Chapter 78: Shui Bing'er - I'm Waiting for You at the Rose Hotel

With Shui Bing'er's actions, the audience and contestants alike were in an uproar.

Who was Shui Bing'er?

She was the captain of the Tianshui Battle Team, a genius from Tianshui Academy. An innate full soul power genius, her fourth soul ring was already a ten-thousand-year soul ring. Moreover, in the National Elite Soul Master Competition, she had defeated her opponent with just one move.

Such a genius, showing such respect and reverence to someone?

"Who on earth is that man?"

"Why is Shui Bing'er being so respectful to him?"

"Could he be someone from the Spirit Hall?"

"No idea, but it's certain that his identity is not simple."

Speculations ran wild among the crowd. Anyone who could stand beside Bibi Dong, the Holy Maiden of Spirit Hall, certainly had an extraordinary identity. But why would someone from Tianshui Academy, an academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, show such respect to someone from Spirit Hall?

This scene was also noted by Emperor Xue Ye, who was very curious about Su Bai's identity. Not only was he by Bibi Dong's side, but his relationship with her didn't seem like that of subordinates. Now, Shui Bing'er was showing him such respect. Su Bai's identity was truly a mystery.

Although Emperor Xue Ye was keen to ask Ning Fengzhi, the timing was clearly not right. He could only wait for a more private moment to inquire.

After bowing respectfully, Shui Bing'er spoke, "Once again, thank you, senior. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to obtain my ten-thousand-year fourth soul ring!"

Her words shocked Emperor Xue Ye. From Shui Bing'er's words, he could discern that her obtaining the ten-thousand-year fourth soul ring was due to Su Bai's assistance. Did he possess some special method to absorb soul rings beyond the typical limits? Historically, a Soul Master's fourth soul ring was at most a few thousand years old. A ten-thousand-year soul ring required at least a Soul King to absorb.

If they could learn this method from Su Bai, the strength of the Heaven Dou Empire could increase significantly.

Emperor Xue Ye was already contemplating how to win Su Bai over.

Su Bai observed the beautiful girl before him. Shui Bing'er was as captivating as ever, with her long blue hair and matching blue dress. The slight chill she exuded, combined with her elegant figure beneath the blue gown, was enough to stir one's imagination.

"To you, it might be a big deal, but to me, it was just a small effort. Don't dwell on it," Su Bai said with a smile.

"What might be a small effort to you, senior, was a significant event for me," Shui Bing'er responded seriously. She then smiled sweetly, "I thought I wouldn't see you again, senior. I'm so happy to meet you here."

Su Bai raised an eyebrow, instinctively asking, "How happy?"

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes. This guy was obviously asking knowingly. The young lady had already made her feelings clear, which was practically a confession. She couldn't believe Su Bai didn't get it. Another talented young girl had fallen for this guy. But what could she do? Su Bai was her man, and she had to let him be.

Shui Bing'er was taken aback, clearly not expecting Su Bai to respond that way. She bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, then made a bold move. She stepped closer, whispered a few words in Su Bai's ear, and then ran off blushing.

Su Bai blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected the seemingly shy Shui Bing'er to say something so bold. What she had whispered was her current address, the Rose Hotel, including the room number. Her meaning was unmistakable.

Should he go? Of course, he would go.

To go would be beastly, not to go would be less than beastly. Naturally, Su Bai decided to go. He had always been fond of Shui Bing'er. Her proactive approach saved him a lot of effort. Originally, he had planned to gradually win her over, but it seemed he had already captured her heart.

Su Bai's lips curled into a smile, prompting another playful pinch from Bibi Dong on his waist. But Su Bai remained unaffected. Such a small pain was nothing to him.


After the event, in the imperial garden of the Heaven Dou Palace, Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi were having tea.

Just after taking a sip, Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help but ask, "Sect Master Ning, do you know the identity of the man beside the Holy Maiden of Spirit Hall?"

"I do know a bit," Ning Fengzhi nodded. As the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, his intelligence network was even more extensive than the royal family's, due to their widespread business across the two empires.

"Who is he?" Emperor Xue Ye asked eagerly.

Ning Fengzhi sipped his tea and replied slowly, "His exact identity is unknown to me. I only know he is called Su Bai and doesn't belong to any faction. However, his strength is comparable to an Ultimate Douluo, perhaps even a Limit Douluo."

Ning Fengzhi had his own thoughts, so he didn't mention that his daughter, Ning Rongrong, was Su Bai's woman, nor that Su Bai was the master of the Dragon God Hall. He also perceived Emperor Xue Ye's intention to win Su Bai over, but he knew Su Bai would never join the Heaven Dou Empire.

Emperor Xue Ye was stunned. He hadn't expected such a young-looking man to be an Ultimate Douluo. No wonder Bibi Dong treated him differently. But precisely because of this, it would be challenging to win over such a powerful individual. People of his level were rarely interested in material offers.

Since it seemed impossible to win him over, the best approach was to show goodwill. Emperor Xue Ye decided that the next time he met Su Bai, he would express his goodwill, at least ensuring Su Bai would not become an enemy of the Heaven Dou Empire.


That night, in Bibi Dong's room, having just finished an intimate moment, Bibi Dong lay on Su Bai's chest, her face flushed, her perfect body tightly pressed against his. Her white skin was like mutton-fat jade.

After resting for a while, Su Bai got up to shower and change. He then told Bibi Dong, "Dong'er, I have something to handle. You should rest well."

"Oh, is it something to handle, or is it because someone invited you?" Bibi Dong gave him a knowing smile.

"Hehe!" Su Bai chuckled mischievously, "Dong'er, you know me well. How about we go a few more rounds?"

"No way!" Bibi Dong rolled her eyes, "I have work to do tomorrow. I can't handle your endless energy. Go find your beauty."

Despite her strong physique and being a 98th-level Titled Douluo, close to becoming an Ultimate Douluo, she still couldn't match Su Bai's stamina. Just one session had left her exhausted. Continuing would render her useless for tomorrow's work.

"Dong'er, you're the best!" Su Bai kissed her cheek before leaving.

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