Bitter Lesson

The flames danced, howling with a magnificent intensity as the impact spread itself throughout the encompassing sludge. Everything continued to shake for moments more, bringing dust to rain down alongside the sparks and evaporating tar. 

There was silence in those sparse seconds; some of it was hope that their companion survived, though it was a far-off wish. As the bountiful smoke was pushed away, the state of the dragon that had absorbed the entirety of the calamitous explosion was revealed. 

It slumped from the wall, nothing more than a blackened skeleton, yet still somehow moving. 

Jasper still had his shield raised, shouting out, "Go now–! Finish it–!" 

There was nothing else that needed to be said as Finn held the tears back, rising to his feet as he stumbled forward, catching himself on his hands before continuing his sprint. Even if it hurt, even if his heart ached, he put it aside so as not to waste the opportunity given.