Chapter 4: Xiao Wu's Pregnancy

"Su Bai, how did you..."

But soon, Xiao Wu was utterly astonished.

If the handsome young man before her was indeed Su Bai, it meant that Su Bai had taken a human form.

But to her knowledge, soul beasts needed at least hundred thousand years of cultivation to transform into humans.

Su Bai had mentioned before that he was only at fifty thousand years of cultivation.

But now...

Su Bai saw the confusion in Xiao Wu's eyes. With a smile, he produced the remaining Transformation Pill. "It's because of this."

"What is this..."

Xiao Wu curiously examined the pill in Su Bai's hand. The pill emitted a fragrance that was incredibly enticing to her.

"A Transformation Pill. You should take it," Su Bai explained with a smile, bringing the pill close to Xiao Wu's lips.

He had no other choice.

If Xiao Wu remained in her rabbit form, adorable as she was, Su Bai felt it would be inappropriate to act on his feelings.

The timing of the Transformation Pill couldn't have been better.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu licked her lips with her pink tongue, clearly tempted but still hesitant.

Su Bai understood her hesitation and reassured her, "Don't worry. This Transformation Pill allows transformation regardless of cultivation age. Once you take it, you'll be able to transform into a human form and can still revert to your soul beast form whenever you want."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu no longer hesitated and swallowed the pill in one gulp.

Just like Su Bai earlier, Xiao Wu's body began to transform.

The difference was that while Su Bai's transformation was from large to small, Xiao Wu's was from small to large.

Gradually, a graceful and exquisitely shaped female form emerged.

Xiao Wu's stunning face, now more mature and alluring than before, slowly became visible. It matched Su Bai's memory perfectly, just with an added touch of womanly charm.

Perhaps due to the Transformation Pill, Xiao Wu transformed directly into an adult form.

What made Su Bai's heart race even more was that, due to the sudden transformation, Xiao Wu was completely unclothed.

Her long, white legs and snowy skin were flawless, particularly the twin peaks on her chest, which captivated Su Bai's gaze.

Unable to resist, Su Bai reached out his hand.


Xiao Wu let out a soft moan, her face flushing like a sunset.

But soon, she lifted her head and, leaning closer, planted a kiss on Su Bai.

After spending a year together, Xiao Wu had long fallen for Su Bai.

Now that both had taken human form, Xiao Wu could no longer conceal her affection.

Su Bai responded passionately.

The two embraced tightly, their bodies entwining in fervent intimacy.


[Ding! The host has slept with Xiao Wu. Reward: thirty thousand years of cultivation.]

The next morning, just as Su Bai woke up, he heard the system's notification.

Immediately, thirty thousand years of cultivation flooded into Su Bai's body.

In an instant, Su Bai's cultivation soared from fifty thousand to eighty thousand years.

Su Bai was overjoyed.

Indeed, traditional cultivation was far less effective than acquiring wives to boost his power.

Moreover, he hadn't expected that after a year of cultivating feelings with Xiao Wu, reaching a favorability of one hundred thousand, the reward would be this significant.

He had not anticipated that just by sleeping with Xiao Wu, his cultivation would increase by thirty thousand years.

This was fantastic.


Su Bai couldn't help but plant a kiss on the still-sleeping Xiao Wu.


Xiao Wu slowly woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, her face turned crimson.

She realized they were still wrapped around each other, and the memory of their wild night flooded back, making her shy.

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, you're beautiful."

"Su Bai, you're such a tease!"

Xiao Wu playfully rolled her eyes at him, her face full of charm.

But this seductive look only further ignited Su Bai's desire.

Feeling his heat rise again, Su Bai flipped over, pressing Xiao Wu beneath him.

A few hours later.

Su Bai got dressed and handed Xiao Wu a set of clothes, gesturing for her to put them on.

Previously, Su Bai had left the Star Dou Great Forest once.

He had gone to gather some everyday necessities, including clothes.

With his strength, obtaining these items was no challenge.

And now, they were put to good use.

"Boss, Xiao Wu, you..."

As they finished dressing, Da Ming and Er Ming returned.

These two usually spent their time either cultivating or patrolling their territory.

Unexpectedly, upon returning from a patrol, they were greeted with a shocking sight.

They recognized Su Bai and Xiao Wu immediately.

Despite their transformations, the familiarity of their auras was unmistakable.

No matter how Su Bai changed, and despite knowing Xiao Wu for countless years, Da Ming and Er Ming would never mistake her.

Xiao Wu glanced at Su Bai, and after he nodded, she explained, "It's because Su Bai and I took the Transformation Pills."

Then, Xiao Wu explained the miraculous nature of the Transformation Pills to Da Ming and Er Ming.

The two soul beasts were filled with envy.

But they also understood that such miraculous pills were not easy to come by, so they didn't ask for them.

Su Bai reassured them, "Don't worry, I'll find a way to get you Transformation Pills too."

"Thank you, boss!"

Both soul beasts were moved to tears. The idea of transforming without losing any cultivation was incredibly enticing. Unlike soul beasts who had to reach hundred thousand years of cultivation and then start over upon transforming, Su Bai's method allowed for direct transformation with the ability to switch back to their original forms at will.

Satisfied with Su Bai's promise, the two soul beasts returned to their patrol duties.

Xiao Wu leaned on Su Bai's shoulder, her voice soft with emotion, "Su Bai, you're so good to me."

She understood clearly that Su Bai's kindness to Da Ming and Er Ming was primarily for her sake. Although Su Bai had treated them well during their year together, it was unlikely he would make such a promise unless it was for her benefit. The allure of the Transformation Pill was too strong, even for hundred-thousand-year soul beasts.

Hearing her, Su Bai smiled and shook his head. "We're family."

"Yes, family," Xiao Wu echoed.


Days passed in their idyllic life, filled with tender affection and mutual care. Before they knew it, two months had gone by.

Their initial encounter had opened the floodgates of desire, and both, being powerful soul beasts with immense vitality, found themselves indulging frequently and intensely, sometimes for days on end.

One day, a system notification startled Su Bai.

[Ding! Detected that Xiao Wu is pregnant. Reward: 50,000 years of cultivation.]

Two months of relentless passion had finally borne fruit. The system's reward was another leap forward, granting him an additional 50,000 years of cultivation.

In just over a year, Su Bai's cultivation had skyrocketed from fifty thousand to 130 000 years. The rapid pace of his advancement was astonishing.

As an Ancient Azure Dragon, Su Bai's bloodline was incredibly potent, and while Xiao Wu's lineage wasn't as strong, it was still commendable. He began to eagerly anticipate the potential of their offspring.

But just as he was about to share the joyous news with Xiao Wu, a sudden realization hit him.

"Not good!"

His expression changed drastically.

He had felt the ominous premonition of an impending tribulation—lightning tribulation. It dawned on him that soul beasts must undergo a lightning tribulation every hundred thousand years to continue their cultivation. Having surpassed the hundred-thousand-year mark, he was now due for this critical trial.

"There's no time."

With a swift motion, Su Bai's face grew serious. He wanted to inform Xiao Wu, but the feeling of impending doom grew stronger by the second.

In an instant, he made the decision to distance himself from the dwelling, ensuring Xiao Wu's safety during his tribulation.

Without further hesitation, Su Bai vanished into the depths of the forest, ready to face the lightning tribulation head-on.