Old Friend

While he was still feeling adrenaline coursing through his body, he decided to take the advice of the man. He breathed out, shutting his eyes as all thoughts were forced from his mind. 

Pushing away the thoughts of the nameless killer was difficult; like a virus in his head every time he closed his eyes. 

Still, enough concentration left a canvas for him to fill in— 

["Dreamwalking Initiated."] 

Through that cold kaleidoscope, he felt confident in where he'd end up. As his heart throbbed in his chest and his mind ran a hundred miles of thought, he didn't open his eyes again until he felt the air shift. 

That dust-filled air, the smell of unwashed steel; he opened his eyes. 

He was back, standing in the depths of the hellish basement as a nauseating stench greeted him immediately; the scent of death. The hairs on his arm stood as he looked down, finding a puddle of blood beneath his boot.