Chapter 28: Meng Yiran

The Next Day.

Su Bai took Zhu Zhuqing to get a soul ring.

He flew with Zhu Zhuqing through the sky.

Just when Zhu Zhuqing thought Su Bai would take her to the outskirts of the forest, he suddenly stopped.

In Zhu Zhuqing's understanding, the best age for a third soul ring is within a thousand years. Soul beasts of this level usually only appear on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

However, Su Bai stopped in the central region of the forest.

Before Zhu Zhuqing could figure out why, Su Bai had already put her down.

He subdued a soul beast with a few swift moves and brought it to her.

"A ten-thousand-year soul beast?"

The sight left Zhu Zhuqing speechless.

She recognized the soul beast before her as a Netherworld Tiger. Even with her evolved martial spirit, it was still her best choice of a soul beast.

However, this soul beast seemed at least ten thousand years old.

What is he thinking?

Does he expect me to absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring?

How is that possible?

Questions filled Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

Yet, she instinctively felt that Su Bai wouldn't harm her. If Su Bai truly wanted to hurt her, he wouldn't need to go through so much trouble. Given Su Bai's attitude towards her, it was highly unlikely.

But the facts were right in front of her.

She couldn't help but ask, "You don't expect me to absorb this soul beast's soul ring, do you?"

"That's right!"

Su Bai nodded seriously and, knowing her concerns, smiled and said, "Don't worry. I guarantee you'll succeed since I dare let you absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring."

"As for the risk of your body exploding? That's out of the question. I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing rolled her eyes at him.

But her worries were finally put to rest after hearing his assurance and confidence.

At the same time, she was extremely curious about how Su Bai would enable her to absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Her background made her very eager to become stronger. If she could absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring for her third ring, her future strength would be formidable when she attained the title of Douluo.

Although she now had Su Bai's protection, she still yearned to become stronger.

She had come to Shrek Academy primarily to become stronger, with only a secondary to see what Dai Mubai was up to.

But now, she had found a man who cherished her.

Although this man was a soul beast, he was very good to her.

"Close your eyes first."

Su Bai instructed.

Though puzzled, Zhu Zhuqing closed her eyes.

Su Bai then used a Body Constitution Enhancement Card on her, a reward he had previously received.


He still had quite a few left.

Following Su Bai's words, Zhu Zhuqing opened her eyes.

She quickly felt a change in her body.

Her physical strength had increased severalfold.

She felt that she would succeed even if she absorbed a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

"This is amazing! How did you do it?"

Zhu Zhuqing curiously looked at Su Bai.

What exactly did he do to me just now?

How did my physical strength suddenly increase so much?

This method is too extraordinary!

This man is too mysterious.

"Hurry up and absorb the soul ring! It won't hold out much longer."

Su Bai's reminder interrupted Zhu Zhuqing's thoughts.

She nodded, took out a dagger, and killed the Netherworld Tiger.

Then, she began to absorb the soul ring.

A long time later.

"I succeeded."

Her expression and tone revealed her excitement.

She then took the initiative to kiss Su Bai on the lips.

"Thank you, Su Bai!"

Su Bai smiled and said, "You're my woman. It's my duty."

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's attitude toward him change and become more proactive, such as taking the initiative to kiss him, made Su Bai very happy.


Suddenly, Su Bai sensed something and raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked in confusion, noticing his reaction.

"Nothing, I'll take you back first. I have something to take care of."

Su Bai shook his head and said.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

After returning Zhu Zhuqing to the cave, Su Bai headed straight to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Earlier, he had sensed someone's presence.

Before long, Su Bai arrived at the outskirts.

Hovering in the air, he observed the scene below.

"Just as I thought..." Su Bai raised an eyebrow.

Below him, two elderly individuals were fighting alongside a young woman. Their opponent was a Man-Faced Demon Spider.

The two elders, a man and a woman, worked together seamlessly. Su Bai's target, the young woman, had an alluring figure, captivating appearance, and enchanting demeanor. She was Meng Yiran.

The two elders were her grandparents, the Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother, figures of some repute on the Douluo Continent. This time, they were here to help Meng Yiran acquire her third soul ring.

Su Bai nodded to himself. It seemed the original storyline hadn't deviated much. His presence had introduced some minor changes, but the major events remained unchanged. At this point, Meng Yiran had lost her Phoenix-Tail Crest Serpent and was seeking a different soul ring.

"That snake-like waist... it's mesmerizing," Su Bai thought, feeling a surge of desire. This reaction was due to his dragon bloodline, which made him especially sensitive to alluring qualities. He found himself eagerly anticipating the chance to experience the charm of that graceful, sinuous waist firsthand.

At that moment, the Man-Faced Demon Spider, realizing it couldn't defeat the Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother, cleverly used its web to entangle them before escaping into the forest.

"Damn it, it got away," the Dragon Duke muttered in frustration, then gave chase.


Su Bai was about to follow when he noticed a familiar figure in the direction the spider had fled. It was Tang San. He hadn't left the Star Dou Forest. Su Bai probed further and understood. Tang San had broken through to level 30 and was now hunting for his third soul ring.

At this moment, Tang San was muttering to himself.

"I must become stronger quickly and take back my destined girl from that evil soul beast," Tang San muttered to himself, his expression twisted with determination.

Tang San, always proud, wasn't too bothered about not being able to defeat Su Bai, considering Su Bai was a hundred-thousand-year soul beast. But he still had time. Humans had a significant advantage in cultivation. While soul beasts needed thousands or tens of thousands of years to reach such a level, humans required only a few decades or less.

With his talent, Tang San was confident he would achieve the title of Douluo. When that time came, he would reclaim his honor. But it wasn't just Su Bai. Su Bai's son had even defeated him! A boy younger than him! Now, he only wanted to become stronger quickly and rechallenge Su Wulin. And ultimately, take Xiao Wu back!

With renewed motivation, Tang San quickened his pace. Suddenly, he noticed the Man-Faced Demon Spider approaching him. A look of joy crossed his face.

"This must be a gift from heaven."

Understanding Tang San's burning desire to become stronger, he felt the heavens had sent him a suitable soul beast to aid his growth. He truly believed he was the chosen one. Tang San retrieved his hidden weapons without hesitation and swiftly launched them at the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

However, just as his weapons were about to hit the spider, they were all deflected.

Tang San was furious.

"Who is it!?"