Chapter 89: Su Bai: Xue Ke, I Like Pretty Ones

The palace was ablaze with lights, the grandeur evident in every corner. Emperor Xue Ye had spared no expense for this banquet, held specifically within the royal palace. His true intention was to win over Su Bai.

The celebration for others' achievements was merely a pretext.

The banquet was lavish, with a spacious hall filled with numerous tables. Emperor Xue Ye sat at the head, with Ning Fengzhi to his left and Su Bai to his right. Shui Bing'er and other academy members were seated further down on both sides.

Almost everyone of importance had attended. However, Bibi Dong was absent due to pressing matters.

Each table was laden with an array of delectable dishes and fine wines, leaving nothing to be desired. At Emperor Xue Ye's signal, the feast began, and the atmosphere became lively as everyone indulged in the food and drink.

Su Bai, however, sipped his wine leisurely, responding to Emperor Xue Ye's attempts at conversation with indifferent politeness. It was clear that Su Bai had little interest in small talk.

In truth, Su Bai found this event rather tedious. He would much rather be spending time with Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu.

Emperor Xue Ye noticed Su Bai's disinterest and clapped his hands. A group of dancers entered the hall, beginning to perform.

Suddenly, Su Bai's attention was piqued. Among the dancers was a young woman whose beauty rivaled that of Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu. Her aura of nobility set her apart from the others.

Su Bai immediately understood. This must be a princess of the royal family, given her refined demeanor.

"Tsk, tsk..." Su Bai thought, "Emperor Xue Ye will use any means to win me over. He must have noticed my relationships with Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er and decided to use beauty as a lure."

He couldn't help but admire the emperor's perceptiveness. Emperor Xue Ye certainly knew how to appeal to his preferences.

Seeing Su Bai's gaze fixed on his daughter, Emperor Xue Ye was pleased. He introduced her, saying, "Senior Su, this is my daughter, Xue Ke. She has been studying at Moon Pavilion. What do you think of her?"

Su Bai watched Xue Ke dance and nodded appreciatively. "Very nice," he replied.

Emperor Xue Ye beamed with satisfaction. As the dance ended, he beckoned Xue Ke to his side and introduced her, "Xue Ke, this is Senior Su."

Xue Ke, slightly taken aback, greeted Su Bai with a respectful bow, "Xue Ke greets Senior Su."

Su Bai nodded in acknowledgment. Xue Ke, intrigued by the man who held such a significant position, quickly deduced that he must be someone of great importance. Her father's intention to win over this powerful figure was clear.

With a charming smile, she offered Su Bai a toast, "Senior, may I offer you a toast? I hope you'll accept."

Su Bai, never one to refuse a beautiful woman's gesture, downed the drink in one go.

Emperor Xue Ye, seeing this, nodded in approval. His daughter had understood his intentions perfectly without needing further explanation. She was indeed his good daughter.

He added, "Xue Ke, you should spend more time learning from Senior Su. There is much you can gain from his experience."

Understanding her father's implicit message, Xue Ke blushed but agreed, "Yes, Father."

As the evening progressed, the banquet eventually came to an end, and the guests began to depart.

Emperor Xue Ye, however, had arranged for Su Bai to stay in the palace overnight. Su Bai was well aware of his intentions. A beauty offered willingly was not something he would refuse. Joining the Heaven Dou Empire, however, was out of the question. At most, he might say a kind word if Bibi Dong decided to take action against the empire.

Despite not being in a rush to consummate with Xue Ke, the gradual development of their relationship promised its own pleasures.

Later that night, in the study, Xue Ke stood before her father.

"My daughter, I'm sorry for putting you in this position," Emperor Xue Ye said with a sigh. "You know how precarious our situation is. The Spirit Hall watches us like a tiger ready to pounce. We must seize every opportunity to ally with powerful figures, even if it means some sacrifice on your part."

"Father, I do not feel wronged," Xue Ke replied earnestly, shaking her head. Born into royalty, she had always known that such a day would come. She just hadn't expected it to arrive so soon. "Is he really a Titled Douluo?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, then shook his head. "It's not just that simple. According to Ning Fengzhi, he is at least an Ultimate Douluo."

"What!" Xue Ke's eyes widened in shock. An Ultimate Douluo? And so young!

No wonder her father valued him so highly. The presence of an Ultimate Douluo could guarantee the future stability of the Heaven Dou Empire, perhaps even enough to deter the Spirit Hall and secure a safe future.

"Now you understand," Emperor Xue Ye continued. "If we can ally with him, our empire will be secure for many years. We'll have the time to cultivate more strong individuals. Even the Spirit Hall won't dare to challenge us."

Xue Ke nodded solemnly, "Father, don't worry. I understand what needs to be done."

"My good daughter," Emperor Xue Ye sighed, "I'm sorry to ask this of you."

"I do not feel wronged," Xue Ke insisted, shaking her head. After a few more words of encouragement, she left the study.

Instead of returning to her quarters, Xue Ke made her way to Su Bai's residence. As a princess, she had always known her life choices were limited, often dictated by royal duties. Marrying for the sake of the kingdom was a given. But choosing Su Bai, a powerful and handsome Ultimate Douluo, as her partner was far more appealing than any other political marriage.

Determined, she walked confidently to Su Bai's quarters.

"Senior," she called softly upon arriving, finding Su Bai in the courtyard, sipping tea as if waiting for her.

Turning at her voice, Su Bai smiled, "Did Emperor Xue Ye send you?"

After a brief hesitation, Xue Ke nodded honestly. Lying would be futile in front of such a powerful figure. It was better to be upfront, even if it meant risking rejection.

Su Bai stood and walked over, wrapping an arm around Xue Ke's slender waist, pulling her close. Her delicate features were highlighted under the moonlight—an exquisite nose, fair skin, bright eyes, and a graceful figure that spoke of nobility.

Her face flushed as she found herself in Su Bai's embrace, surprised by his directness. Though prepared for this encounter, she still felt a wave of nervousness.

Trying to maintain her composure, she asked, "Senior, what kind of woman do you like?"

Su Bai chuckled, "As long as they're pretty, I like them."

Hearing this, Xue Ke felt a surge of happiness. Su Bai found her attractive; otherwise, he wouldn't have embraced her so readily. Compliments from such a powerful man gave her a sense of accomplishment.

However, her thoughts were interrupted as Su Bai's hands began to roam over her body, making her blush deeper, her eyes filled with a mix of shyness and excitement.

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