Chapter 38: Su Bai Is My Man


"Zhu Zhuqing!"

Just as Liu Erlong was about to ask Su Bai for more, their moment was interrupted by a series of shouts.


Liu Erlong let out a displeased snort. Her temper was already fiery, and being interrupted at such a moment worsened her mood. Moreover, she recognized the voices—voices belonging to people she now despised. How could she possibly be happy?

Su Bai patted her firm backside and smiled, "No need to rush; we have plenty of time."

"Since we have guests, let's go out and see them."

Su Bai was also intrigued. He had already sensed the arrivals. The reason Tang San and his group dared to come was that they had two Titled Douluos with them. No wonder they had the confidence to confront him.

Those two Titled Douluos were, unsurprisingly, the ones from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. After all, Ning Rongrong was among them this time.

Liu Erlong nodded. She would listen to Su Bai.

So, the two dressed and left the cave.


"They're here!"

Suddenly, Sword Douluo spoke up.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw three figures slowly approaching—Su Bai, with Liu Erlong and Zhu Zhuqing on either side, holding them by the waist.



Dai Mubai and Yu Xiaogang gritted their teeth. Seeing their women in another man's arms was infuriating, especially since Zhu Zhu Zhuqing was originally Dai Mubai's fiancée, and Liu Erlong was on the verge of marrying Yu Xiaogang. But now, everything had been ruined by Su Bai.

Of all the people, Dai Mubai and Yu Xiaogang hated Su Bai the most. Following closely was Tang San. However, Tang San wasn't focused on Su Bai at the moment; he was looking for someone else. To his disappointment, the person he wanted to see—Xiao Wu—was not there. Tang San felt a wave of sadness.

But it didn't matter. With two powerful Titled Douluos here, Su Bai's evil spirit beast would be defeated. Once Su Bai died, he could rescue his dream girl, and everything would be perfect. The thought made Tang San's lips curl into a smile.

Seeing Liu Erlong and Su Bai so close, Yu Xiaogang felt extremely uncomfortable. But for the sake of his research funding and other interests, he held back. He looked deeply affectionately, gazing at Liu Erlong and speaking softly, "Erlong, I've come to save you!"

"No need. I'm very happy here. I don't need you to save me."

Liu Erlong's voice was cold as she glanced at him with disdain before quickly looking away.

Yu Xiaogang, unwilling to give up, continued, "Erlong, don't be afraid. We have the two Titled Douluos from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School with us. We'll definitely save you."

In his mind, Liu Erlong was undoubtedly being coerced by Su Bai, which was why she spoke like that.

But Liu Erlong was known for her fiery temper. Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words only made her feel disgusted. She shouted, "I said I'm fine here. I don't need a coward like you to save me."

"Erlong, I..."

"Shut up!"

Yu Xiaogang wanted to say more but was interrupted by Liu Erlong's outburst, accompanied by a powerful aura. His face turned pale. He knew her temper well; her attitude made it clear she had no intention of returning to him.

"My Erlong..."

Yu Xiaogang cried out inwardly.

Flender was even more shocked, exclaiming, "Erlong, your soul power..."

Both Flender and Liu Erlong's soul power was initially around level 78. But now, Liu Erlong's aura was clearly at level 80, possibly only needing one more spirit ring to become a Spirit Douluo. How could this be possible in such a short time?

Soul power levels became harder to increase as they got higher. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been stuck for so long without breaking through to Spirit Douluo. Yet, in just a few days, Liu Erlong had advanced to level 80.

This was unbelievable.


Liu Erlong snorted coldly at Flender's question. "Not only has my soul power increased, but my martial spirit has also evolved."

With that, she activated her martial spirit. A violent purple flame dragon appeared, radiating intense heat. The younger generation, including Tang San, couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Then Liu Erlong turned to Su Bai, a smile on her lips. "And it's all thanks to him. So, I wasn't joking earlier—I stayed here willingly."

Everyone was shocked.

It was one thing for Su Bai to have the ability to enhance soul power, but to think he could also help others evolve their martial souls? The implications were staggering. 

The possibilities were endless if they could capture him and bring him back to their sect.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the gravity of the situation without words. 

Despite its prestigious status as the world's number one support sect and one of the top three sects, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect had a significant limitation. 

The formidable support capabilities of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda were undeniable, yet it was eternally capped below the eightieth rank.

However, a legend persisted within the sect: the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda had the potential to evolve into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. 

Such an evolution would shatter their limitations and propel their sect to unprecedented heights. 

Now, hearing that Su Bai possessed the ability to help martial souls evolve, they saw a glimmer of that possibility becoming reality. Determined, they resolved to bring him back to the sect at any cost.

Ning Rongrong, reassured by the presence of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, stepped forward with newfound confidence.

She looked directly at Zhu Zhuqing, her voice filled with sincere gratitude, "Zhuqing, thank you for saving me before. Now I'm here to fulfill my promise and bring Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bone to rescue you."

Zhu Zhuqing's response was as cold and resolute as ever, "Thank you, but it's not necessary." Her voice held no hesitation, only a firm conviction that surprised those who heard it.

If it had been earlier, she might have held some expectations, but her heart had irrevocably turned towards Su Bai during this time. 

His excellence eclipsed Dai Mubai's in every way. Despite being surrounded by many women, Su Bai treated them with genuine attentiveness. 

He never hesitated to share valuable resources, even rare herbs, with them. This kind of man was the epitome of excellence in their hearts.

Moreover, Zhu Zhuqing had another, deeper reason to stay—she was now expecting Su Bai's child. The bond they shared, strengthened by this new life, was unbreakable. How could she possibly consider leaving?

"I'm sorry I was late," Ning Rongrong felt a deep pang of guilt. 

In her mind, Zhu Zhuqing's reluctance to leave was solely because of the child. 

If she had brought Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo sooner, Zhu Zhuqing wouldn't have been in this situation. This belief only intensified her sense of remorse.

Bone Douluo, ever protective of Ning Rongrong, couldn't stand seeing her so distressed. 

His eyes narrowed with annoyance as he declared, "No need to say more. Kill that soul beast first. Then we can try to persuade her." His words carried a tone of finality, brooking no argument. 

To him, with both him and Sword Douluo present, a mere hundred-thousand-year soul beast was a trivial challenge. They would dispatch it effortlessly.

Ning Rongrong, feeling a surge of hope and determination, turned to her elders and earnestly pleaded, "Grandpa Sword, Grandpa Bone, please, I beg you!" Her voice was filled with desperation and a glimmer of hope, trusting in their strength to resolve this dire situation.