Beyond The Mountains

"Haah…" Finn breathed out, watching as the arrival of the light brought the room back to a calm. 

As he looked back, he exchanged a glance with Charlotte, who kept her shining blade raised, having the same look of relief in her eyes. 


"Shit! Magnus! C'mon, mate…!" 

The sound of a gargled yell and the panicked voice of the knight brought both Finn and the spellblade looking around the newly-lit area. 

"Magnus? Jasper?!" Finn called out as he spun around, finding where the others were. 

Near the left wall of the chain-riddled caver, he found them both. 

The sight of the cannoneer laid out on his back and Jasper right beside him in a panic brought him to sprint over. He came to an abrupt stop when finally seeing what state his companion was in.