The Molten Ogre

The lever was found by the front gate, allowing him to simply pull it as the wooden entrance slowly opened itself up with a loud rumble. As it was opened up, he stood there, waving his hand towards the treeline of the forest. 

"It's clear!" He shouted. 

Not a second later did he find the sight of his comrades emerging from behind the bushes, making their way over with a quick jog. 

"You're alright? Nothing happened?" Charlotte asked, stepping a bit into the assassin's personal space to inspect him for any wounds. 

Finn let her check as he wore a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. There's nothing in here, I'm pretty sure." 

"A ghost town, then. Wonderful," Magnus remarked, stepping through the gate. 

The cannoneer and knight didn't waste any time entering the walled-off area as they both inspected the charred homes. 

As Finn turned around to go back into the fallen settlement, he found his sleeve grabbed from behind.