Chapter 12: Forbidden Love

Bibi Dong looked at Su Bai with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

Despite her bewilderment, she instinctively reached out her hand, placing it in Su Bai's. It was as if his voice held a certain magic, compelling her to act against her better judgment.

She didn't realize that from the moment Su Bai saved her, she had already developed a fondness for him. Meeting someone her age with such formidable strength was a first for her. Especially intrigued by someone who had previously portrayed the hero rescuing the distressed damsel, she was curious about Su Bai.

And when a woman becomes curious about a man, it's only a matter of time before she falls for him.

"Close your eyes," Su Bai instructed gently.

Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment but then complied, shutting her eyes.

Moments later.

"It's done," Su Bai said.

Bibi Dong opened her eyes, feeling a strange change within her body, though she couldn't pinpoint what it was. Yet, she was sure she could now successfully absorb a ten-thousand-year spirit ring.

Staring at Su Bai in shock, she asked, "What did you do to me?"

"It's a secret," Su Bai replied, placing a finger on his lips and shaking his head with a mischievous smile.

"Why did you—"

"Focus on absorbing the spirit ring first. I'll keep watch," Su Bai interrupted, gesturing towards the task.

Bibi Dong nodded reluctantly. Su Bai had severely weakened the Abyssal Devil Spider. Any further delay might result in its death, rendering the spirit ring useless.

She drew a dagger and swiftly killed the spider. Then, she sat down cross-legged and began absorbing the spirit ring.

Surprisingly, she felt entirely at ease despite only meeting Su Bai for the first time. It was unclear whether she was incredibly wise or simply had an innate trust that Su Bai wouldn't harm her.

An hour later.

"Su Bai, I did it!" Bibi Dong stood up, her face glowing with an excitement she could barely contain.

Thanks to Su Bai, she had absorbed a ten-thousand-year spirit ring for her fourth ring.

Su Bai stared intently at Bibi Dong. Her natural beauty shone even more brightly in her genuine happiness, making her exceptionally captivating in that moment.

"What are you looking at!" Bibi Dong snapped at him, though a hint of delight flickered in her eyes.

She had already developed a fondness for Su Bai, and seeing him captivated by her charm made her undeniably happy.

Because of Su Bai's intervention and the changes he caused in the timeline, Bibi Dong had not yet met the Grandmaster or suffered at the hands of Qian Xunji. With no romantic experiences to speak of, she remained somewhat naive in matters of the heart.

With Su Bai helping her hunt soul beasts and even enhancing her spirit ring's age, it was only natural for her to develop feelings for him. But women often say one thing and mean another.

When expressing her emotions, the words always seemed to come out differently.

Su Bai didn't mind at all. He laughed, "You're beautiful, so I looked. What's wrong with admiring beauty? Or are you saying someone as stunning as you shouldn't be admired?"

"Hmph, you smooth talker!" Bibi Dong shot him a glare before turning to leave.

Su Bai naturally followed her.

They chatted as they walked.

With a hint of reluctance, Bibi Dong said, "Su Bai, I need to head back."

"...Let me escort you out of the Star Dou Forest," Su Bai offered after a moment of silence.

After all, it was their first meeting. Winning over Bibi Dong was not something to be rushed. But he was confident that she would come looking for him again. A woman's curiosity about a man is a powerful thing.

Bibi Dong nodded.

They walked side by side towards the edge of the Star Dou Forest. Thanks to Su Bai's presence, no spirit beasts dared to cause trouble along the way.

Soon, they reached the forest's edge.

Seeing Su Bai stand still, Bibi Dong asked curiously, "Aren't you coming with me?"

In her eyes, Su Bai was undoubtedly a genius disciple of some prestigious sect.

Su Bai shook his head, "No, I plan to continue training in the Star Dou Forest. I won't be leaving anytime soon."

"I see… I understand." Bibi Dong nodded slightly and then departed.

Watching her leave, Su Bai turned back into the forest. He was right; Bibi Dong would come looking for him again.

Sure enough, Bibi Dong sought him out again a few days later.

With each meeting, Bibi Dong's affection for Su Bai grew stronger. Unbeknownst to them, Qian Xunji had become aware of Su Bai's existence.

Bibi Dong's frequent trips to the Star Dou Forest had piqued Qian Xunji's suspicion.

He had someone follow her and discovered Su Bai.

Without hesitation, Qian Xunji sent two Soul Douluo to eliminate Su Bai.

Bibi Dong was his disciple, his personal possession, and he would not tolerate another man touching her.

Initially, he wanted to send a Titled Douluo. Still, with Qian Daoliu not yet in seclusion, he didn't dare act too recklessly. Thus, he only dispatched two Soul Douluo.

"An interloper... Bibi Dong belongs to me. You are not worthy of her..." Qian Xunji muttered darkly, waiting for news of Su Bai's death.


Deep within the Star Dou Forest.

In a secluded area.

"Come out!"

Su Bai, casually strolling, suddenly stopped and spoke sternly.

Instantly, two cloaked figures emerged from the shadows.

"Kid, you've got some skills to have detected our presence," one of the black-clad figures remarked, somewhat surprised.

They had been informed that Su Bai was merely a Soul Emperor. They hadn't expected him to sense their approach. After all, they were experts in assassination and stealth.

Su Bai responded coolly, "Is this all Qian Xunji can muster, just sending the likes of you two?"

"You know?" The black-clad figure seemed taken aback before summoning his martial spirit, a dagger. "But it doesn't matter. You've offended His Holiness, and that means you must die."

"Enough talk!"

Uninterested in further conversation, Su Bai transformed his hand into an indestructible dragon claw.

In a flash, the two Soul Douluo felt an overwhelming power surge. Fear flashed in their eyes as they attempted to flee, only to be obliterated instantly.

Given Su Bai's current strength, even a Title Douluo might struggle to withstand his attack, let alone mere Soul Douluo.

Dispatching the two was insignificant; it barely registered as an event for Su Bai, who continued his stroll unperturbed.

Back at Spirit Hall.

The Pope's Palace.

"What? Both are dead?"

Listening to his subordinates' report, Qian Xunji's expression darkened considerably.

He hadn't expected two Soul Douluo to fail in assassinating a Soul Emperor.

Could the boy be protected by a Title Douluo?

It wasn't far-fetched. A young talent who had reached Soul Emperor level was likely from a prominent sect, and having a Title Douluo guardian wouldn't be surprising.

Should he send a Title Douluo to finish the job?

Qian Xunji hesitated.

"Your Holiness, the Holy Maiden is here, but she insists on entering despite our attempts to inform her that you're in a meeting."

Soon after, Bibi Dong stormed in.

Seeing her, Qian Xunji masked his annoyance with a smile, "Dong'er, what brings you here?"

"Teacher, I'm here to inform you that I'll be heading to Star Dou Forest tomorrow for Training. You've always said that fighting soul beasts is essential for improving combat skills," Bibi Dong stated.

Qian Xunji's face twisted in anger. He couldn't contain his anger. "Training? It's more like meeting that wild man!"

"You had me followed?" Bibi Dong glared at Qian Xunji, her expression turning cold.

It all made sense now. She hadn't told anyone in Spirit Hall about her meetings with Su Bai. 

For Qian Xunji to know, he must have had her followed.