Chapter 30: Ten-Year Soul Ring?


Tang San looked at Su Bai with suspicion. Would this spirit beast really be so kind as to help him obtain a spirit ring?

After some thought, he realized that Su Bai didn't seem to have any real enmity towards him. It's possible that Su Bai was unaware of his secretly visiting Xiao Wu. The only conflict seemed to be Su Bai thwarting his hidden weapon just now.

Moreover, given Su Bai's strength, if he genuinely intended to help, Tang San would likely obtain a satisfactory spirit ring. Otherwise, missing this opportunity meant who knows how long he'd wait for his third spirit ring. With that time, he could train and improve his spirit power level.

"Alright, I appreciate it, Senior," he finally nodded after some hesitation.

"It's no trouble at all," Su Bai replied with a sly smile.

Su Bai led Tang San away after exchanging a few polite words with the Serpent Grandmother and Dragon Duke.

After a while, under Su Bai's guidance, they found a cave that housed an Earth Demon Spider.

At the cave entrance, Tang San was delighted to discover that the Earth Demon Spider was at the thousand-year level, perfect for his third spirit ring. In his original plan, the most suitable spirit beasts for his third spirit ring were the Man-Faced Demon Spider and the Earth Demon Spider. He couldn't believe his luck: he missed the Man-Faced Demon Spider, only to find the Earth Demon Spider, whose age was just right.

Now he believed that Su Bai truly intended to help him get a spirit ring. 

Tang San smirked inwardly. This evil spirit beast probably didn't know that once he became stronger, the first person he would kill would be Su Bai. And then he would take Su Bai's spirit ring and bones for his own second martial spirit. Plus, he could reclaim his destined girl once Su Bai was dead. It was a perfect plan.

But all of this was Su Bai's fault. He had violated Tang San's principles and was now doomed to die.

Just as Tang San found a comforting reason for his actions, Su Bai made his move.

Su Bai casually waved his hand heavily, injuring the thousand-year Earth Demon Spider. Tang San was thrilled and prepared to deliver the final blow to absorb the spirit ring.

But to his shock, Su Bai raised his foot and stomped down, causing the Earth Demon Spider to explode into pieces, leaving no corpse behind.

Tang San stood there, dumbfounded.

What did this mean?

Su Bai had promised to help him get a spirit ring and found a suitable one. But why destroy it?

Was he just toying with him for amusement?

"What do you mean by this?" Tang San asked, his voice filled with dissatisfaction. "You promised to help me get a spirit ring. Are you mocking me?"

He almost wanted to say, "A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated," but he feared that Su Bai might actually kill him. He remembered his teacher's words: spirit beasts had no compassion and would relentlessly kill if provoked.

Despite his frustration, Tang San knew he couldn't afford to anger Su Bai further. He could have been back at Shrek Academy by now, asking Flender for help in hunting a spirit ring. Although it would take some time, at least there wouldn't be any surprises.

Why had he believed this evil spirit beast would sincerely help him obtain a spirit ring?

"Of course not," Su Bai shook his head with a smile. "I wouldn't waste my time like that. I just felt that this spirit beast wasn't quite suitable for you. I've found something even better."

"Something better?" Tang San's suspicion mixed with a hint of expectation. Could there be a more suitable spirit beast?

In his heart, the Man-Faced Demon Spider was the best choice. He had a hunch that absorbing its spirit ring would bring unimaginable benefits. But fate had forced him to let it go and settle for the Earth Demon Spider.

However, if there was something even better, why wouldn't he want it?

But could this evil spirit beast be trusted?

Ignoring Tang San's inner turmoil, Su Bai pointed at a group of Earth Demon Spider larvae inside the cave and said, "I believe those would be the most suitable spirit rings for you."

"What!" Tang San exclaimed, his face turning pale.

He had already inspected the cave. Aside from the thousand-year-old Earth Demon Spider, the rest were just larvae, only at the ten-year level.

A ten-year spirit ring!

Could anyone even absorb that? This was supposed to be his third spirit ring!

At this moment, Tang San finally realized that Su Bai had no good intentions. All that talk about compensating him was a lie. Su Bai's goal was to ruin his future.

Absorbing a ten-year spirit ring for his third ring would destroy his prospects. If he returned to Shrek Academy, he would be ridiculed by Dai Mubai and the others. His pride couldn't tolerate such humiliation.

"No, there's no need," Tang San said, his lips trembling with barely suppressed rage. "I'll ask my academy's dean to help me hunt for a spirit ring once I return."

With that, he turned to leave, wanting to get as far away from Su Bai as possible, fearing that Su Bai might use force to make him comply. Absorbing a ten-year spirit ring would be the end of him.

"You promised to help me get a spirit ring. Are you just messing with me?"

He wanted to say, "A man can be killed but not humiliated," but he feared Su Bai might kill him, so he held back.

He remembered his teacher telling him that spirit beasts had no emotions. Once angered, they would fight to the death.

Despite knowing this, he was still very upset about being played.

He could have returned to Shrek Academy by now. He could have asked Flender to help him hunt a spirit ring, which, although time-consuming, wouldn't involve any unforeseen risks.

He felt foolish for trusting this evil spirit beast, thinking it would sincerely help him obtain a spirit ring.

"Of course not; I don't have that kind of leisure."

Su Bai shook his finger with a smile and said, "I just think this spirit beast isn't suitable for you. I've found a more suitable one."

"More suitable for me?"

Tang San was skeptical yet a bit hopeful. Could there be a more suitable spirit beast?

He had a strong hunch that the Man-Faced Demon Spider they encountered earlier was meant for him. Absorbing its spirit ring would grant him unimaginable benefits.

However, the situation forced him to give it up and settle for the thousand-year-old Earth Demon Spider.

But if there was something better, how could he refuse?

Could he trust this evil spirit beast?

Ignoring Tang San's thoughts, Su Bai pointed to a group of Earth Demon Spider juveniles in the cave and said casually, "I think those are the most suitable for your spirit ring."


Tang San exclaimed, his face turning pale. 

He had already checked earlier. Only one Earth Demon Spider was in the cave with a thousand-year cultivation. The rest were juveniles, only at the ten-year level.

A ten-year spirit ring! Could he even absorb that? 

This was supposed to be his third spirit ring!

At this moment, he was convinced that this evil spirit beast had malicious intentions. The talk about making amends for the missed spirit beast was all lies, meant to cut off his retreat.

If he really absorbed a ten-year spirit ring for his third ring, what future would he have?

Once he returned to Shrek, he'd be mocked endlessly by Dai Mubai and the others. His pride wouldn't allow such humiliation.

"No, there's no need."

Tang San trembled, trying to suppress his anger. " When I return, I will ask my academy dean to help me hunt a spirit ring."

He turned to leave, wanting to distance himself from Su Bai as quickly as possible, fearing Su Bai might use force to make him comply.

Absorbing a ten-year spirit ring would be the end of him.

But just as he feared, Su Bai spoke.

In a very calm tone, Su Bai said, "Absorb it, or die."

Su Bai gave him two options.

Tang San's face turned deathly pale. He was mentally crumbling. Yet, he couldn't bear to die. He had been given a second chance at life in this extraordinary world. How could he give that up?

No, he still had to avenge his past life. Once he became stronger, his first target would be this evil spirit beast.

And he had a second martial soul. If his first martial soul was ruined, so be it. When he became a Titled Douluo, he would attach powerful spirit rings to the Clear Sky Hammer and crush this loathsome beast!

Tang San's hatred for Su Bai reached its peak. However, faced with the threat of death, he could only comply.

He gritted his teeth, approached a ten-year-old Earth Demon Spider, killed it with his dagger, and began absorbing the spirit ring.

"You can leave now. You absorbed it quickly..."

Not long after, with a face darker than if he had lost his father, Su Bai finally waved him off, indicating he could go.

Without a word, Tang San turned and left.

A ten-year spirit ring! And as his third ring! How could he not absorb it quickly?

He couldn't fathom how he'd face Dai Mubai and the others in the future.

Su Bai, satisfied, left the scene.

As he walked, he thought of Meng Yiran. Her alluring figure was something he couldn't get out of his mind.

However, he didn't want to force anything. He wanted to take his time and savor the process.


An idea struck him.


Could he stage a hero saving the damsel in a distress scenario?

With this thought, Su Bai revealed a cunning smile.