Chapter 28 - Shopping Spree and The New Swords

"Is this the shop you were talking about?" Ronan asked with a deadpan look.

"Yeah," Raiden replied, still grumbling. He was still pretty pissed about how it was so damn hard to remember the names and directions of places from the manga.

The shop they were looking for was nestled between a fruit vendor and a small eatery, its entrance marked by a simple sign that read "Ipponmatsu's Weaponry." And God knows how hard it was to find this place.

Raiden looked at Ronan, who was staring at the shop with mild curiosity and a lot of frustration. "Let's go in," he said and motioned for his friend to follow him inside.

Ronan nodded absentmindedly and went after Raiden. The two boys entered the shop with the bell above the door jingling softly as they stepped inside.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Raiden called out, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet shop.

The two waited for a moment, before a loud voice answered back from somewhere in a room, that was at the back of the shop. "Just a moment!"

The boys took the opportunity to look around. The shop was filled with rows of weapons, primarily swords of various lengths and designs. Raiden's eyes gleamed with interest as he began spamming [Observe] on the swords. Honestly, Observe was more useful in these situations compared to combat scenarios.

Ronan, noticing Raiden's focused expression, decided to tease him, "Dude, what are you doing?" He glanced at the sword Raiden was examining and added in a weirded out tone, "Stop harassing those swords." His exaggerated voice made Raiden chuckle.

While the boys were bantering and insulting each other, a man emerged from the back room, wiping his hands on a rag. He had a cunning smile plastered on his face as he introduced himself. "Welcome to Ipponmatsu's Weaponry! I'm Ipponmatsu, the owner. What can I do for you today?"

"Hel-?! Pfft!" Raiden turned to look up at the man and almost choked when he saw the blue box on the man's head. He forgot to turn off [Observe] and the description it gave of the man was hilarious.

[Be wary, host. The man named Ipponmatsu is looking to scam the host.]

"A-are you alright, kid?" Ipponmatsu said in a concerned voice.


"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Anyways, we are looking for a few blades." Raiden said with a smile.

'Did he just say, FEW?!' Ipponmatsu's eyes brightened with a glint at the word "few." His demeanor shifted to one of eager friendliness as he began to butter up Raiden. "Ah, a discerning young swordsman, I see! You've come to the right place. Let me show you some of our finest products."

Raiden just smiled and went along with it, allowing the shopkeeper to lead him to a display of various swords. Ipponmatsu's rat-like, cunning smile never wavered as he pulled out sword after sword, each one more elaborately designed than the last. He extolled their virtues with the practiced ease of a seasoned salesman.

Raiden took a cursory look at the swords before he turned to Ipponmatsu. "I'd like to take a look at the swords myself," he said calmly. He then turned to Ronan, "Take a look around and see if you like anything."

Ipponmatsu's thoughts flickered with annoyance. 'This kid thinks he knows better than me, huh?' Despite his irritation, he maintained his smile. "Of course, take your time," he said, though his tone had a slight edge to it.

As for the fishman, Raiden didn't have to tell him twice as he bolted towards a certain shelf and began taking a look at a weird cutlass.

Raiden began to roam around the shop, using [Observe] on different katanas to see which ones were worth buying. And after a while, he selected four of them.

[Sword Name: Tsuyoi (C)

Description: Forged by a blacksmith named Hideo. An extremely balanced and sharp blade.

Traits: Light weight sword, best for speed based fighting style.

Strength bonus +10%

Speed bonus +15% ]

[Sword Name: Kōshin (D)

Description: Crafted by a master smith named Yukio. Heavy sword with a reputation for durability.

Traits: Heavy sword, best for strength based fighting style.

Strength bonus +10%]

[Sword Name: Hikari (D)

Description: Created by a blacksmith named Kenji. Heavy sword, favored for its sharpness and weight.

Traits: Strength bonus +15%]

[Sword Name: Jūryoku (D)

Description: Made by famed smith Takashi. A long blade with a very sharp edge.

Traits: Light sword,

Strength bonus +12%]

Raiden picked up the four swords and placed them in front of Ipponmatsu. The shopkeeper's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he rubbed his hands together.

"These are fine choices, young man," Ipponmatsu said, his voice dripping with honeyed tones. "Each of these swords is a masterpiece. The price for each is 700,000 bellies."

Raiden raised an eyebrow. "700,000 each? That's quite steep."

Ipponmatsu nodded, his 'salesman' smile widening. "Ah, but you see, these are exceptional swords crafted by renowned blacksmiths. The quality is unmatched."

'You wouldn't have even guessed that these swords were good if you didn't see me carefully selecting them.' Raiden cursed mentally.

Ronan put the cutlass back and joined Raiden, trying to get the price down. "700,000 is too much. We're not made of money."

Raiden nodded in agreement and crossed his arms. "How about 200,000 each?"

Ipponmatsu's smile faltered for a brief moment before he recovered. "200,000? You must be joking. I can't go that low. These swords are worth every berry of the asking price."

Raiden pretended to consider it, then shook his head. "300,000 each, and that's being generous."

Ipponmatsu's eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept his tone pleasant. "Young man, you're driving a hard bargain. 500,000 is the lowest I can go."

Raiden looked at Ronan and nodded subtly. "300,000 each, final offer."

Ipponmatsu sighed theatrically, shaking his head. "I can't do 300,000. The lowest I can go is 450,000."

Raiden and Ronan exchanged glances, and then Raiden turned to Ipponmatsu with a resigned look. "We appreciate the offer, but it seems we can't reach an agreement. Come on, Ronan, let's find another shop." The two boys begin to turn and walk towards the exit.

Panic flashed across Ipponmatsu's face. He quickly stepped forward, blocking their path. "Wait! Please, let's not be hasty. 350,000 each, but that's my absolute limit."

Raiden paused, looking back at the shopkeeper with a thoughtful expression. "You said 350,000 each?"

Ipponmatsu nodded eagerly. "Yes, 350,000 each."

Raiden scratched his chin, pretending to think it over. "Hmm, 350,000..."

He sighed dramatically and looked at Ipponmatsu with a disheartened look. "I'm sorry, but I can't go higher than 300,000. Thank you for your time."

Ipponmatsu's face contorted with frustration, but he quickly masked it with a strained smile. "Fine, fine, 300,000 each."

Raiden gave a final nod. "Deal."

Ipponmatsu reluctantly agreed, muttering under his breath, "These boys are shrewd negotiators." He retrieved the swords and wrapped them carefully, handing them to Ronan, who grins triumphantly.

Raiden pulled out the money he had saved up and paid the man, who begrudgingly took it.

Ronan picked up the swords, and as they turned to leave, Raiden's eye landed on a certain sword in a certain barrel. And he immediately wanted to slap himself. 'How in the world did I forget about those two swords!'

Almost all the swords in that barrel looked similar, but one had a chilling aura that drew him in. "How much for that sword?" he asked, pointing at the katana.

Ipponmatsu's expression changes instantly. He became serious and shook his head. "That sword is not for sale."

"Why not?" Ronan asked, clearly curious about the sudden change in the man's demeanor.

Ipponmatsu's thoughts raced. 'I knew this brat was not normal. He can even sense that evil aura. I can't let him buy that.'

"I said it's not for sale! You have your weapons, right? Now get out! I'm not selling that thing." Ipponmatsu shouted at the fishman, who just frowned in response.

Raiden ignored his outburst and went over to the barrel, reaching for the sword before Ipponmatsu could stop him. The shopkeeper's face turned pale as Raiden pulled the sword out of the barrel.

"Wait! Don't unsheathe that thing! That's a cursed blade!" Ipponmatsu yelled, but Raiden ignores him, casting [Observe] on the sword.

[Sword Name: Sandai Kitetsu (B)

Description: This is one of the cursed swords, known for its bloodthirsty nature. It was crafted by one of Wano country's greatest blacksmiths, Kozuki Sukiyaki and has claimed the lives of many previous owners.

Traits: Strength bonus - 30%, Agility bonus - 25%, Extreme sharpness.

Warning: This sword is cursed.]

Raiden felt the sword tremble in his hand and mumbled, "Sure enough, this sword is not normal."

Ipponmatsu pleaded with him. "Put that katana back, boy! It's dangerous!"

Raiden ignored him, focused on the sword. He looked up at Ronan and asked with a grin, "You haven't seen me use this, have you?"

"What?" Ronan asked with a confused expression.

"Boy! Don't ignore me! That thin-"

"Oh, shut up!" Raiden snapped back at the man with a scowl.

Before Ipponmatsu could object about the boy's rude tone, a tyrannical pressure descended in the shop, focusing on the Sandai Kitetsu. Black and red lightning flowed through the sword, and it began shaking violently.

'Wha-?! What is this power?! He had never used it in our spars! Forget fighting him, i can barely stand! This guy...' Ronan, who was on his knees at this point, stared at his friend in awe. He couldn't believe that Raiden had something so... overwhelming in his arsenal.

Ipponmatsu, on the other hand, was staring at the black haired boy with a pale face and his mind swirling with disbelief and fear. He had never felt so...small, ever in his life.

Raiden focused on the sword and growled, "Calm down!"

His Conqueror's Haki was very weak and he barely use it in small burst. But even then, it was extremely hard to control the power. Even now, he could somewhat channel the energy because the curse was actively fighting against it and so, he had a direction to channel that untammed energy.

Raiden's grip tightened around the hilt of the Sandai Kitetsu as the sword trembled violently, almost as if it were trying to break free from his grasp. The air around him crackled with an ominous energy, and a low, eerie hum emanated from the blade, filling the room with an unsettling resonance.

Ronan, still on his knees, watched in awe as black and red lightning danced around the sword, each crackle sounding like a sinister whisper. He could feel the raw power radiating from Raiden, a force so overwhelming that it left him breathless. "This... this is something else," he muttered, his voice barely audible over the hum of the cursed blade.

Ipponmatsu, standing frozen with fear and disbelief, could barely process what he was witnessing. The boy before him, who had initially seemed like an ordinary customer—well, a bit weird and unusual, but mostly ordinary, now wielded a power that made the seasoned shopkeeper's blood run cold. 'Who is this kid?' he thought, his mind racing. 'This isn't just any ordinary boy. He's a monster!'

The Sandai Kitetsu, as if sensing Raiden's intent to suppress its curse, fought back with renewed ferocity. The blade's hum grew louder, turning into a high-pitched wail. Suddenly, a thick, dark smoke erupted from the sword, swirling around Raiden's arm like a living entity. The smoke was suffused with a malevolent aura, its tendrils lashing out in defiance.

Raiden's expression hardened as he exerted more of his Conqueror's Haki, focusing all his willpower on subduing the cursed blade. "Calm down!" he growled through gritted teeth, his voice a low, commanding rumble that reverberated through the shop. The black and red lightning intensified, clashing with the dark smoke in a fierce battle of wills.

The sword's wail reached a crescendo, the sound piercing and otherworldly. It seemed as if the blade were crying out in agony, resisting Raiden's attempts to dominate it.

Raiden could feel the curse trying to seep into his mind, whispering promises of power and destruction, but he pushed back with all his might.

For what felt like an eternity, the struggle continued. The shop was filled with the sound of clashing energies, the oppressive atmosphere almost suffocating. Ronan watched with wide eyes, feeling a mix of anticipation and concern for his friend. 'Can he really control it? Argh! The fuck are you saying, Ronan?! Of course he will, damnit!'

Finally, with a decisive burst of Haki, Raiden forced the curse to submit. The dark smoke retreated back into the blade, and the eerie wail subsided into a low hum. The black and red lightning flickered one last time before disappearing, leaving the shop in an eerie silence.

Raiden panted heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead. The Sandai Kitetsu, though still trembling slightly, was no longer fighting him. He could feel that the curse had been suppressed, its malevolent presence now a mere shadow of what it once was.

Ipponmatsu, still pale and shaken, stared at Raiden with wide eyes. "You... you actually did it," he whispered, his voice trembling. "You suppressed the curse..."

Raiden looked up, his gaze steady and intense. "Yeah," he said, his voice calm but firm. "This sword is mine now." He sheathed the Sandai Kitetsu and turned to Ronan, who was slowly getting back to his feet. "You alright?"

Ronan nodded, still trying to process everything he had just witnessed. "Yeah, I'm fine. But seriously, dude, what the hell was that?"

Raiden grinned, though he looked exhausted. "Just a little trick."

Raiden then turned back to the middle aged man and placed the Sandai Kitetsu on the counter. Ipponmatsu's gaze remained fixed on the cursed blade, his face a mix of awe and trepidation.

"How much for this sword?" Raiden asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Ipponmatsu looked up, a faint chuckle escaping his lips as he shook his head. "You've shown me something I never expected to see," he said, his tone laced with a newfound respect. "I suppose I was wrong to underestimate you. Wait for me, will you."

He went behind the counter and disappeared into the back room. Ronan, still recovering from the earlier display, turned to Raiden with a quizzical look. "What's he doing now?"

Raiden shrugged. "I think he's going to fetch something," Raiden replied, his tone casual but barely hiding the underlying anticipation. He almost knew what he was about to get.

"Oh yeah? And how do you know that?" Ronan asked with a raised eyebrow.

Raiden grinned and stared at the back room with a giddy look. "I just know." He replied cryptically, making Ronan want to smack him on the head but he kept that idea to himself.

A few moments later, Ipponmatsu returned, holding a beautifully crafted sword. It gleamed under the shop's dim lights, its design elegant and refined. The sword was unlike anything Raiden had seen before, with intricate engravings and a handle wrapped in fine black leather.

"This," Ipponmatsu said as he placed the sword on the counter, "is Yubashiri. It's my family heirloom, and I haven't sold it to anyone in years. This is the best sword I have in my shop."

The shop fell into a heavy silence. Ronan's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the sword. "Are you serious? That sword looks extremely valuable," he said, breaking the silence.

Ipponmatsu nodded, a faint smile on his face. "It is indeed expensive. But it would be a waste for it to remain here. Someone with your potential deserves it more than I do." His eyes met Raiden's with an earnest look. "Take it. Treat it well."

Raiden stared at the sword for a moment, then looked up at Ipponmatsu with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "How much should I pay for it?"

Ipponmatsu waved his hand dismissively. "No need. Consider it a gift. Just remember to use it wisely. Now, you two should be on your way."

Raiden nodded respectfully, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, old man. We appreciate it."

"I'm not old, you damn brat!"

"Bahahaha. Sure, sure. Old man, take care. And thanks for the swords."

With that, he and Ronan left the shop, both boys exchanging glances of surprise and excitement.

Ipponmatsu watched them leave, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'm sure someone with the Color Of The Supreme King will make good use of that sword," he murmured to himself. "I just hope you don't follow the wrong path, boy."


Outside the shop, Ronan looked at Raiden with a mix of awe and curiosity. "What was that power you used back there?"

Raiden smirked, his gaze drifting off into the distance. "I'll explain it all later." He said dismissively.

Afterall, good swords weren't the only thing he received in the haul today.

[The host has created a massive deviation in the story.]

[20,000 AP received.]
