Chapter 16: Su Bai's Pursuit

"Stop right there!" Qian Xunji shouted.

Bibi Dong halted and turned, her eyes cold and unyielding.

No matter what Qian Xunji intended, she was determined not to let him have his way.

Seeing Bibi Dong's indifferent attitude, Qian Xunji's breathing grew heavy, his anger threatening to explode.

"You can return to the Spirit Hall," he said coldly, "but I will never allow that bastard child to set foot in the Spirit Hall."

"And why is that?" Bibi Dong retorted sharply.

"Because I am the Pope of the Spirit Hall!"

"Ha!" Bibi Dong sneered at his words. "Then I will renounce my position as the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall."

"You...!" Qian Xunji was at a loss for words.

Renounce her position as Holy Maiden?

If Qian Daoliu found out, he would surely face severe consequences. The Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall was groomed to become the next Pope. Cultivating a Holy Maiden or Holy Son required immense resources; each possessed extraordinary talent. Hence, this position held significant importance within the Spirit Hall, and even the Pope couldn't dismiss someone from it easily—it required the approval of the Worship Hall.

The person Qian Xunji feared most was his father, Qian Daoliu, who also presided over the Worship Hall.

Thus, when Bibi Dong threatened to relinquish her role, Qian Xunji was silent.


Seeing that he could not counter her, Bibi Dong walked into the Spirit Hall, holding her child.

Qian Xunji's face darkened with fury, his fists clenched tightly, lost in his thoughts.


In the blink of an eye, over ten years passed.

Su Bai and Xiao Wu were sitting on a swing together at the heart of the Star Dou Forest, near a small wooden cabin near the Lake of Life.

Xiao Wu, with her long black hair flowing, sat on Su Bai's lap.

Even after all these years, Xiao Wu's appearance hadn't changed much. The only difference was her aura, which had become even more mature and alluring.

Su Bai gently held Xiao Wu by the waist, his head nestled in her hair, breathing in her sweet fragrance.

"Su Bai gege," Xiao Wu suddenly said softly.

"Hmm?" Su Bai responded, his voice gentle.

"Having you by my side is wonderful."

Xiao Wu's sudden declaration made Su Bai pause momentarily before he smiled warmly.

He glanced at Xiao Wu's long hair and, seemingly out of nowhere, produced an exquisite wooden comb.

"Wow, what a beautiful comb! Su Bai gege, where did you get this?" Xiao Wu exclaimed in delight.

Xiao Wu immediately fell in love with the comb Su Bai had taken out.

"It's not from a store," Su Bai said with a smile, shaking his head. "I made it myself."

Xiao Wu blinked, looking at Su Bai with deep affection.

Understanding her silent request, Su Bai gently said, "Xiao Wu, let me comb your hair."

"Okay," she nodded.

Su Bai carefully ran the comb through Xiao Wu's hair, slowly and gently, stroke after stroke.

Time seemed to stand still, capturing this beautiful and blissful moment.

They looked like a perfect couple, entirely at peace.

After a long while, Su Bai finally finished.

"Thank you, Su Bai gege!" Xiao Wu nestled into Su Bai's arms, wishing these happy times could last forever.

Su Bai gently stroked Xiao Wu's hair and asked, "Where has Xiao Wu Lin gone off to this time? I haven't seen him around."

In the past decade, Su Bai and Xiao Wu had a son named Su Wu Lin.

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Do you think our son is like your daughter, spoiled and running wild all the time? He's in his room training."

"You're really not attentive to him at all. Our son has been diligently cultivating and is already a Soul Elder."

Unlike others, Su Wu Lin's soul rings were all black, an astonishing feat.

Su Bai smiled sheepishly. He always favored his daughter a bit, often overlooking his son.

Given his strength, Su Bai could sense everything in the Star Dou Forest, so he always knew where Su Wu Lin was.

Despite his slight neglect, Su Bai never skimped on resources for his son. He just maintained a stricter demeanor around him.

As for their daughter, Su Wu Tong, she had already left to train outside.

Ever since she was young, she dreamed of exploring the world beyond.

After years of effort, she finally had the skills to protect herself.

So, Su Bai allowed her to venture out, providing her with protective talismans to ensure her safety. He could always reach her in case of danger.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong continued her frequent visits to the Star Dou Forest to spend time with Su Bai.

Life continued as usual.

During this time, Qian Xunji hadn't given up on trying to assassinate Su Bai.

After a long period of relative peace, Qian Xunji was driven to his breaking point by Bibi Dong's growing coldness toward him.

Unable to bear it any longer, he risked reprimand from Qian Daoliu and dispatched a team of five Title Douluo to kill Su Bai.

Yes, an entire team of five elite fighters.

But the outcome was clear: Su Bai emerged victorious.

And that team of Title Douluos sent to assassinate Su Bai also suffered three deaths and two injuries.

From then on, Qian Xunji completely stopped his actions.

There was no way for him to continue; he had reached a dead end against Su Bai.

Losing one Title was one thing, but now an entire team of five Titles couldn't deal with Su Bai.

In his mind, perhaps only if his father, Qian Daoliu, intervened could they succeed.

But that was impossible; Qian Daoliu would never concern himself with such trivial matters.

Of course, Bibi Dong was unaware of Qian Xunji's attempts to assassinate Su Bai.

Otherwise, she might have left the Martial Soul Temple directly.

"Shrek should be coming soon..."

Su Bai calculated the time.

It was almost time for Shrek and the others to come to the Star Dou Forest to obtain soul rings.

It should be happening very soon.

During this time, Su Bai closely monitored the situation in the Star Dou Forest.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were both excellent candidates for wives.

They were both important figures in the Douluo Continent.

Binding them as wives would surely bring substantial rewards.

Therefore, he would take advantage of the opportunity to intercept Ning Rongrong and the others.


Suddenly, Su Bai seemed to sense something, his eyes alight with understanding.

He exchanged a word with Xiao Wu and vanished from his spot.

Star Dou Forest.

Somewhere deep within the forest

"I did it."

"I am now a Soul Ancestor."

Oscar successfully absorbed the soul beast of the thousand-year Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake, advancing to Soul Ancestor, his face beaming with joy.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhao, thank you, everyone."

Oscar expressed his gratitude to everyone, then solemnly said to Tang San, "Little San, thank you."

Because without Tang San, he might not have been able to absorb this soul ring.

This soul ring had been snatched from someone else's hands.

The original plot did not change because of Su Bai's appearance.

The Shrek team still encountered the Snake Po and Meng Yiran.

"Little Ao, don't thank us yet. Just tell us about your third soul skill, okay?"

Ma Hongjun urged.

The others were also very interested, all looking at Oscar.

Oscar hesitated momentarily, then said, "Well, I'll tell you, but promise not to laugh."

Everyone nodded eagerly.

"I've got a mushroom sausage!"