Florian the Green Thumb

Xander kept his pace as he made his way one layer down. His mind was racing. He checked his pocket and rubbed the reformed Jade back in his hand. Grant was a fool. More than that, a suicidal maniac.

Lives are precious. It's a one and done deal

Sacrifices are reckless and dangerous. He liked everything he had and he hated giving things up. River sometimes called him a hoarder because of that. But he didn't care.

If he liked something, he would keep it close to him as long as possible. Because he loved his life more than anything, he would keep it as close to him as possible. As long he was alive, that would be enough for him, because then he would be happy.

That was really the only thing that mattered.

Xander fiddled with the Jade in his left pocket, rolling it between his fingers as he calmed himself down. He would have time to worry about Grant later, and there was still time. At least that's what Grant claimed. All Xander had to focus on was visiting the lifeblood of the Layer market.

And then he would help Grant.

On the upper layers, people lived peaceful lives, content with earning just enough to have a bit of disposable income. However, it's the underworld that contained the only medium for elevation, a chance to become powerful and rich. It was a breeding ground for dark ambitions and self-destruction

There was something about the depths of the kingdom that drew the unsavory toward them. Looking around, Xander saw the atmosphere of L5. Though the people on the upper layers were rude and abrasive, they were not depraved. It was a stark contrast to what L5 contained.

Signs hung outside of flashy buildings advertising any ware and service that could be feasible. Bright iridescent lights from expensive light bulbs shined across the buildings creating a mixture of yellow and pink colors from every direction. From brothels, pubs, loan, pawn shops, and the occasional 'hospital', each of these buildings had deep ties in the art of scamming and deceit.

Women went around talking to delirious men who wanted a distraction from their life. With a playboy expression on their face, some men walked around, women between his arms as the cakey figures drained the men of their finances and savings.

Xander spotted, between addictive apothecaries and expensive stalls, some shady men selling necklaces, rings, and bracelets calling out to pedestrians in a croaky voice about their deal. To get customers to buy their wares, they slipped bracelets onto their wrists as a favor and then soon demanding immediate payment. In toothy grins they complimented, persuaded, and serenaded their customers, weaving incredible tales about their power.

Obviously they were fake, probably mass produced with rocks found in the mines, or someone had artificially made them sparkle and shine. Of course, under further inspection, their luster would fade, leaving buyers with dull rocks.

When Xander was ten, he was scammed countless times by merchants and peddlers after they knew he was a stranger. Grimacing, he remembered how he bought bread that turned out to be covered in mold once it entered his mouth, causing him to vomit out his guts in the communal bathroom.

He still ate the rest of it begrudgingly while sitting inside of the bathroom. His neighbors yelled at him for a few nights after that.

When he tried to find a present for Lady Fortune in L5, he bought his wares from one of these merchants. Got what he thought was a pretty bracelet which seemed like a good present. The merchant told him it was 'made of the finest pearls in the world' and 'once it was fully developed, it would turn into diamonds'. He paid a few silver for the bracelet and ran home with a smile on his face.

With little more to say, his thank-you gift out to be made of a series of scratched and common balls of silver. Lady Fortune still liked it though (at least he though she was happy from under that mask of hers). She rubbed him on the head before leaving for another six months.

Xander stopped remembering his past as he looked at a small building in front of him. There were stairs leading up from the ground to a plain oak door. Built on a concrete foundation, green vines leapt out of the open window panes spilling out to the sidewalk. Looking at the sign sticking out of the building, Xander read and double-checked mentally, "The Emperor's Greenhouse".

Sighing, he looked around cautiously and opened the door.

A bell rang from over him as he gazed around at the assortment of different herbs and gadgets around the place. Jars were marked and organized by their effects. Green flowers and blue moss were scattered on wooden shelves, some glowing ominously.

Xander squinted his eyes and wiped away some of the tears in his eyes. Coughing into his arm, he said, "Florian. You in here?"

From the back of the store came the sound of a flowerpot breaking and the sound of a youthful voice cursing. Emerging from the oak door was a young blond man, dressed in a leather apron and gardener gloves on both hands. A pair of green bracelets rested on his left arm. Peeking from behind his apron was a glimmer of a red mark near the clavicle of his neck.

Wiping himself down, Florian smiled.

"Xander, how have you been!"

Xander averted his eyes away from the sight.

*Why does he have to be so bright today...*

Physically, they were clearly different. Florian had flawless skin and blonde hair that reached down to his shoulders. Blue eyes that seemed to pierce through the gray sky of the Layers into the real blue atmosphere. He was like one of those Prince Charming looking characters that he used to read to River.

Even after working on the garden for most of his life, he still retained that natural skinny look that drew the affection of many in the Layer. From the times Xander visited, he often saw young girls staring through the windows of the greenhouse to catch a glimpse of the celebrity.

Compared to Xander, he was a star in the sky. It was probably why he didn't need the sun for his plants.

Xander's tan skin and his dark brown hair was a direct contrast to Florian, and his ruby colored eyes made him always feel like an accompanying piece to Florian, in the sense that it made Florian look even better compared to him.

"You should check out some of these specimens I grew in the back. They're a crossbreed between a strain of daisies and a bioluminescent petunia, and they make the greatest glimpses of white light in the dark. I'm thinking of placing them outside of the store to add to the atmosphere. Do you think that'll look good? Anyways, the carnivorous pure breed I told you about a while ago..."

Florian rambled on about his hobby to Xander as he took off his apron and gloves. Despite being so... perfect, Florian had a singular interest. Working in his greenhouse, he spent day and night experimenting and cross gathering, only going outside for necessities and to find new seeds. In other words, he was a hermit, but for some reason, that only made his fans go crazier.

Life really was unfair.

"Very interesting. You know what I'm here for, so let's make it quick."

Xander coughed as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a brown bag.

"You're so boring Xander. It's always business with you. Can't you enjoy some small talk? What is it now? A magical device? Someone's wallet? God forbid you get something that you honestly worked for."

"Shut it. We can talk when I feel like it."

"You're in such a bad mood today."

Florian sighed as he turned around to admire a purple plant's leaves. Florian didn't actually make a lot of money selling his flowers and plants. There wasn't much demand for them because they were hard to take care of without the proper equipment, them being underground.

So how was Florian able to pay for what he needed? Xander tried asking Florian about it directly, but he always rolled his eyes and ignored the question. The only thing Xander knew for sure about Florian's background was that he had an excess of money and connections to the black market.

For better or for worse, Florian was the only surefire connection to earn some money.

"How much."

Xander planted it on the wooden counter and unraveled the string holding the bag together. Florian turned around and his pupils widened.

*Finally, something shuts him up*

The Jade was now a good bit bigger than before. It was now a little bigger than the size of Xander's hand. The enigmatic green glow adopted a more intriguing atmosphere. Xander noticed how it was more, entrancing, like the night sky.

"Xander. Where did you get this?"

Florian had a serious expression on his face as he looked at the Jade.

"Does it matter? I just want to get rid of this as soon as possible." 

Florian grimaced as he stared at Xander with concerned eyes.

"Are you sure you're safe? No one was following you, right? Were you hurt?"

Seriously. That look on his face would bring the entire Layer to its knees.

"Why the hell are you so worried? I'm fine."

"...okay. Just... be careful."

Florian turned his head away and began rummaging through the little cashier he had. Xander took a little curious peek in the register. Glimmers of gold and silver were revealed, along with some paper notes in use by foreign kingdoms. It was extravagant.

"Jades are hard to sell, Xander. There aren't enough buyers in the running for a Jade. They're useless useless beyond their owner."

Florian put in a few different coins in the bag while muttering to himself in another language. Xander didn't recognize it, but that was natural.

New people came from all over the world to arrive at the Kingdom of Promise for something better. After traveling through the most dangerous parts of the world, the Kingdom needed to expand downwards to keep up with all the demand.

"But, for the customers who want Jades, they are willing to pay a hefty sum. A matter of supply and demand. No one wants to give up their Jade."

"There are people who would kill, Xander."

Florian wrapped up the coins in a bag and looked directly in Xander's eyes with a somber look in his eyes.

"If you and River ever need help or a place to stay if things get dicey, I can-"

Florian was far too kind. It was a good thing he liked plants more than people.

"We won't need it. I promise."

Xander took the bag while facing away from Florian. He was too bright to stare at. He looked inside and saw five gold coins and some silver. It was more than what was needed.

Xander coughed into his sleeve and started to move toward the door.


From the corner of his eyes, Xander spotted Florian's blue eyes staring at Xander's back with a look of pity.

"Xander, you're always welcome here. Stop by for a chat every once in a while. You could help me in the greenhouse if you want some honest cash! Bring River too!"

"I'll think about it."

Xander opened the door and stepped through the entrance bringing him back to the layer. Stepping down the steps to the florist, he sighed and sneezed into his arm.

He rubbed the ring in his pocket to still his mind. Feeling the new weight in his pockets, he smiled softly. The past day was far too turbulent for him to calm his mind.

Maybe, at least now, everything would calm down.