described, then opened his eyes and struck again. This time, the impact was sharper, more concentrated. It wasn't perfect, but it was a noticeable improvement.

Rock's attacks almost created an almost visible force as soon as he executed the technique. Raiden couldn't even create a fraction of it, much to his annoyance.

"Better," Rock acknowledged with a nod. "Remember to exhale sharply as you strike. It helps to release energy effectively."

Raiden practiced the motion repeatedly, each strike growing more refined. Rock watched with a critical eye, occasionally stepping in to correct Raiden's form or offer a word of encouragement.

It was after a particular strike, that Raiden felt something change. 'What is going on...' He thought with a confused expression, but his questions were quickly answered.


[Combat Technique Force Palm learned.]

[Force Palm(G) - 0/10

-->A skill created by an individual named Rock. Create a powerful wave of energy that launches at the opponent and strikes them down. Has a high chance of causing internal damage.]

Raiden felt a surge of information flow in his head. He could feel his understanding of the technique deepen. Raiden clenched and unclenched his first with a look of wonder.

"You're improving," Rock said after a while, a hint of pride in his voice. "But remember, mastery takes time. Don't rush it." He said, snapping Raiden out of his stupor.

Raiden nodded, sweat dripping from his brow. "I understand, grandpa."

"Good," Rock replied. "Now, let's add another layer to this technique. When you strike, aim for specific points on your opponent's body. The solar plexus, the ribs, the joints—these are your targets. A well-placed strike can incapacitate an opponent without needing excessive force. It's better in long drawn battles. I want you to train both these techniques simultaneously."

Rock demonstrated, striking the air with his fingers instead of his palm. His strikes were fast, so much so that Raiden could barely keep up with them. He aimed at the tree in front of him with surgical precision.


Raiden watched with wide eyes, as he saw a branch burst into splinters.

"Try it," Rock instructed, stepping back to give Raiden space.

"Ugh." Raiden's face scrunched in confusion. He didn't really understand the difference between the two moves, other than the launching the attack with a finger instead of the palm.

'Wait! Isn't this Shigan?!' Raiden's eyes widened in realisation. 'He's actually teaching me one of the Rokushiki?'

Raiden stared at the old man in awe. He quickly shook his head and went back to trying out the move.

Raiden took a deep breath, focusing on the points Rock had mentioned. He struck the air, trying to attack the tree in front of him.

'Nothing is happening. It's so much harder to generate force with one finger.' Raiden clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Keep practicing. The more you repeat these motions, the more natural they will become." Rock said from the sidelines.

His muscles ached, his breath coming in short gasps, but he pushed on. Rokushiki put a huge strain on the user's body. And Raiden was facing the full force of, as he had been training throughout the day.

Finally, Rock called for a halt. "That's enough for today," he said, his voice returning to its usual gruffness. "You've made good progress, Raiden. Rest up, and we'll continue tomorrow."

Raiden nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. He looked up at Rock, determination shining in his eyes. "Thank you, grandpa."

Rock nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "You're doing well, Raiden. Keep this up, and you'll become an amazing marine."

He ruffled Raiden's hair and continued, "I'll go now. Clean up and rush back home. Mary is going to get worried."

Raiden nodded and slumped down, watching the old man leave the beach. As soon as Rock was out of his view, Raiden's face split into a wide grin, staring at the blue window in front of his eyes.


[Rokushiki: Shigan (Finger Pistol) learned.]

[Shigan(G) - 0/10

--> One of the famous Rokushiki allows one to use their finger as a weapon. A close-quarter combat technique, in which the user uses their finger to pierce the target's flesh, at a very high speed.]

[A major achievement acquired: Learn your first Rokushiki skill.]

[500 AP received.]

'One day. I learned this thing in one fucking day! I can't believe it!' Raiden grinned with an elated expression.

"The system gave me 500 AP for learning this." He said happily.

"Status." He whispered. Over the past week, he didn't have the chance to actually look at his status window, due to the hectic training schedule.




Member of D clan -

Effect : Constitution +50%

              Charisma +50%

Physical stats:

Strength - E (10/1000)

Constitution - E (10/1000)

Agility - F (95/100)

Will - E (0/1000)

Charisma - E (0/1000)

Haki - None

Observation Haki (not available)

Armament Haki (not available)

Conqueror's Haki (not available)

Devil fruits - None

Combat techniques -

•) Force Palm (G) - 0/10

•) Rokushiki -->

1) Shigan(G) - 0/10

Skills -

•) Observe(F) (0/100)

At the host's level --> cannot check attributes of non living things.

(Can be used to enhance ???)

•) Rampage(D) (0/1000)

Achievement Points - 655]

"Nice. It is finally coming toget...wait, my agility isn't at E rank?" Raiden said with a confused expression. He expected all his physical stats to have crossed E rank.

"Let's just put 5 AP in it. It would look better." He shrugged.


[Agility - F --> E (0/100)]

"Nice. This looks better." He murmured.

He was about to get up and leave the beach, when another unexpected notification rang.

[A big milestone achieved. A suitable skill will be generated.]
