Chapter 63 : Elias of the "Now"

Lady Selene began walking, and Elias followed beside her, "You won't offer me your hand?" She asked

"My hand? No thanks, I like having my hand," Elias said flatly

Lady Selene paused then burst out laughing, she giggled like a teenage girl, "You're silly, I didn't mean it literally. Have you never walked with a Lady before?" She asked

"It seems the matter you wish to discuss with me is not as pressing as you suggested if you have the time to make jest of me," He deadpanned

She stifled her laughter and cleared her throat with the grace of a seasoned lady of high society that she was, "Here," she took a hold of his hand and then inserted her hand between his arm and body, "That's how it's done. When walking with a lady, you offer her your hand, walk on her left, and match her pace."

"Thank you…" Elias said, "Now to the matter you wish to discuss with me,"

"You're an impatient man, Elias Ashdown," she said