Chapter 55: Establishing the Dragon God Hall

The Core of the Star Dou Great Forest

On the other side of the Lake of Life.

"Boss, what brings you here?"

Da Ming and Er Ming were cultivating when they saw Su Bai approaching, a rare sight given Su Bai's usual preference for enjoying time with his numerous beautiful wives.

Su Bai responded with a hint of annoyance, "Can't I visit you without a reason?"

Da Ming chuckled, "Of course you can."

Satisfied, Su Bai turned to Er Ming, "How is Xiao Wulin doing lately?"

Caring for his son was important, although, unlike his daughters, Su Bai preferred to let his son develop independently. Xiao Wulin, blessed with Su Bai's extraordinary lineage, was a prodigious talent and a diligent cultivator, requiring little oversight from his father. Su Bai had entrusted Er Ming with Xiao Wulin's training.

"He's out training in the central region. Xiao Wulin is hardworking and has already reached the Soul King level, having condensed his fifth soul ring," Er Ming reported.

Xiao Wulin's cultivation speed was astonishing, not needing to hunt for soul rings. He could condense them from his strength, with the ring's age varying according to his body's robustness. As the progeny of the Primordial Azure Dragon, his physique was formidable. Even at the Soul King level, he had already condensed rings of 70,000 to 80,000 years. By the sixth ring, he might even condense a 100,000-year ring, a talent that made Er Ming envious.

Su Bai nodded in approval, no longer pressing for details. "I have something important to announce," he said.

Da Ming and Er Ming nodded expectantly, knowing Su Bai wouldn't visit without reason.

Su Bai felt slightly exasperated by their lack of surprise but continued, "Where is Da Hei?"

"Master, you called for me?" A serpentine head emerged from the lake—the massive black snake known as Da Hei. It glanced enviously at Da Ming and Er Ming before bowing its head in front of Su Bai. Da Hei had recently achieved 100,000-year cultivation, reassured by Su Bai's consistent actions over the years, never harming the soul beasts under his rule.

Noticing Da Hei's gaze, Su Bai smiled, "No need to be envious. I know you desire a Transformation Pill. I don't have one now, but you'll be the first to receive it when I do."

The Transformation Pill was a coveted treasure among soul beasts, allowing them to take human form without losing cultivation and even enhance their strength. Da Hei eagerly desired it but dared not ask directly.

"Thank you, Master. I will guard the Lake of Life with my life," Da Hei vowed with joy.

Waving his hand dismissively, Su Bai continued, "Today, I called you all to announce something important. I intend to form a force."

Da Ming's eyes lit up. "Boss, do you mean you plan to unify the Star Dou Great Forest?"

"Wonderful, Boss, you finally decided to act!" Er Ming exclaimed excitedly.

Both had long hoped for this but lacked the strength, and Su Bai never seemed interested. Now, with Su Bai taking the initiative, they were thrilled.

Even Da Hei was elated. Though Su Bai was the acknowledged overlord of the Star Dou Great Forest, allowing Da Hei to avoid trouble, it couldn't leave the Lake of Life freely. Expansion meant more freedom for it.

Nodding, Su Bai transformed into his dragon form, his massive body overshadowing the entire lake. Opening his gigantic maw, he declared, "From this day forward, I establish the Dragon God Hall. All soul beasts over 80,000 years must join. Any who do not report to the core region within three days will face death!"

His thunderous voice echoed through the forest, accompanied by an overwhelming dragon's might, sending shivers through weaker soul beasts and prompting soul masters hunting in the forest to flee in terror. Such a presence exceeded even that of a 100,000-year soul beast.

Even high-level soul beasts, endowed with human-like intelligence, trembled. They feared Su Bai might be gathering them for extermination but knew resistance was futile. Better to face him and see what he truly intended.

Immediately, soul beasts began flocking to join the Dragon God Hall, including many 100,000-year soul beasts like the Golden Feather Eagle and Da Hei's rodent friend.

The Dragon God Hall was officially established, though the palace itself was still under construction in the forest's core. Despite the many soul beasts working tirelessly, completing it would take time.

At the Lake of Life

"Boss," Er Ming approached.

"What's the matter?" Su Bai asked, having delegated the Dragon God Hall's affairs to Da Ming, Er Ming, and Da Hei. He expected only important issues to be brought to him.

Er Ming explained, "A powerful soul beast wants to join the Dragon God Hall..."

"Go on."

Er Ming sighed, "But it insists on meeting you first and won't join otherwise."

"Oh?" Su Bai's interest was piqued. "Lead the way. Let's see what kind of proud soul beast this is."

Soon, he encountered a tiger-like soul beast with black stripes, its cultivation around 60,000 years.

Su Bai recognized it instantly: the Dark Demon Tiger. Despite its lower cultivation, its abilities were formidable.

"You wanted to see me?" Su Bai asked calmly.

The Dark Demon Tiger nodded, its pride evident. "Joining the Dragon God Hall is acceptable, but I only respect the strong. To join, you must defeat me."

One minute later, the Dark Demon Tiger sported a new bump on its head; its previous arrogance vanished before Su Bai.